Demis Hassabis (DeepMind Co-founder) – Royal Academy of Enfineering Lecture (Oct 2016)


00:00:00 Journey of an AI Pioneer: From Chess Prodigy to Leader of General AI
00:02:50 DeepMind's Approach to Artificial Intelligence: General Learning Algorithms and Grounded Cognition
00:10:51 AI in Gaming and the Genesis of AlphaGo
00:17:32 Go: Complexity and Simplicity in Harmony
00:20:10 Machine Learning Tackles the Game of Go
00:26:24 How AlphaGo's Unconventional Move Changed Go History
00:30:18 Adapting AI for Real-World Applications and Beyond
00:40:22 Neural Networks for Speech Synthesis
00:42:50 Advancing Natural Speech Generation with WaveNet
00:50:30 Learning Systems and Bias Mitigation in Autonomous Vehicles
00:55:18 Satellite Imagery, AI, and Sustainable Development
01:00:19 Interrogating and Understanding AI Systems
01:04:09 AI's Impact on Human Skills and Consciousness


Revolutionizing Intelligence: The Journey of DeepMind and the Future of AI

In an era of unprecedented technological advancements, DeepMind, under the leadership of Dr. Demis Savas, a former chess prodigy and computer science graduate from Cambridge, has emerged as a pioneering force in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). DeepMind’s mission is to fundamentally solve intelligence by understanding how it works and recreating it artificially. They believe that by achieving this, they can use the technology to solve various other problems and enhance human intelligence. This article delves into the transformative journey of DeepMind, from mastering complex games like Go to applying AI in diverse fields like healthcare and environmental management, while addressing the ethical and practical challenges of AI development.

The Evolution and Impact of DeepMind’s AI Achievements

DeepMind’s remarkable accomplishments in AI are epitomized by their software’s human-level performance in half of 49 video games, with AlphaGo being the first program to defeat a professional Go player. This achievement is not just a testament to Hassabis’s background as a chess prodigy and academic researcher but also a significant leap in the field of AI. The company’s mission to understand intelligence and recreate it artificially has led to the development of general purpose learning algorithms capable of learning from raw experience and operating across a wide range of tasks, marking a departure from narrow AI systems that are limited to specific tasks.

Go: A Complex Game of Strategy and Elegance

Before delving into AlphaGo’s remarkable achievements, it is essential to understand the game of Go. Go, also known as Weiqi or Baduk, is a strategy board game that originated in ancient China and is now popular in various parts of Asia, including Japan, Korea, and China. It has a vast player base of 40 million active players and over 2,000 professional players. Go schools exist in countries like Japan, Korea, and China, where talented young players are enrolled at a young age to receive specialized training and education in Go.

The complexity of Go lies in the enormous number of possible board positions. There are approximately 10 to the 170 possible board positions, far exceeding the number of atoms in the observable universe (10 to the 80 atoms). This immense complexity makes it challenging for computers to master the game using brute force methods.

Despite its complexity, Go is often regarded as one of the most elegant games ever devised. Its elegance stems from the simplicity of its rules, with only two primary rules governing the game. The main rule of Go centers around the capturing of stones. When a player surrounds an opponent’s stone with their own stones, the surrounded stone is captured and removed from the board. In Go, players aim to surround their opponent’s pieces and wall off empty parts of the board. The empty areas of the board and the captured pieces contribute towards a player’s final score. The player with the higher score wins the game.

AlphaGo: A Beacon in AI’s Progress

AlphaGo’s success in the ancient and complex game of Go, which has a richer array of possibilities than chess, demonstrated the power of neural networks in solving intricate problems. The program’s policy and value networks, trained on amateur games and through self-play, respectively, reduced the game’s complexity and predicted outcomes with remarkable accuracy. This was most famously demonstrated in the match against Lee Sedol, where AlphaGo’s unconventional Move 37 showcased its ability to devise creative strategies, challenging centuries-old Go wisdom. The cultural impact of this victory was profound, boosting Go’s popularity and underscoring AI’s potential to surpass human capabilities in certain domains.

AlphaGo’s Move 37 and Lee Sedol’s Reaction:

– AlphaGo’s Move 37 in the match against Lee Sedol was particularly astonishing, leaving Sedol perplexed.

– Sedol left the game room for 15 minutes to clear his head after witnessing the move.

– AlphaGo’s move had a 1 in 10,000 chance of being played, according to its own probability calculations.

Lee Sedol’s Transformation:

– After the match, Lee Sedol experienced a resurgence in his career, winning 90% of championship matches.

– Sedol attributed this improvement to AlphaGo, which stimulated his creativity and flexibility in thinking.

– Sedol shifted his approach from relying on intuition to making more calculated decisions.

Intuition and Creativity in Go:

– In Go, intuition and feel play a significant role in decision-making, unlike in chess, where players rely on calculated plans.

