George Soros (Soros Fund Management Founder) – The Tragedy of the European Union (Sep 2012)


00:00:00 Uniting or Dividing Europe: The Future of the Eurozone
00:15:04 Germany's Role in the Eurozone Crisis: Leave or Lead
00:23:50 European Debt Crisis: Germany's Concerns and Potential Solutions
00:27:09 The Eurozone Crisis: Deflation, Draghi, and the Need for Fiscal
00:35:43 Debating the Future of the Eurozone
00:45:41 German Participation and the Euro Crisis
00:52:08 Navigating the Eurozone Crisis: Structural Reforms and Counter-Cyclical Policies
00:57:00 Economic Competitiveness and Southern European Nations
01:06:35 Economic Competitiveness and Political Risk in Europe
01:10:22 Germany's Role in the Euro Crisis and European Union
01:15:37 German Attitudes on European Fiscal Policy
01:26:20 European Market Regulation Following the German EU Presidency


The Eurozone Crisis: Navigating Troubled Waters Towards Recovery


The Eurozone crisis, a defining chapter in recent European history, showcases the intricate interplay between economic policies, political decisions, and their far-reaching consequences. This crisis, characterized by the stark divide between creditor and debtor nations, especially Germany and Southern European states, has led Europe to a perilous juncture. The austerity measures, structural reforms, and the roles of key players like Germany, the European Central Bank (ECB), and influential figures like George Soros have significantly contributed to this unfolding narrative. This article explores Soros’s perspectives and other expert views, delving into the crisis’s roots, the contentious policies, and the potential paths to recovery, emphasizing the urgency of decisive action and collaboration within the Eurozone.

Introduction: The Eurozone’s Precarious Balance

The Eurozone crisis has revealed a deep divide within Europe, pitting creditor countries like Germany against debtor nations. This schism has birthed austerity measures that have intensified the recession, potentially leading to a looming depression. The crisis, however, transcends mere economics, delving into a political and social quagmire that threatens the very fabric of the European Union (EU).

George Soros’s Presentation on the Euro Crisis and His Proposed Solution

George Soros expressed grave concerns regarding the ongoing euro crisis and its potential to dismantle the European Union. He stressed the critical need for a lasting solution to address the division between creditor and debtor nations. Soros criticized the policy of fiscal retrenchment amidst rising unemployment, stating that it is counterproductive and driving Europe into a prolonged depression. Additionally, he expressed apprehension that the schism of Europe into creditor and debtor nations could lead to political revolt and the ultimate breakup of the Eurozone, destroying both the common market and the European Union.

The German Dilemma: Lead or Leave

Germany’s pivotal role in the Eurozone mirrors the influence of the United States post-World War II. As the dominant creditor, Germany faces a crucial choice: lead the Eurozone toward recovery or exit the Euro, potentially restoring competitiveness to debtor countries. George Soros, an esteemed investor and thinker, draws parallels between Germany’s current situation and the Marshall Plan era, urging Germany to shoulder more responsibility commensurate with its economic strength. Soros acknowledges, however, the apprehension among the German public about further sacrifices for European unity. The fear of inflation, rooted in historical experiences, stands in stark contrast to the present threat of deflation, a point Soros emphasizes in his investment strategies.

Müller’s Perspective: German Concerns and the Euro’s Stability

Jonas Müller, a German economic expert, sheds light on the German public’s apprehension about further sacrifices for European unity. The fear of inflation, rooted in historical experiences, contrasts with the current threat of deflation, a point Soros underscores in his investment strategies. Müller’s analysis complements Soros’s by offering insights into the domestic political dynamics shaping Germany’s stance on the Eurozone crisis. Müller emphasizes the significance of regulatory action by Germany concerning the markets and advocates for a European banking regulation system to maintain the integrity of the Euro.

Draghi’s Role and the Democratic Deficit

ECB President Mario Draghi’s significant influence, particularly through the bond-buying program, raises concerns regarding democratic accountability. Soros advocates for a fiscal authority to complement the ECB, ensuring a more balanced approach to managing the Eurozone’s economic challenges.

Solutions and Challenges: Debt Reduction and Market Realities

The proposed Debt Reduction Fund and cessation of austerity measures are critical steps towards leveling the playing field. However, the irrational behavior of markets, influenced by fear and mistrust, complicates the implementation of such measures. Merkel’s leadership style, characterized by following rather than shaping public opinion, adds another layer of complexity to crisis resolution.

The Division of the Eurozone: A Dual Currency Prospect?

The idea of splitting the Eurozone into a Latin Euro and a Northern Bloc aligns with certain political aspirations, including those of France. This division could potentially balance German dominance and lead to more equitable economic conditions across Europe. Soros posits that if Germany were to leave the Eurozone, the euro would depreciate, allowing debtor countries to regain competitiveness, reduce their debt burden, and escape the threat of default.

Concluding Thoughts: The Path to Recovery

The Eurozone crisis, while formidable, is not insurmountable. The recent progress towards a banking union and Draghi’s interventions offer a glimmer of hope. Yet, as Soros and other experts argue, a more comprehensive approach encompassing structural reforms, counter-cyclical policies, and genuine leadership commitment is essential to steer Europe away from prolonged stagnation and towards sustainable recovery. The crisis’s duration and complexity mirror historical precedents like the Latin American lost decade and Japan’s prolonged stagnation. To avoid a similar fate, the Eurozone must adopt a multifaceted strategy that addresses not only the economic but also the political and social dimensions of this crisis. Germany’s role, both as a leader and a partner, remains pivotal to this endeavor. The choices made in the coming months will shape not only the Eurozone’s future but also the broader trajectory of European integration and global economic stability.

