Jeff Dean (Google Senior Fellow) – Deep Learning to Solve Challenging Problems | Google for Developers India (Apr 2018)


00:00:05 Machine Learning and AI Research at Google Bangalore
00:06:33 Evolution of Deep Learning: From Rebranding to Revolutionizing AI
00:12:12 Advances in Neural Networks and Their Applications
00:14:58 Transformative Applications of Machine Learning in Science and Medicine
00:23:33 Automating Machine Learning with Neural Architecture Search
00:30:51 Specialized Devices for Neural Net Computation
00:34:48 Challenges and Techniques in Medical Image AI
00:39:26 Challenges and Strategies for Machine Learning in Healthcare


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Revolutionizing the Future: Insights from Google’s Workshop on the Impact of Machine Learning and AI

The recent workshop hosted by Google in Bangalore brought together luminaries and experts from both academia and industry, focusing on the groundbreaking advancements in Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Key highlights included a keynote address by Jeff Dean, a deep dive into the paradigm shift brought about by deep learning, and significant discussions on neural networks, computer vision, and the transformative potential of ML in various domains including healthcare, automotive, and scientific research. Central to these discussions were the roles of TensorFlow, advanced computational techniques, and the challenges and future prospects in the field.


Anand Rangarajan, Site Lead for Google Bangalore, welcomes the participants and highlights the significance of the workshop. Pankaj Gupta, Engineering Director at Google Bangalore, introduces himself and his role in the workshop. Jeff Dean, Google Senior Fellow and Leader of the Google Brain Team, is introduced as the keynote speaker. A video showcasing TensorFlow, an open-source ML system developed by Google, is played. The event was structured to ignite collaborative efforts in the rapidly evolving spheres of ML and AI.


The workshop’s structure was conducive to knowledge sharing and interaction, featuring concise talks, Q&A sessions, and networking opportunities during breaks, where attendees engaged with innovative research showcased by PhD students.

Keynote Address by Jeff Dean

Google’s Jeff Dean emphasized the transformative impact of deep learning across multiple areas such as speech recognition and computer vision. He underscored Google’s commitment to open-source projects, particularly TensorFlow, which democratizes access to Google’s internal ML systems.

The Rise of Deep Learning

Deep learning, essentially a modern interpretation of neural networks, has seen exponential growth. It’s now the backbone of various applications like image classification and language processing, thanks to increased computational power and advancements in algorithms.

Deep learning has gained significant interest in recent years, rebranding the concept of artificial neural networks. The field has witnessed exponential growth in research and publications, surpassing Moore’s law in computational performance. Neural networks have been around since the 1970s and 80s. The idea behind neural networks involves learning complex functions through layers that recognize features and patterns at progressively higher levels of abstraction. Early layers learn primitive features, which are combined to create more complex patterns. Given sufficient training data, neural networks can learn various functions:

– Image Classification: Predicting categorical labels for objects in images.

– Speech Recognition: Transcribing audio waveforms into speech transcripts.

– Machine Translation: Translating sentences from one language to another.

– Image Captioning: Generating English sentences describing the content of images.

Factors Behind the Recent Surge:

– Availability of Computational Power: In the past, neural networks required extensive computation, limiting their practical applications. Moore’s law has significantly increased computational capabilities, enabling the training of larger and more complex neural networks.

– Advances in Algorithms and Architectures: Researchers have developed new algorithms and architectures that improve the efficiency and accuracy of neural networks. These advancements have made neural networks more effective for solving real-world problems.

– Availability of Large Datasets: The availability of large datasets, such as ImageNet, has facilitated the training of neural networks with millions of parameters. These datasets have enabled neural networks to achieve state-of-the-art performance on various tasks.

Neural Networks: A Dominant Force

The supremacy of neural networks in problem-solving was highlighted, noting their effectiveness in environments where computational power is continually expanding. Their application has dramatically evolved computer vision, reducing error rates in major challenges like the ImageNet competition. The initial expectation was that neural networks would require a 50-60x speed boost. However, the actual need turned out to be a million-fold increase in computation. With this newfound computational power, neural networks have become the optimal solution for numerous problems. In 2011, the ImageNet Challenge winner did not utilize neural networks and achieved a 26% error rate. Fast forward to 2016, neural networks dominated the competition, with the best models achieving a 3% error rate, surpassing human performance. This remarkable progress in computer vision has opened up new possibilities for vision-based applications.

Medical Imaging, Healthcare Prediction, Chemical Properties, and Scientific Discovery: Transforming Healthcare and Research

Machine learning is making significant strides in transforming healthcare and scientific research. In medical imaging, computer vision models can accurately grade diabetic retinopathy, outperforming human ophthalmologists. New biomarkers discovered from retinal images provide insights into cardiovascular risk. Deep learning models can predict future health events based on medical record data, enabling earlier prediction of mortality risk and guiding doctors in prioritizing patient care. Neural networks can accurately predict molecular properties, such as binding affinities and toxicity, which is 300,000 times faster than traditional chemical simulators. Improvements in scientific tools and methods are also transforming research, leading to new discoveries and a better understanding of the world.

Grand Engineering Challenges and ML

The workshop touched upon the significant role of ML in addressing the grand engineering challenges outlined by the US National Academy of Engineering, with a special focus on self-driving cars, health informatics, and quantum chemistry. The US National Academy of Engineering’s list of grand engineering challenges for the 21st century provides a framework for discussing machine learning’s potential contributions. The speaker intends to focus on a few highlighted challenges, but believes machine learning can play a significant role in all of them. Machine learning has the potential to drive progress on a wide range of societal challenges, leading to a better and healthier world.

