Geoffrey Hinton (University of Toronto Professor) – Recent Developments in Deep Learning | Google tech Talk (Mar 2010)


00:00:23 Discovering Structure in Data with Deep Learning Modules
00:09:11 Deep Learning with Real-Valued Data and Latent Variables
00:11:54 Deep Learning for Robust Phoneme Recognition
00:14:34 Generative Models with Multiplicative Interactions
00:19:04 Factorization of Three-Way Weights for Image Transformation Modeling
00:26:54 Designing Models for Distributed Non-Linear Representations
00:29:28 Modeling Motion Capture Data with Three-Way Boltzmann Machines
00:38:04 Factorization of Three-Way Energy Models for Image Understanding
00:40:11 Modeling Covariances and Means in Color Images
00:47:31 Computer Vision Challenges and Solutions
00:50:17 Deep Learning for Vision and Phoneme Recognition
00:59:59 Exploring Pre-training and Label Data Combinations for Enhanced Deep Learning Performance


Revolutionizing AI: Unveiling the Power of Deep Architectures in Machine Learning

In a groundbreaking presentation, Geoff Hinton, a leading authority in artificial intelligence, has introduced remarkable advancements in the field of machine learning through the use of deep architectures. At the heart of these advancements lie Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs), a cornerstone of deep learning models, which revolutionize how machines understand and process complex data. This article delves into the intricacies of RBMs, their role in constructing deep architectures, and their successful applications in fields such as speech recognition, image processing, and motion capture data modeling. Hinton’s critique of traditional machine learning methods and his introduction of innovative energy functions and learning models signify a pivotal shift towards more robust, efficient, and accurate AI systems.

Geoff Hinton’s Presentation on Deep Architectures

Introduction of Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs)

Geoff Hinton’s exposition on deep architectures commences with an introduction to Restricted Boltzmann Machines. RBMs play a pivotal role in constructing deep learning models, characterized by a bipartite connectivity between visible units (input data) and hidden units (latent variables). These machines form the backbone of deep architecture’s ability to process and analyze intricate data.

Energy Function and Inference in RBMs

The crux of RBMs lies in their energy function, which dictates the probability of various data configurations. This energy function is crucial for the inference process, where the probabilities of hidden units are calculated based on visible units, and vice versa.

Learning in RBMs

Hinton emphasizes the learning aspect of RBMs, where the objective is to minimize the energy of frequently occurring data configurations. This entails a learning rule that adjusts weights to enhance the probability of data configurations and reduce that of model-generated configurations.

Stacking RBMs for Deep Architectures

Deep architectures achieve sophisticated data processing by stacking multiple layers of RBMs. This hierarchical structure allows each layer to model data at progressively higher levels of abstraction, enabling the discovery of intricate data representations.

Supervised Fine-tuning

Following the unsupervised learning phase, deep architectures undergo a supervised fine-tuning process. This step involves adding decision units to the architecture’s top layer and training them with labeled data to enhance performance on specific tasks.

Advantages of Deep Architectures

Hinton elucidates the advantages of deep architectures, notably their ability to learn multiple layers of feature detectors unsupervised. This approach surpasses the limitations of backpropagation and exploits substantial amounts of unlabeled data to better model the underlying data structure.

Critique of Traditional Machine Learning

In a critical assessment of conventional machine learning approaches, Hinton points out their limitations, particularly their tendency to overlook the underlying causal structure of data. He advocates for an approach that first comprehends the world by learning to invert the sensory pathway and then associates labels with these learned representations.

Application and Performance of Deep Architectures

Hidden Layers and Performance

The employment of multiple hidden layers in an unsupervised manner demonstrates resilience in the number of layers and width. This approach has led to a significant decrease in phone error rates in speech recognition tasks, showcasing the efficiency of deep learning models.

MFCC Representation and Future Directions

Hinton discusses the initial use of Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) in modeling speech, with plans to enhance future models for better covariance handling and speech representation.

Three-Way Connections and Motion Capture Data Modeling

A novel introduction in Hinton’s presentation is the three-way Boltzmann machine, which accommodates conditioning on multiple previous frames. This model has been successfully applied to motion capture data, generating realistic human motion sequences and seamless transitions between various styles.

– Three-Way Boltzmann Machines for Motion Capture and Video:

– The improved model includes conditioning connections between hidden frames, allowing for hierarchical models with multiple layers and better generation quality.

– The model can learn time series data and generate data in different styles with smooth transitions.

Advantages over Autoregressive Models

Compared to autoregressive models, three-way Boltzmann machines offer significant benefits in time series modeling. They can learn long-term dependencies, generate diverse sequences, and effectively handle non-stationary data.

Extending to Video and Complex Use Cases

Hinton’s aspiration extends to applying these models to video data. He showcases a sophisticated application where the model generates novel images by combining features from identical copies of an original image.

Innovations in Energy Modeling and Image Processing

Factorization of Energy Model

A novel model introduced by Hinton simplifies inference by guaranteeing that weights between a factor and its copies are identical. This model, akin to the Oriented Energy Model in neuroscience, facilitates learning algorithms and generative modeling, particularly in covariance modeling between pixels.

– Understanding Energy-Based Model for Perception:

– The presented model is an energy-based model factorized into two-way energy models.