– AlphaGo’s ability to make intuitive moves demonstrated its creativity and its departure from traditional, rule-based AI approaches.

Applying AI Beyond Games

DeepMind has ambitiously extended its AI applications beyond gaming. In healthcare, their algorithms aid in medical diagnostics and disease detection. In robotics, they contribute to enhanced perception and navigation. Notably, AlphaGo-inspired techniques significantly reduced energy consumption in Google’s data center cooling systems, showcasing AI’s potential in optimizing complex systems.

WaveNet, DeepMind’s novel neural text-to-speech synthesis model, represents another breakthrough. By directly generating speech from text and modeling the raw speech waveform, WaveNet delivers highly natural and intelligible synthesized speech, surpassing traditional text-to-speech systems.

Challenges and Ethical Considerations

Despite these successes, AI’s application in areas like conflict resolution and automotive safety presents unique challenges. Political tasks involve complexities and emotions that AI may struggle to comprehend. Moreover, while AI promises to enhance automotive safety through autonomous driving systems, the reliability and safety of these technologies remain areas of ongoing research and development.

Furthermore, the ethical implications of AI, particularly in the context of the singularity concept, cannot be overlooked. Hassabis emphasizes the need for AI to align with human values and enhance human capabilities, rather than replace them. This perspective necessitates careful consideration of AI’s goals and the extent of its autonomy.

The Future of AI and Human Collaboration

DeepMind’s journey under Savas’s leadership has significantly advanced AI. From mastering the intricacies of Go to enhancing real-world applications, DeepMind has demonstrated AI’s immense potential. However, as AI continues to evolve, it is crucial to address its ethical and practical challenges, ensuring that it serves as a tool for human enhancement and societal betterment. Hassabis’s vision of AI amplifying human abilities and democratizing skills like engineering and programming hints at a future where AI and humanity coexist synergistically, unlocking new horizons of innovation and understanding.

Additional Insights from Supplemental Updates

* AI and Autonomous Vehicles: Current autonomous vehicles often use learning systems for aspects like pedestrian identification and vision systems, but planners are usually handcrafted and rule-based. The debate on whether handcrafted systems will be enough for autonomous vehicles depends on the level of autonomy desired. For highway driving, a rule-based system may suffice, but for all road conditions and unexpected events, learning may be necessary.

* Defining Virtual Life and Emotional Attachment to AI: A simple definition of virtual life could be feeling a pang of guilt when turning off an AI system. Current AI systems like Atari programs and AlphaGo do not elicit such emotions, but future systems with more complex behaviors might. The design choice of giving AI systems freedom to design their own goals will also influence our emotional attachment to them.

* Mitigating Biases in AI Systems: Analysis tools are being developed to understand what AI systems are learning and why they make certain decisions. By identifying biases in AI systems, we can mitigate them by adjusting the system or compensating with other data. The Virtual Brain Analytics project is an example of efforts to address these biases.

* AI and Its Potential Applications in Humanitarian Work: AI can aid humanitarian efforts by monitoring large volumes of data from satellites, drones, and other sources. This can help NGOs and other organizations track progress, hold governments accountable, and make data-driven decisions.

* Ethical Considerations for AI: AI technologies are inherently neutral and their impact depends on their intended use. Ethical considerations should be addressed as AI systems become more powerful. Research is needed to develop methods for setting appropriate goals, securing those goals, and ensuring responsible AI development.

* The Singularity Debate: Demis Hassabis does not subscribe to the idea of a technological singularity, considering it a science fiction concept. Assumptions about AI’s self-development capabilities may not hold true as we engineer and better understand these systems. Instead of focusing on a singularity, attention should be given to the ethical and responsible use of AI.

* Human-AI Collaboration: AI can be a powerful tool to enhance human capabilities. An eventual merging of AI and human intelligence is a possibility. Demis Hassabis envisions AI as a means for humans to expand their abilities and achieve more.

Demis Hassabis’s Views on AI and Consciousness:

– The Turing Test: Hassabis believes the Turing Test is not a rigorous test for assessing machine intelligence. He argues that it can be easily gamed and fooled, particularly with short text-based dialogues.

– Consciousness and Intelligence: Hassabis considers consciousness and intelligence as dissociable traits. He believes it is possible to create highly intelligent machines that lack consciousness, similar to how humans perceive each other.

– AI’s Potential Impact on Consciousness Research: Hassabis suggests that the development of general AI, inspired by neuroscience, might shed light on the phenomenon of consciousness.

– Skills Essential in the Future: Hassabis predicts that creative skills will become increasingly valuable in the future, as AI systems handle data-intensive tasks. He envisions AI as a means to democratize skills like engineering and programming, reducing the need for specialized knowledge. Human skills like empathy and emotional intelligence will also become more sought after.

Notes by: datagram