Diane Greene (Google SVP Google Cloud) – Keynote Address | Diane Greene | WiDS 2017 (Feb 2017)


00:00:05 From Sailing to the Cloud: A Journey of Innovation and Empowerment
00:11:35 Journey from Tandem to Google: A Woman's Perspective in Tech Leadership
00:13:37 Exploring Google's Cloud Products and Machine Learning Innovations
00:22:46 Machine Learning Revolutionizing Industries
00:27:40 Advice and Considerations for Surviving and Thriving in the Era of Machine Learning


Diane Greene: A Journey of Resilience and Innovation in Technology

Diane Greene: A Journey of Resilience and Innovation in Technology

Diane Greene’s remarkable career trajectory serves as a testament to the power of embracing challenges and following one’s passions. Her journey, marked by significant shifts from sailing to groundbreaking work in the tech industry, illustrates a life led by adaptability and a relentless pursuit of interest-driven change. Key highlights include her early days in sailing, a shift to mechanical engineering, tackling gender discrimination in the oil industry, and her subsequent rise in the tech sector with pivotal roles at Sybase, Tandem, VMware, and Google. This article delves into Greene’s unique experiences and insights, underscoring her influence on modern technology, especially in the fields of virtualization, cloud computing, and machine learning.

Sailing as a Foundation:

Diane Greene’s foundational years in Annapolis, Maryland, where she grew up sailing, significantly influenced her problem-solving and decision-making skills. She learned the crucial lessons of preparation, planning, and real-time adaptation to ever-changing conditions, skills that would later prove invaluable in her career.

Embracing Challenges and Pursuing Passions:

Greene’s career trajectory began with her passion for sailing, which instilled in her the values of preparation and adaptability. This early exposure laid the groundwork for her dynamic career path, constantly evolving in response to her interests and the challenges of society. Her academic journey, transitioning from psychology to mechanical engineering due to societal pressures, and eventually to naval architecture at MIT, exemplifies her resilience and willingness to embrace change. It was at MIT, particularly in the artificial intelligence lab, where her enduring interest in software and technology was ignited.

Embracing Engineering through Unconventional Paths:

Greene’s journey into engineering began somewhat uncertainly, with her enrolling in a mechanical engineering course at the University of Maryland. This initial step led her through various institutions, including the University of Vermont and Texas A&M, before she finally settled at MIT to study naval architecture.

Changing Course to Naval Architecture:

At MIT, under the inspiration of her department head, Greene immersed herself in the field of naval architecture, an environment ripe with innovative minds pushing the boundaries of engineering.

Overcoming Gender Discrimination and Diversifying Experiences:

Greene’s path wasn’t without its challenges, particularly facing gender discrimination in the oil industry. Her decision to leave this environment reflected her determination to challenge societal norms and pursue paths that aligned with her values and interests. This decision led her into the world of windsurfing and entrepreneurship, where she developed innovative equipment and gained a global perspective on cutting-edge technologies.

Designing Mooring Systems for Oil Rigs:

Greene’s professional career began in San Francisco, where she was involved in designing mooring systems for oil rigs. This role took her to challenging and remote locations such as Australia and the North Sea.

Facing Gender Bias in the Oil Industry:

While working in the oil industry, Greene faced gender discrimination, which limited her opportunities to work offshore or in the company’s main office.

Venturing into Windsurfing and Technology:

Following her departure from the oil industry, Greene’s path took her to Hawaii, where she immersed herself in the world of windsurfing. It was here that she became involved in developing advanced windsurfing technologies. This period also marked her return to academia, as she pursued and earned a master’s degree in computer science from UC Berkeley, where she met her future husband.

Academic Return and Breakthrough in Tech:

Greene’s return to academia was a pivotal moment in her career, as it was during her time at UC Berkeley that she met her future husband, a Stanford professor. This meeting led to the co-founding of VMware, a company that revolutionized virtualization software. Her time at Sybase, Tandem, and SGI was marked by significant advancements in database technology and streaming video.

Success in the Database Industry:

Greene’s tenure in the computer industry began at Sybase, where she worked under the mentorship of an exceptional female VP of engineering. Her contributions at Sybase led to significant benchmark achievements for the company’s databases. Following the dismissal of her mentor, Greene joined Roberta Henderson at Tandem, continuing her work in software engineering.

Moving to SGI and Interactive Television:

Drawn to SGI for their powerful hardware suitable for running databases, Greene’s next career move involved working on interactive television, a precursor to the modern web. After her time at SGI, she ventured into the startup world.

Founding VMware and Embracing Virtualization:

Inspired by her husband’s research at Stanford, Greene co-founded VMware, focusing on virtualization technology, a field that would later transform the tech industry.

Balancing Family and Leadership at VMware:

Greene’s leadership skills extended beyond the professional realm, as she adeptly balanced motherhood with her career responsibilities. Bringing her infant daughter to work at VMware, Greene managed a decade of growth and success at the company while simultaneously nurturing her family.