Supplemental Insights and Analysis:

Bundesbank’s Approach to Stability:

The Bundesbank’s interpretation of stability solely focuses on combating inflation, neglecting the perils of deflation. This narrow perspective differs from central banks worldwide that have acknowledged deflation risks and implemented quantitative easing measures.

Role of the ECB and Democratic Control:

Mario Draghi’s actions as ECB President have elevated him to the position of the most powerful politician in Europe, besides Angela Merkel. This raises concerns in Germany about the lack of democratic control over the ECB and its policies.

Need for a Fiscal Authority:

The current stop-gap solution, where the ECB acts without a proper fiscal authority, is inadequate. A comprehensive currency requires both a central bank and a fiscal authority working in cooperation.

EZB and ESM Connection:

Within the EZB, there is an ongoing debate about the extent of the connection between the EZB’s actions and the ESM. It remains unclear whether countries seeking EZB bond buying must first seek assistance from the ESM. Draghi’s declaration implies a conditionality on the EFSF program.

Fiscal Authority and Debt Reduction Fund:

A fiscal authority is essential to address moral hazard concerns. The proposed Debt Reduction Fund is a means to penalize countries that defy the rules.

Political Union and Eurozone Split:

A gradual movement towards fiscal and political union is perceived as necessary. Rebuilding trust among member states poses challenges. Splitting the Eurozone into a debtors’ euro and a creditors’ Deutschmark may be a potential solution.

Schuld and German Responsibility:

In German, “Schuld” has the dual meaning of guilt and debt. There is an argument that Germany has a responsibility to either save Europe or leave the Eurozone. However, questioning German guilt for issues like Greek corruption and Spanish banking problems is also valid.

Market Fundamentalism and the 2008 Crash:

Market fundamentalism and the belief that markets always tend towards equilibrium are critiqued. The private sector’s proneness to instability is recognized. The 2008 crash exemplifies the failure of market fundamentalism.

Concerns about Deflation:

The German fear of inflation is misplaced. Deflation poses a greater threat. Convincing the German public and Spiegel about the significance of deflation has proven challenging.

Germany’s Ongoing Debate:

Soros acknowledges the ongoing debate in Germany, considering it more informed than discussions he has engaged in America. He expresses hope that presenting a coherent case to the German public will lead to their acceptance of necessary changes.

Germany’s Role and Approach:

Lothar Hart, a participant, argues against the portrayal that Germany is doing nothing to support the euro. Soros clarifies that Germany has undertaken the minimum necessary to hold the euro together, which is insufficient and counterproductive.

The Need for Maximum Effort and Growth:

Soros emphasizes the importance of striving for maximum effort in resolving the crisis, rather than settling for the minimum. A comprehensive approach with higher potential liability would ultimately result in no loss due to nominal growth and debt reduction.

Policy Issues:

Soros highlights the counterproductive nature of Germany’s policies, leading to a worsening situation. He stresses that Germany’s dictation of policy would be acceptable if it were productive and led to a solution.

The Role of Structural Reforms:

Soros acknowledges the necessity of structural reforms in individual countries, such as in social security and labor markets. However, he emphasizes that structural reforms alone are insufficient and must be accompanied by addressing the fundamental flaws in the euro’s structure.

Duration of the Crisis:

In response to a question, Soros states that the duration of the crisis hinges on the implementation of structural reforms. With reforms, a positive scenario could emerge within a reasonable timeframe; without reforms, the crisis would be prolonged.

Missed Opportunity:

Soros believes that if Germany had taken more proactive measures, such as reducing risk premiums through the ECB’s bond-buying plan, Italy could have seen significant reforms and opportunities.

Germany’s Leadership Potential:

Soros suggests that if Germany assumed a more prominent leadership role by sharing burdens and risking its own credit, it could emerge as the leader of Europe, similar to the United States’ position as the leader of the free world.

Challenges to German Leadership:

However, Soros acknowledges that Germany’s leadership aspirations face growing challenges due to prevailing negative sentiments and mistrust among European countries.

Risks of Deflation and Housing Bubble in Berlin:

Soros expresses concerns about the danger of deflation in Germany and the possibility of a housing bubble developing in Berlin. He attributes this to the flight of capital and negative real interest rates.

Political Consequences of Germany Leaving the Euro:

Soros predicts that if Germany leaves the Euro, it will lead to the eventual breakup of the European Union. Müller emphasizes that Germany’s exit would require a treaty and cooperation with other countries, resulting in an orderly separation.

Positive Developments:

Soros acknowledges positive developments, such as recognizing the link between the banking crisis and sovereign debt crisis, and the move towards a banking union. He highlights the effectiveness of the ECB’s risk premium lid against speculation.

Challenges and Solutions:

Soros suggests that Europe could work itself out if it implements a debt reduction fund, stops pushing debtor countries into deeper debt, and avoids disorderly separation. He emphasizes the need for an orderly separation if Germany leaves the Euro, which would involve interest rate adjustments and cooperation with other countries.

Banking Union: A Crucial Step:

Soros advocates for a European banking regulation system to maintain the integrity of the Euro. He highlights the negative consequences of national regulators’ divergent approaches, leading to national silos and disruptions in the banking system. Interbank transactions have come to a standstill due to regulatory challenges.

Progress in Banking Regulation:

Soros acknowledges the ongoing efforts towards a banking union, describing it as a positive development.

Finnish Central Banker’s Recommendations:

Soros mentions the upcoming report by the Finnish central banker to Commissioner Barnier, proposing a regulatory framework that combines elements from the Vickers Commission in England and the Volcker rules in America.

Notes by: Alkaid