– The model emphasizes shared weights between factors, resembling the Oriented Energy Model, and offers a learning algorithm. It serves as a generative model for pixel covariances.

Challenges in Defining Vertical Edges and Markov Random Field Applications

Hinton addresses the challenge of defining vertical edges in images, noting their diverse characteristics like texture variations and motion differences. The model leverages hidden units to represent pixel covariances, resulting in more accurate image reconstructions.

– Unraveling Covariance and Means in Images: A Comprehensive Analysis:

– Hidden units control the Markov random field between pixels, allowing for covariance modeling.

– The model generates realistic color image patches, capturing smoothness, sharp edges, and corners. It excels in modeling both covariance and means for accurate reconstruction and recognition.

Color Image Modeling and Object Recognition

The model’s capability extends to generating realistic color image patches, surpassing existing methods. Hinton also discusses its application in a challenging object recognition task, yielding impressive results despite limited training data.

Model Size, Data Efficiency, and Future Directions

Model Size and Data Handling

Hinton’s current model boasts 100 million connections, comparable to a small portion of the human cortex. Despite utilizing a small retina for computational efficiency, the model showcases remarkable data handling capabilities.

Unsupervised Learning and Data Efficiency

In unsupervised learning, fewer training examples are required compared to discriminative learning. Each training case provides more information, allowing for a greater number of parameters than training cases and mitigating the risk of overfitting.

General Rule of Thumb and Future Challenges

Hinton proposes using fewer parameters than the total number of pixels in training data but more than the number of training cases. He acknowledges the limitations of current models in sequential reasoning and quantifiers, crucial for tasks like natural language processing. Despite these challenges, he remains optimistic about the potential of deep learning models to surpass traditional AI approaches.

Small Retina for Computer Models

To keep up with the brain’s hardware capacity, computer models use a small retina, such as 32 by 32, as input.

Visualizing Bird Categories

Bird species vary significantly, making it challenging to distinguish between categories like deer and horse.

Data Labeling and Errors

The dataset used contains 50,000 labeled examples and 10,000 test examples. Hand-labeling introduces errors, and people still make mistakes due to similarities between categories.

Pre-training on Unlabeled Data

Pre-training on large amounts of unlabeled data is employed to compensate for limited labeled data.

Markov-Ilia-Ranzato’s Approach

This method involves learning smaller patches, striding them across the image, and replicating them, resulting in a large vector of hidden units.

Comparing Classification Methods

Various classification methods are compared. Logistic regression on pixels achieves 36% accuracy, gist features yield 54%, a normal RBM with binary hidden units reaches 60%, and an RBM with mean and covariance modeling achieves the highest accuracy.

Deep Learning and Phoneme Recognition

Hinton and his students used a deep learning model designed for image patches to achieve state-of-the-art results on phoneme recognition, surpassing previous methods. The model achieved 21.6% accuracy on the Timit database, approaching human performance estimated at 15%.

Importance of Labeled Data and Distortions

Labeled data and clever distortions of the data are crucial for achieving high accuracy. Jurgen Schmittschipper achieved a record-breaking 35 errors on the MNIST dataset using a large labeled dataset and various distortions.

Limitations of Current Computer Vision Models

Current computer vision models lack selective attention and focus on processing everything at once. Human vision involves intelligent sampling and fixation, which these models do not capture.

The Need for Sequential Reasoning

Modeling sequential reasoning, such as the ability to combine information over time, is a significant challenge in deep learning. Understanding the sequence of powerful operations is crucial for modeling sequential AI.

Challenges with First-Order Logic

Hinton acknowledges the lack of a solution for handling first-order logic, which involves quantifiers like “there exists” and “for all.” Both neural networks and graphical models have difficulties with quantifiers.

Benefits of Pre-training in Timit

Pre-training a deep learning model on a large labeled dataset, such as Timit, can still be beneficial even when labels are available for the target task.

Pre-training and Label Data

Pre-training before discriminative fine-tuning can improve results, even with a large amount of labeled data. Combining pre-training with label data may lead to better performance and efficiency.

MNIST Limitations

The low error rate of MNIST makes it difficult to assess the significance of improvements. Timid is a better dataset for evaluating models due to its higher error rates.

Temporal Modeling Limitations

Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) with limited time windows cannot capture long-term dependencies beyond the window size. Forward-backward algorithms may not be able to capture long-term dependencies either. Multi-level RNNs provide a larger time span at each level, but the improvement is linear.

Modeling High-Dimensional Data

Unsupervised models require fewer training examples compared to discriminative models due to the richness of the data. The number of parameters in an unsupervised model can be much larger than the number of training cases. Discriminative models typically have fewer parameters than the number of pixels in the training data but more parameters than the number of training cases.

Overfitting and Early Stopping

Using more parameters than the number of training cases can lead to overfitting during discriminative training. Early stopping is necessary to prevent overfitting in such cases.


Geoff Hinton’s presentation on deep architectures marks a significant milestone in the evolution of artificial intelligence. The introduction of RBMs and their application in various domains demonstrates a leap forward in machine learning capabilities. Hinton’s critique of conventional methods and his innovative approach to deep learning models pave the way for more efficient, accurate, and versatile AI systems. As the field advances, the potential for these deep learning models to transform our comprehension and interaction with intricate data continues to grow.

Notes by: MythicNeutron