Entrepreneurship and Family Life Balance:

Following her stints at Tandem and SGI, Greene founded VMware while pregnant with her second child. Despite the challenges, she successfully balanced her family life with her career, bringing her newborn daughter to work. Her 10-year tenure at VMware was a time of simultaneous growth for both the company and her family. Her daughter, who often traveled with Greene, experienced a unique upbringing, attending high-profile meetings and enjoying the perks of traveling. This environment helped her daughter develop confidence and public speaking skills, contrasting with Greene’s own initial apprehension in public speaking.

Impact at Google and Alphabet:

At Google (now Alphabet), Greene’s influence was profound, particularly in the development of Google’s public cloud. Under her leadership, Google Cloud emerged as a vital business tool, enabling rapid data analysis and supporting projects like Spotify and Pokemon Go. Her contributions significantly advanced machine learning and AI, democratizing these technologies and integrating them into products such as Gmail and YouTube.

Data Management and Cloud Innovation:

In discussing Google Cloud, Greene highlighted its significance in advanced data management and processing. She noted how Spotify benefitted from dramatically improved data analysis speeds, reducing tasks from four hours to mere seconds. The Home Depot successfully migrated its extensive data warehouse to Google Cloud, showcasing the platform’s capability to handle demanding workloads. Additionally, a hospital used Google Cloud to combine various patient data, leading to better predictions and treatment recommendations.

Addressing Machine Learning and Societal Impact:

Greene’s insights also cover the societal impact of machine learning. She discusses both the opportunities and challenges presented by this technology, emphasizing the need for societal support for workers displaced by these advancements and the importance of ongoing learning and adaptation.

Machine Learning Democratization:

Greene underscored the transformation in machine learning and AI, driven by increased computational power, larger datasets, and knowledge sharing initiatives like ImageNet. Google’s commitment to democratizing AI is evident in its investments in specialized processors, the open-sourcing of its TensorFlow framework, and the provision of user-friendly APIs for various machine learning applications.

Machine Learning Integration in Google Products:

Machine learning has been integrated into numerous Google products, enhancing their functionality and efficiency. Examples include Gmail’s smart reply feature and YouTube’s system for detecting copyright violations.

Continuous Learning and Improvement:

Emphasizing the aspect of continuous learning in machine learning, Greene highlighted how these models improve over time with more data and experience. She cited the example of robots

learning to handle objects using machine learning algorithms, showcasing the potential for automation in complex tasks.

Concluding Insights:

In conclusion, Diane Greene’s journey is a vivid illustration of a career spanning diverse sectors and roles. Her story encapsulates not just technological innovation but also the human spirit’s capacity for adaptability and resilience. Her advice on embracing risk, focusing on detailed learning, considering societal impact, and maintaining optimism amid technological progress provides invaluable guidance for navigating the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Accelerated Knowledge Growth and Societal Impact of Machine Learning:

_The Impact of Machine Learning on Work and Society_

Machine learning’s potential to reshape the job market is significant. It may displace some jobs while creating new opportunities. Airbus, for instance, used machine learning to remove clouds from satellite images, reducing the need for many workers. However, new jobs will emerge, and society should support those displaced by these technological changes.

_Examples of Real-World Applications_

Real-world applications of machine learning abound. A cucumber farmer utilizes TensorFlow for deep learning to sort cucumbers by size. In Shark Bay, Australia, machine learning helps identify sea cows with 80% accuracy. Google Cloud has implemented machine learning to reduce power usage in data centers by 40%. The technology has also been used to diagnose diabetic retinopathy, a leading cause of blindness. Furthermore, the Google Cultural Institute employed machine learning to create images reflecting Van Gogh’s artistic style.

Diane Greene’s Perspective on Technology, Risk Taking, Data Science, and Societal Impact:

_Technology’s Impact on Education:_

Greene emphasizes the growing need for computer literacy and data science education. She advocates for the importance of online learning to make education in this field more accessible and effective.

_Data Science Skills and Career Advice:_

Greene advises delving into the detailed aspects of data science for a deeper understanding. She suggests specializing in machine learning for financial services for financial gains. For those looking to make a world impact, healthcare offers ample opportunities for both monetary benefits and ambitious projects.

_Job Displacement and Societal Challenges:_

Greene believes that skilled workers won’t lose jobs but can transition to new roles with proper training. She stresses the importance of education for all, particularly the youth and those nearing retirement, to cope with technological changes. Companies should adopt retraining programs for employees whose jobs may be impacted.

_Data Science in the Developing World:_

Greene highlights the cloud’s role in providing accessible resources and tools to anyone, anywhere. Machine learning is becoming more user-friendly, with APIs available for tasks like natural language processing and image recognition. These tools can be used by local people to address local problems in areas ranging from agriculture to healthcare.

_Potential Fragility and Power Dependence:_

Acknowledging the dependence on power in society and technology, Greene believes in the strength of positive forces to prevent negative outcomes.

_Changes in Knowledge Requirements:_

Greene points out the shift from needing to understand machine instructions to writing code without such knowledge. She emphasizes the importance of energy and access to power in the realm of technology.

Notes by: crash_function