TensorFlow: Making ML Accessible

TensorFlow, as a testament to Google’s ethos of open-source collaboration, has become a staple in the ML community. It enables rapid implementation of ML concepts and fosters a growing community of contributors and developers.

TensorFlow is a second-generation open-source system for expressing machine learning research ideas and quickly obtaining results. The community has used it for various purposes, including image recognition and natural language processing.

Automating ML with Neural Architecture Search

The workshop delved into the burgeoning field of automating ML, specifically neural architecture search. This approach uses model-generating models to design network architectures, showing promising results in image recognition tasks.

Neural architecture search automates the process of designing deep learning models by generating and evaluating different architectures using reinforcement learning. It can discover models that achieve state-of-the-art results on various tasks, including image recognition and language modeling.

Computation: The Heart of ML Progress

Addressing the computational demands of ML, the workshop discussed the significance of function approximation and generalization in neural networks. It also introduced the concept of reduced precision in computations, enabling faster processing with minimal accuracy loss.

Deep neural networks and machine learning are producing significant breakthroughs that are solving and will solve some of the world’s grand challenges. Reduced precision for computations in neural networks is generally fine, allowing for faster computations with specialized devices. Tensor processing units (TPUs) are specialized devices designed for neural net training and inference, providing high-performance low-precision computation. TPUs are available externally through cloud products and to researchers committed to open machine learning research. The second generation TPU provides 180 teraflops of computation and 64 gigabytes of high-speed memory. Pods of 64 TPUs deliver 11 and a half petaflops of low-precision computation, comparable to the number 10 supercomputer in the world. TPUs are available through cloud products, allowing users to rent time on virtual machines with attached TPUs. Researchers committed to open machine learning research can apply for access to about a thousand TPUs by submitting a proposal. Researchers are encouraged to use TPUs to solve challenging problems and publish their work.

TPUs: Pioneering ML Hardware

Google’s Tensor Processing Units (TPUs) were presented as a breakthrough in ML hardware, offering high computational performance and memory bandwidth, essential for neural network training and inference.

TPUs are available externally through cloud products and to researchers committed to open machine learning research. The second-generation TPU provides 180 teraflops of computation and 64 gigabytes of high-speed memory. Pods of 64 TPUs deliver 11 and a half petaflops of low-precision computation, comparable to the number 10 supercomputer in the world. TPUs are available through cloud products, allowing users to rent time on virtual machines with attached TPUs. Researchers committed to open machine learning research can apply for access to about a thousand TPUs by submitting a proposal. Researchers are encouraged to use TPUs to solve challenging problems and publish their work.

Challenges and Innovations in Medical AI

The workshop highlighted the challenges in medical AI, such as data imbalance and regulatory hurdles. Strategies like enriching training sets, adjusting background probability, and controlling false positive rates were discussed alongside clinical applications and the necessity of explainability in AI. Collaborations with healthcare providers and leveraging large de-identified datasets were suggested as solutions to overcome data limitations and privacy concerns in healthcare ML. The potential for rapid adoption of ML in healthcare was underscored, given its high accuracy in outcome predictions.

Challenges of Class Imbalance:

– In medical AI, class imbalance is a common issue, where the number of false positives often exceeds true positives.

– This challenge arises due to the rarity of certain conditions, leading to an imbalanced distribution of data.

Overcoming Class Imbalance:

– To address class imbalance, the training set can be enriched to include more balanced coverage of both rare and common conditions.

– Adjusting the background probability during training and correcting for this adjustment during testing can further improve accuracy.

– Thresholding techniques can be employed to control the trade-off between false positives and false negatives.

Clinical Trials and Patient Treatment:

– Clinical trials have been conducted in India in collaboration with the Aravind Eye Hospital network, using a deep learning model for diabetic retinopathy.

– The model has been integrated into patient treatment, demonstrating its practical application in healthcare.

Explainability in AI and Machine Learning:

– Explainability is a crucial aspect in certain domains, particularly in healthcare, where understanding the reasoning behind predictions is essential.

– Interpretable models provide insights into why certain predictions are made, making them more actionable and usable for medical practitioners.

Interpretability of Medical Images:

– Research is ongoing to develop interpretable medical image models.

– These models can identify specific regions of interest in medical images and explain their relevance to the predictions made.

–, a website managed by Jeff Dean’s colleagues, publishes articles on interpretability techniques for visual models.

Challenges in Health Tech Startups:

– Health tech startups often face the challenge of limited volume and quality of annotated medical data compared to other fields like image processing or automated driving.

– Collaboration with medical practitioners is crucial to ensure the adoption and usefulness of AI-based technologies in healthcare.


The Google workshop in Bangalore illuminated the profound impact and future potential of ML and AI. It showcased the synergy between computational advances, algorithmic innovations, and domain-specific applications, affirming the pivotal role of these technologies in shaping our future across various sectors.

Challenges and Strategies for Machine Learning in Healthcare:

Data Volume and Accuracy:

– Healthcare organizations often have modest data volumes, making it difficult to achieve high accuracy in machine learning models.

Regulatory Challenges:

– In the United States, deploying machine learning models in healthcare requires FDA approval, posing additional challenges.

Privacy Concerns:

– People have valid concerns about the privacy of their healthcare data, which must be addressed when using machine learning.

De-Identified Datasets:

– Partnerships with healthcare providers involve de-identifying datasets to protect patient privacy while enabling research.

Showing High Accuracy:

– Demonstrating high accuracy in predicting outcomes excites healthcare organizations and facilitates further collaboration.

Next Steps and Deployment:

– Successful adoption requires determining the next steps, such as deployment strategies, data collection, and labeling.

Rapid Adoption and Success:

– Overcoming challenges and implementing effective strategies can lead to rapid adoption and success of machine learning in healthcare.

Notes by: WisdomWave