Demis Hassabis (DeepMind Co-founder) – Academy of Achievement 2017 (May 2018)


00:00:29 Artificial Intelligence: Advancing Scientific Discovery and Medical Treatment
00:09:04 AI in Science: From Protein Folding to Astronomical Discoveries
00:11:19 Entrepreneurial Spirit, Creative Obsession, and Technological Dreams
00:16:36 Organizational Design and AI's Potential for Human Empowerment
00:18:48 AI: Potential Benefits and Ethical Considerations
00:24:15 AI: Impact, Ethics, and the Importance of Human Connection
00:29:00 AI Implications for Education, Creativity, and the Future of Work
00:36:53 Demis Hassabis's Advice for the Future of Learning


Demis Hassabis: A Visionary’s Path from Chess Prodigy to AI Trailblazer

A Strategic Journey from Chess to AI

From the chessboard to the forefront of AI research, Demis Hassabis has carved a unique path, driven by a blend of creativity, strategic thinking, and a desire to solve humanity’s grandest challenges. Excelling as a chess prodigy, Hassabis honed skills that would later underpin his AI endeavors. A pivotal moment came during a marathon chess match, sparking his epiphany to redirect his focus from chess to broader scientific quests. His chess successes, including his meta skills in problem-solving, imagination, creative thinking, and strategic thinking, laid the groundwork for his transition to AI. However, he realized that dedicating his life solely to chess would limit his intellectual growth and the application of his skills to broader areas.

The Leap from Physics to AI’s Possibilities

Initially drawn to physics, Hassabis found its progress in fundamental theories unsatisfactory. This led him to AI, seeing it as a powerful tool to accelerate scientific discovery. He envisaged AI’s potential in fields like medical imaging and drug discovery, especially in complex problems like protein folding. Hassabis believes that AI has the potential to revolutionize scientific discovery by helping scientists make sense of vast amounts of data and find new insights. For example, in medical imaging, AI can detect diseases like macular degeneration early on, leading to more efficient diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, AI can be a powerful tool for drug discovery, capable of generating new compounds that target specific viruses or bacteria.

AI’s Broader Scientific Impact

Hassabis’s work extends beyond chess and AI into the fields of scientific discovery. Machine learning, under his guidance, aids in diverse fields, from astronomy to particle physics. His early experiences with programming and his entrepreneurial background fueled his innovative approach, blending creativity with efficiency. Modern science generates vast amounts of data from experiments, requiring efficient analysis methods. AI excels at converting large datasets into actionable knowledge, making it useful across various scientific disciplines. At CERN, machine learning is employed to detect new particles, and in astronomy, it is used to discover new planets and exoplanets from telescope data.

DeepMind’s Exploration and Hassabis’s Philosophies

DeepMind, under Hassabis’s leadership, explores areas like quantum chemistry and theorem proving, reflecting a wide-ranging scientific curiosity. Hassabis’s passions and organizational skills form the backbone of DeepMind’s culture, fostering an environment conducive to breakthroughs. He compares AlphaGo and AlphaZero to optimization programs that can find patterns in data that humans cannot, enabling them to solve complex problems. He expresses his enthusiasm for the potential of AI to solve challenging scientific questions, such as protein folding and other scientific problems.

Success Factors:

Hassabis attributes his success to pursuing multiple passions, including games, programming, AI, neuroscience, and organizational design. He emphasizes the importance of organizational design and culture in maximizing company output. DeepMind’s unique culture, cultivated through collaboration with brilliant individuals, contributes to its achievements.

AI as a Catalyst for Societal Advancement

Hassabis views AI as a transformative tool, capable of addressing global challenges like climate change and Alzheimer’s. He sees AI not just as a technological marvel but as a means to empower human ingenuity and revalue professions like nursing and teaching. This vision extends to how AI might reshape our understanding of consciousness and enhance human fulfillment, potentially alleviating mundane tasks to allow a pursuit of more meaningful activities. Hassabis sees AI as a key to unlocking these mysteries, exploring the nature of consciousness and its mechanistic aspects.

Ethics and Responsibility in AI Development

The ethical dimension of AI is a cornerstone of Hassabis’s philosophy. He advocates for responsible AI development, emphasizing the need for human oversight and caution in military applications. Open scientific collaboration and an informed government approach to AI policy are critical to this ethical framework.

AI’s Role in Understanding Consciousness and the Universe

For Hassabis, understanding consciousness and our place in the universe is paramount. He sees AI as a key to unlocking these mysteries, exploring the nature of consciousness and its mechanistic aspects. This curiosity extends to AI’s limitations and challenges, such as the need for vast data and clear objectives.

The Intersection of Personal Interests and Professional Pursuits

Hassabis’s personal interests, like his love for various music genres and films, intertwine with his professional pursuits, offering creative inspiration and relaxation. His eclectic tastes reflect his diverse approach to problem-solving and innovation. The magic of computers at age eight sparked a lifelong passion for programming and AI. The ability of computers to solve problems while he slept fascinated him, seeing it as a way to enhance his mind.

