Demis Hassabis (DeepMind Co-founder) – Exploring the Frontiers of Knowledge | DLD17 (Feb 2017)


00:00:05 Exploring the Frontiers of AI and General Purpose Learning
00:03:53 AlphaGo: Capturing Intuition and Instinct in the Ancient Game of Go
00:09:45 Innovations in AlphaGo's Gameplay
00:11:45 AlphaGo's Innovative Move in the Game of Go
00:16:07 Intuition, Creativity, and the Frontiers of Knowledge in AlphaGo
00:19:23 Artificial Intelligence and the Revolution of Go
00:22:53 Real-World Applications of AI: Beyond Games


Exploring the Boundaries of Intelligence: DeepMind’s Journey from Gaming Breakthroughs to Real-World Applications

The Unprecedented AI Revolution: DeepMind’s Approach and Impact

DeepMind, founded in 2010 by the visionary Demis Hassabis, is revolutionizing the boundaries of artificial intelligence, aiming to fundamentally solve intelligence and apply it to a wide range of challenges. At the core of their mission is developing a general-purpose learning system, inspired by the human brain, capable of learning from raw experience or data without explicit programming. DeepMind’s unique approach combines academic excellence with startup agility, exemplified by their breakthroughs in game playing, particularly in Atari games and the ancient board game Go, where they have pioneered innovative strategies and demonstrated AI’s ability to learn and adapt beyond human understanding.

These general-purpose learning systems are not tailored to specific tasks like chess but can be adapted to various domains. To translate AI algorithms from games to real-world applications, DeepMind employs iterative optimization techniques. This approach involves efficiently exploring vast search spaces to identify optimal solutions, suitable for fields like drug discovery and material design. In drug discovery, AI can analyze vast datasets to identify and optimize potential drug candidates. In material design, AI can create new materials with desired properties. DeepMind successfully applied a variation of AlphaGo to optimize Google’s data centers, leading to a 40% reduction in power consumption. This showcases the potential of AI algorithms in improving efficiency in large-scale systems.

AlphaGo: A Landmark in AI Research

AlphaGo, the first computer program to defeat a professional human Go player, stands as DeepMind’s most significant achievement. This milestone, achieved through deep neural networks and reinforcement learning, showcases AI’s potential in various fields beyond gaming. AlphaGo employed two neural networks – the policy network and the value network – mirroring Go’s intuitive aspect, a feat previously deemed impossible for AI due to the game’s complexity and reliance on human intuition.

The Innovation Behind AlphaGo’s Success

AlphaGo’s victory over Lee Sedol, a top Go player, was marked by innovative strategies, including the revolutionary move 37 in Game 2. This move, played on the fifth line instead of the traditional third or fourth, challenged established Go principles. AlphaGo’s value net, a neural network predicting the winner of a Go game, was crucial to its success. It learned the evaluation function through self-play, eliminating the need for explicit programming. AlphaGo employed a Monte Carlo tree search algorithm to explore possible moves and predict outcomes, incorporating a policy network to select promising moves and a value network to evaluate board positions. AlphaGo’s self-learning capabilities allowed it to adapt and improve its strategies throughout the match.

AlphaGo’s Unthinkable Move in Game 2 and Its Impact

In Game 2 of the AlphaGo vs. Lee Sedol match, AlphaGo made an astonishing move on move 37, considered unthinkable by Go professionals. This move deviated from traditional strategies by playing on the fifth line, giving territory to the opponent but gaining influence in the center. In Go, the third and fourth lines are traditionally considered equal in value; playing on the third line claims territory, while playing on the fourth line secures power and influence in the center. AlphaGo’s move on the fifth line challenged this conventional wisdom, suggesting that influence toward the center might be undervalued.

AlphaGo’s Intuition, Creativity, and Perfection

– Intuition: Implicit knowledge acquired through experience but cannot be consciously expressed or communicated.

– Creativity: The ability to synthesize knowledge to produce a novel or original idea in the service of some goal.

AlphaGo has shown evidence of intuition and creativity within the constrained domain of the board game Go. It can synthesize knowledge to produce novel and original ideas, such as unexpected moves that have caused waves in the Go community. After defeating the world’s best player, AlphaGo continued to be developed to explore the limits of knowledge and create perfection in the game of Go. The goal was to fix knowledge gaps, optimize performance, and help improve human play through interaction with AlphaGo. A new version of AlphaGo was released online and achieved a remarkable 16-0 victory against all the world’s top 20 players. These victories have caused a significant impact in Asia, with professional Go schools studying the games and rewriting theory books. AlphaGo’s innovative moves have challenged traditional Go theory and opened up new possibilities for gameplay.

The Future of Human-AI Collaboration

The impact of AlphaGo extends beyond the game of Go. It represents a new era where humans and AI collaborate, combining human ingenuity with AI’s computational power to explore new possibilities and push the boundaries of knowledge. This collaboration is akin to using an advanced tool, like the Hubble telescope, allowing players to explore the vast universe of Go and other domains with vast combinatorial possibilities.

DeepMind’s Vision for AI Beyond Gaming

DeepMind’s ambitions go far beyond gaming. DeepMind recognizes the complexity of today’s systems, from disease to macroeconomics, and the challenges of understanding them unaided. AI is seen as a meta-solution that can help tackle these complex problems by providing a powerful tool for analysis and optimization.

Ethical Considerations and AI-Assisted Science

Recognizing the profound implications of AI, DeepMind emphasizes ethical AI usage. They are part of the Partnership on AI, promoting AI’s beneficial use for society. Moreover, Hassabis envisions AI-assisted science, where AI could accelerate scientific and medical breakthroughs, akin to AI scientists working alongside human researchers.

A New Horizon in Artificial Intelligence

DeepMind’s journey from mastering games to tackling real-world challenges marks a significant shift in our understanding and application of artificial intelligence. The breakthroughs with AlphaGo and the potential applications in diverse fields not only showcase AI’s capabilities but also pose new ethical considerations and collaborative opportunities. As we stand on the cusp of this AI revolution, it’s clear that the synergy between human creativity and AI’s computational power will continue to unlock unprecedented possibilities in the exploration of intelligence and problem-solving.

Notes by: Alkaid