George Box (UNC Chapel Hill Professor) – Rethinking Statistics for Quality Control (Dec 2018)


00:00:07 Rethinking Statistics for Quality Control
00:05:25 Plotting and Analyzing Process Data
00:10:02 Control Chart Misapplications: Common Causes, Transitory Causes, and Permanent Common Causes
00:15:06 Understanding Non-Stationary Processes and Their Implications
00:18:40 Exponentially Weighted Moving Averages for Non-Stationary Processes
00:28:30 Explaining Statistical Monitoring and Adjustment Charts
00:30:31 Understanding Proportional Integral Derivative Control for Engineering Process Regulation
00:43:33 Drifting Processes and the Need for Adjustments
00:48:31 The Nature of Common and Special Causes in Process Innovation
00:57:22 Insights from an 89 Year Old Scholar


Rethinking Statistics for Quality: A Comprehensive Analysis of Dr. George Box’s Contributions and Innovations


Dr. George Box, a renowned expert in statistics with a distinguished career, stands as a luminary in the field of quality control. As the first chair of the Statistics Department at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, he laid the groundwork for a paradigm shift in statistics’ role in quality management. Numerous awards and accolades adorn his career, solidifying his legacy as a groundbreaking innovator.

This article delves into Dr. Box’s insightful contributions to quality control charts, sufficient statistics, and the practical applications of his theories in modern statistical practices. By exploring the evolution of statistical methods from traditional approaches to more nuanced models, such as the Exponential Weighted Moving Average (EWMA), we highlight the significance of Dr. Box’s work in redefining quality control and process management.

Speaker Introduction

Dr. George Box, an expert in statistics with a distinguished career, brought forward-thinking concepts to the forefront of quality control. His illustrious career, decorated with numerous accolades, laid the foundation for a comprehensive rethinking of statistics’ role in quality management.

Historical Context and Evolution of Quality Control

Initially overlooked, Dr. Box’s 1962 advocacy for integrating control engineering with statistics has experienced a resurgence of interest. This renewed focus underscores a shift from conventional quality control methods towards a more dynamic approach that acknowledges the limitations of traditional control charts. Conventional control charts often assume data independence, overlooking the dependencies prevalent in process data.

Sufficient Statistics: A Core Concept

Dr. Box’s emphasis on sufficient statistics, introduced by R.A. Fisher, forms the cornerstone of his methodology. In cases like a normal distribution with independent observations, using the sample mean and standard deviation as sufficient statistics becomes instrumental in making accurate inferences about a population.

The Critical Role of Plotting Data

Plotting data is a central tenet of process data analysis, offering a visual means to identify patterns, trends, and deviations. This approach is pivotal in understanding the limitations of traditional control charts and recognizing the need for methodologies that account for data dependencies.

Identifying Issues with Traditional Control Charts

A startling revelation comes from a study by Alwyn and Roberts, highlighting that over 85% of control charts in training manuals for Statistical Process Control (SPC) exhibited misplaced control limits. This points to a profound misunderstanding in their application. Real-world data often violates the assumptions upon which traditional control charts are constructed.

Common Causes and Special Causes

Understanding the fundamental difference between common causes (inherent noise factors) and special causes (identifiable factors causing significant changes) is paramount in quality control. Muth’s model further refines this distinction by categorizing common causes into transient and permanent types.

Central Limit Theorem and Non-Stationarity

The application of the central limit theorem, which suggests that the cumulative effect of common causes often results in a normal distribution, is contrasted with the concept of non-stationarity. Non-stationary behavior, where processes exhibit drifting means, presents unique challenges in process control.

Stationarity vs. Non-Stationarity

Stationary processes exhibit a fixed mean and a constant variance over time, making them predictable. In contrast, non-stationary processes lack a fixed mean and exhibit a wandering or drifting behavior, rendering them unpredictable.

Causes of Non-Stationarity

External factors, such as changes in the environment or economic conditions, can induce non-stationarity in a process. Internal factors, such as feedback loops or inherent instability, can also contribute to non-stationarity.

