Emmett Shear (Twitch Co-founder) – The Future of Trust and Evidence in the Age of AI (Oct 2023)


00:00:05 The History and Future of Evidence
00:04:39 Historical Methods of Determining Truthfulness
00:10:29 Challenges in Determining the Authenticity of Information in the Digital Age
00:15:16 Blurred Reality: Navigating Truth in a Digital Age
00:17:34 Building Trust in an Era of Misinformation
00:20:34 The Future of Truth in an Era of Technological Deception
00:26:50 Navigating Trust in a World of Ubiquitous Deep Fakes
00:32:12 Exploring the Challenges of Truth Verification in the Digital Age
00:42:16 Exploring the Boundaries of Trust and Misinformation in the Digital Age
00:46:46 Using Social Vouching to Combat Conspiracy Theories


The Evolution of Evidence and Trust in the Digital Age

Embracing Trust in an Era of Misinformation and Technological Challenges

In the digital age, where the proliferation of digital technology and social media has greatly impacted how we perceive and trust information, Emmett Shear, the founder of Twitch, provides a compelling exploration of the history and future of evidence. His insights span from the ancient world, where Moses’ Ten Commandments and Greek rhetorical trials laid early foundations for evidence-based justice, to the modern-day challenges of digital manipulation and the quest for a perfect witness.

Historical Views on Evidence

Historically, evidence has been a crucial aspect of society, with Moses’ Ten Commandments emphasizing the importance of avoiding false reports and malicious witness, highlighting the significance of truthfulness in legal matters. In Greece, trials were often conducted as rhetorical battles where hearsay was allowed, witnesses were not cross-examined, and the focus was on compelling speeches rather than objective truth-seeking. This concept resonates with modern-day debates on social media platforms like Twitter.

The Evolution of Evidence

Over time, the concept of evidence has evolved, with the emergence of objective processes for establishing truth. The development of scientific evidence and the scientific method has enabled researchers to verify claims through experimentation and reproducibility. However, historical and interpersonal evidence, such as testimony in court, remains more complex and challenging to evaluate.

The Future of Evidence

The speaker expresses excitement about the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize the way we evaluate evidence. AI can assist in analyzing large datasets, identifying patterns, and detecting inconsistencies, aiding in the pursuit of truth and justice. The combination of AI and human judgment can lead to more accurate and efficient decision-making in legal and other contexts.

Navigating the Complexities of Trust in the Age of Online Conspiracy Theories

Understanding the Role of Judgment in a Digital World:

In the digital field, individuals serve as “Jewish cyber priests” tasked with adjudicating disputes, much like pastoralists in small tribes. However, forming beliefs about distant events without firsthand knowledge poses significant challenges.

The Rise of the Fetterman Conspiracy:

Shear highlights the peculiar conspiracy theory regarding John Fetterman, a U.S. Senate candidate, claiming that he is an amalgamation of body doubles. This theory, fueled by Fetterman’s changing appearance and varying camera angles, has led to the sale of “body double” merchandise at his events.

Assessing the Validity of Information Online:

Shear acknowledges the difficulties in determining the authenticity of information online, given the prevalence of body doubles and the impact of camera angles. He emphasizes the importance of careful assessment, ranging from recognizing people in the room to trusting certain individuals based on past interactions.

Fact-Checking, Holocaust Denial, and the Op-Chain:

Vouching for distant historical events (e.g., the Holocaust) as counter-arguments to conspiracy theories may be ineffective. Personal connections and trust in individuals can influence the acceptance or rejection of facts. False facts are often believed within social bubbles rather than across different social groups. Fact-checking becomes more complex when facts require interpretation and evidence, such as interpreting medical data. Citing reliable data sources and presenting data in a transparent manner can improve credibility.

Modern Challenges: Digital Manipulation and Eyewitness Testimony

As we transition into the modern era, Shear draws attention to the limitations of traditional eyewitness testimony and the advent of more objective forms of evidence like photographs, videos, and DNA. However, these advancements are not without their challenges. The emergence of digital manipulation techniques, including deepfakes, has significantly complicated the authenticity of information, giving rise to a new battle against misinformation and propaganda.

The Concept of the Perfect Witness

In response to these challenges, the idea of a ‘perfect witness’ emerges, proposing constant surveillance with cryptographically secured cameras and microphones. While this could theoretically offer a more reliable form of evidence, it raises serious concerns about privacy and civil liberties. Moreover, the practical limitations of such a system, including technological and logistical challenges, render it an impractical solution for the present.