The Future: AI, Education, and Adaptability

Looking forward, Hassabis emphasizes adaptability and lifelong learning in a rapidly evolving technological landscape. He advocates for an education system that focuses on metacognitive skills and interdisciplinary studies, preparing individuals for an unpredictable future. Hassabis’s parents were bohemian and entrepreneurial, encouraging him to pursue his passions. His father’s diverse career choices and entrepreneurial ventures instilled in him a sense of independence and adaptability. Frequent moves during his childhood prepared him for the challenges of running companies and interacting with diverse people.

AI’s Potential:

Hassabis’s primary goal is to develop human-level AI as quickly as possible. He envisions AI as a “meta-solution” to societal problems across various sectors.

AI’s Empowering Nature:

Hassabis views AI as an amazing and empowering technology that can unleash human ingenuity by providing smart tools for scientific research, medical advancements, and problem-solving.

AI and Climate Action:

AI can optimize materials and solutions for climate change, improve climate modeling, monitor and track climate data, assist NGOs in verifying international agreements, and detect deforestation.

AI in Healthcare:

AI can augment doctors’ knowledge, improve diagnostic accuracy, revalue undervalued jobs like nursing, and provide smart tools for nurses to enhance their work.

The Mechanistic Brain and Turing’s Idea:

Hassabis believes the brain can be described mechanically, and AI can replicate brain functions using Turing’s machine concept. However, the question of whether AIs can replicate all human brain capabilities remains.

AI and Literature:

Hassabis anticipates rudimentary language translation devices but doubts machines can grasp language nuances or create great literature. He emphasizes the importance of human authors in evoking empathy and relatability through their experiences, which may be lacking in machine-generated stories.

AI’s Disruptive Potential:

Hassabis believes AI will disrupt existing jobs but create new opportunities, similar to the Industrial Revolution’s impact on spinning wheels in weaving houses.

AI and Military Use:

Hassabis strongly opposes AI’s military use and believes humans should always control weapon systems. He observes a spirit of information sharing among AI researchers, preventing a classical arms race.

Demis Hassabis’s Unique Insights and Perspectives

Humans in the Universe:

– Hassabis expresses his belief in the uniqueness of humans as the only fully conscious beings in the universe. He sees the potential of consciousness as a key aspect of understanding the universe and bringing self-awareness to it.

Openness to Unexplained Phenomena:

– While being a scientist and valuing the scientific method, Hassabis recognizes the vastness of the unknown and is open to the possibility of unexplained phenomena in the physical universe.

Importance of Goal Definition for AI:

– Hassabis emphasizes the significance of clearly specifying objectives for artificial intelligence (AI) systems to achieve progress. He highlights the need for a metric to measure progress and a substantial amount of data or simulation for learning.

Music and Creativity:

– Hassabis shares his preferences for different music genres depending on his activities and mood. He finds instrumental music with a beat and melody, such as liquid drum and bass, to be conducive to focus and creativity.

The Influence of Blade Runner:

– The film “Blade Runner” is mentioned as a major influence on Hassabis, particularly due to its exploration of artificial intelligence and the nature of being human.

AI as a Tool, Not a Replacement:

– Hassabis sees AI as an extension of human capabilities rather than a replacement for them. He emphasizes the importance of human education, soulfulness, and emotional input in utilizing AI tools.

Adaptability and Learning in a Changing World:

– Hassabis suggests that students should focus on developing general skills and adaptability instead of pursuing specific jobs. He advocates for teaching metacognitive skills that enable individuals to learn effectively and adapt to new technologies and sectors.

Demis Hassabis’s Insights on Education, Self-Development, and Motivation


– Hassabis believes students should learn transferable skills and metacognitive skills that will be valuable in various fields and technological advancements.

– He emphasizes the importance of generalized training rather than subject-specific training to prepare students for a rapidly changing world.

– He views this period as an exciting time in human history, with the potential for significant improvements in life for the majority of people.


– Hassabis stresses the importance of self-awareness and understanding one’s strengths, passions, and learning preferences.

– He believes that mastering self-knowledge is crucial for optimizing one’s performance and achieving the best results.

– He recommends building on strengths and passions to develop unique and valuable skill combinations.

Interdisciplinary Thinking:

– Hassabis believes that many future breakthroughs and new companies will arise from interdisciplinary approaches that connect disparate subjects.

– He emphasizes the value of seeing connections between seemingly unrelated fields and combining knowledge from diverse areas.

– He anticipates that this approach will lead to significant innovations and discoveries in the coming years.


– Hassabis’s motivation stems from a desire to make the most of his upbringing and talents and to contribute positively to the world.

– He is driven by a deep passion for understanding the world, particularly the mysteries of consciousness, the brain, and the universe.

– He believes that artificial intelligence can be a powerful tool for advancing both physics and neuroscience and is eager to explore its potential in these fields.

Notes by: crash_function