Implications of Non-Stationarity

Non-stationary processes challenge traditional statistical methods, which assume a fixed mean and constant variance. Forecasting and control become difficult in the presence of non-stationarity, as the process’s behavior cannot be accurately predicted.

Identifying Non-Stationarity

Visual inspection of a time series plot can provide initial clues about non-stationarity, such as drifting trends or fluctuating means. Statistical tests, such as the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test, can formally assess the stationarity of a time series.

Addressing Non-Stationarity

Transformation: Applying mathematical transformations, such as differencing or logarithmic transformations, can sometimes induce stationarity in a non-stationary process.

Control: Implementing feedback mechanisms or control systems can stabilize a non-stationary process and bring it closer to a stationary state.

Modeling: Specialized statistical models, such as autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models, can explicitly account for non-stationarity and provide more accurate forecasts.

Exponential Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) Model

Dr. Box’s advocacy for the EWMA model in managing non-stationary processes marks a significant advancement. This model, involving an exponentially weighted average plus random noise, adapts to varying degrees of process stability and provides a framework for making adjustments based on control limits.

Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA)

The EWMA model involves a weighted average, assigning greater weight to recent observations and less weight to older ones. The formula for calculating the next EWMA value is: y^twiddle_t+1 = θ * y^twiddle_t + λ * y_sub_t, where θ is the weighting factor (0 ≤ θ ≤ 1), and λ is the forgetting factor (1 – θ).

Non-Stationary Series and Lambda

Different values of λ generate different non-stationary series. When λ = 0, the series exhibits white noise (stationary). As λ increases, the series becomes increasingly wobbly. Values of λ ≈ 0.2 or 0.1 are often more realistic for real processes.

Robustness of EWMA

The EWMA model exhibits robustness to variations in the value of lambda. Small variations in lambda do not significantly affect the performance of the EWMA control chart.

Selecting the Value of Lambda

The optimal value of lambda can be determined by minimizing the sum of squared errors between the EWMA and the actual process data. This can be done through a least squares approach.

Options for Adjustment Intervals

The average adjustment interval can be adjusted by changing the value of L, the threshold for making adjustments. Increasing L increases the average adjustment interval, while decreasing L decreases the average adjustment interval. The choice of L depends on the specific process and the desired level of control.

Application in Process Control

EWMA can be utilized to monitor and control non-stationary processes. An adjustment chart is used to plot the EWMA until it reaches a specified limit (L). If the EWMA crosses this limit, an adjustment is made to the process. This helps to maintain the process within desired limits.

Link to Engineering Process Control

The EWMA control chart’s relationship to engineering process control, particularly proportional integral derivative (PID) control, illustrates its practical utility in real-world applications. This connection underscores the chart’s role in implementing integral control in engineering processes.

Addressing Stationarity and Drift

Dr. Box’s perspective on stationarity challenges conventional thinking, advocating for an approach that assumes slight non-stationarity as more realistic. This approach proves instrumental in managing drift in processes, highlighting the importance of adjustments even when specific causes are elusive.

A Legacy of Innovation in Statistics and Quality Control

In conclusion, Dr. George Box’s work represents a paradigm shift in statistics and quality control. His insights into sufficient statistics, the limitations of traditional control charts, and the development of the EWMA model have greatly influenced the field. His pragmatic approach to addressing common and special causes, along with his contributions to understanding and managing process drift, continues to be relevant in today’s complex and dynamic environments. As we reflect on his legacy, it becomes evident that his teachings are not just theoretical constructs but practical tools that have reshaped our approach to quality and process control.

George Box’s Conclusion and Apology:

– Dr. Box apologizes for not being able to provide a technical explanation due to his advanced age and limited knowledge of the specific details of processes.

– He acknowledges that he is close to reaching 90 years old and expresses a desire to reach that milestone.

– He feels that in order to do so, he needs to stop discussing the system being referred to in the conversation.

– He apologizes again for not being able to understand or respond to a technical question that was asked.

– He admits that he may not have understood it even if it had been explained to him, due to his lack of expertise in the specific area being discussed.

Notes by: QuantumQuest