The Fetterman Conspiracy Theory and the Web of Trust

The complexities of online information and the difficulty in forming beliefs about distant events are exemplified in the Fetterman conspiracy theory. Shear’s personal experiences and observations underscore the need for a new model of trust. This leads to the discussion of a ‘web of trust’ and the proposed ‘Vouch App,’ which aims to provide context and verifiability to online content. The app focuses on verifying the authenticity of individuals and events, rather than interpreting their significance, in an effort to combat the spread of misinformation.

Web of Trust Model Concerns:

– Establishing trust in a web of trust model can be challenging, particularly initially, due to the need for widespread adoption.

– Ensuring the trustworthiness of the system is crucial, potentially through features like immediate upload from trusted camera sources.

Navigating Distrust:

– In an era of deep fakes, it is unlikely that trust in traditional institutions will increase. Distrust may persist, and trust in decentralized sources may also erode, leading to a scenario where neither established nor decentralized sources are fully reliable.

Challenges of VouchApp:

– The app relies on individual endorsements, which can be abused.

– It is designed to focus on verifiable facts, such as personal acquaintance or the time and location of a photo, to minimize ambiguity.

– However, addressing deliberate narratives that lack public verifiability remains a challenge.

Verifying Events and Information:

– Verifying basic facts and the occurrence of events has become increasingly difficult in the digital age, where people’s perceptions are influenced by their social networks.

Prediction Markets and Incentives:

– Incentive issues arise in prediction markets, where individuals may hesitate to verify information unless they see a direct benefit.

Integrating Web of Trust into Social Media:

– Integrating web of trust features into social media platforms could streamline the vouching process, allowing users to vouch for the authenticity of photos and statements they share.

Applying Web of Trust to Local Recommendations:

– A web of trust system could be utilized for local recommendations, such as for doctors or accountants, enabling users to vouch for the reliability of recommendations and identify trustworthy service providers.

Anonymity and Trust:

– Maintaining anonymity in a world where vouching is essential for credibility may become more difficult.

– Individuals may need to rely on trusted intermediaries to vouch for their identities while preserving anonymity.

AI’s Role in Detecting Synthetic Information:

– AI systems have the potential to detect synthetic information like deepfakes, but their ability to keep pace with advances in deepfake technology is uncertain.

Addressing Rhetorical Tricks and Misinformation:

– Misleading tactics, such as presenting numerous confirmed facts while omitting key lies, can be used to deceive individuals.

– Detecting such rhetorical tricks remains a challenge, and web of trust systems may not be effective in addressing them.

VouchApp User Identity Verification:

– Verifying the identity of users on the VouchApp platform is crucial for maintaining the system’s integrity.

– Cryptographic solutions like biometrics and chain-of-custody protocols have been proposed, but their implementation may be complex and fragile.

Promoting Eyewitness Vouching:

– Encouraging users to vouch for firsthand experiences and observations, rather than sharing beliefs or opinions, can help build a more reliable foundation for verifying information.

Addressing Skepticism about Misinformation:

– Addressing skepticism about the effectiveness of decentralized apps in combating misinformation is essential.

– By emphasizing the importance of critical thinking and minimal effort required for verification, individuals can be encouraged to actively engage in verifying information.

The Impact on Traditional Trust Mechanisms

The integration of such a system with traditional trust mechanisms, like Yelp reviews, and the role of AI in detecting synthetic content, are also considered. However, the limitations of the app in addressing issues like people confirming incidental facts while omitting crucial lies are acknowledged.

Decentralized Identity Verification and Conspiracy Theories

Finally, the speaker touches on current identity verification methods and the potential of decentralized systems to foster trust online. The application of these systems to challenging cases, such as Holocaust denial, is discussed, emphasizing the importance of eyewitness accounts and personal interactions in building trust. The goal is not to solve the complex problem of determining absolute truth, but to provide more data and context to help people make informed decisions.

Digital Literacy and the Pursuit of Truth

Emmett Shear acknowledges the challenges of media literacy and verifying information, even for individuals with expertise in the field. He emphasizes the need for a system that allows individuals to establish and verify their identities, enabling them to make informed decisions about the information they encounter online. The goal is to create a more informed and truthful online environment where individuals can critically assess information and combat the spread of misinformation.

Notes by: Ain