Demis Hassabis (DeepMind Co-founder) – Using AI to Accelerate Scientific Discovery (Aug 2022)


00:00:07 AI and Games: A Path to General Learning Systems
00:03:17 AI in Science: Using Learning Systems to Solve Complex Problems
00:11:21 Reinforcement Learning: A Key to General Artificial Intelligence
00:13:21 Intuition in Go: Challenges and Opportunities for AI
00:17:12 Self-Play and Iterative Improvement in Neural Network Training
00:21:31 Breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence and Game-Changing Strategies in Go
00:26:05 AlphaZero: Revolutionizing Chess with Mobility-Driven Strategy
00:30:42 General AI Systems for Scientific Discovery: Using Games as a Testing Ground
00:38:44 Protein Folding, Computation, and the AlphaFold Project
00:44:22 Advancing Protein Structure Prediction with AlphaFold2: From Theoretical Breakthroughs to Practical
00:50:24 AlphaFold2: Unraveling the Complex World of Proteins
00:59:47 Digital Biology: Ushering in a New Era of AI and Life Sciences
01:09:07 Applying Scientific Method to Artificial General Intelligence
01:14:55 AI and the Mysteries of the Human Mind
01:17:22 Addressing Potential Risks and Dual Use of AI Systems at DeepMind
01:22:13 AI's Contribution to Scientific Advancement and Moral Implications
01:28:32 Bridging AI and Neuroscience: Towards Understanding Artificial Minds


The Pioneering Role of DeepMind in AI: Revolutionizing Science and Challenging Ethical Norms


In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, DeepMind stands as a beacon of innovation and ethical quandaries. This article delves into DeepMind’s groundbreaking advancements in AI, particularly in games and protein folding, and examines the ethical and scientific implications of these technologies. It emphasizes the significance of DeepMind’s mission to solve intelligence and apply it for humanity’s benefit, while also highlighting the challenges and responsibilities associated with such powerful technologies.

DeepMind: Bridging Games and Science

DeepMind’s journey began with an ambitious goal: to solve intelligence and leverage it to address real-world issues. This vision was partly realized through AI systems like AlphaGo and AlphaZero, which not only mastered complex games like Go, chess, and shogi but also demonstrated the potential of AI in creative problem-solving and strategy. These AI models, through reinforcement learning and novel strategies, not only surpassed human capabilities in these games but also influenced how these games are played at the highest levels, exemplifying the transformative impact of AI.

AlphaZero, an AI system developed by DeepMind, surpassed both AlphaGo and AlphaZero in the games of Go and Japanese Chess Shogi. AlphaZero’s victory over the top chess program, Stockfish, sparked a discussion about the potential for further improvement in chess. AlphaZero’s approach to chess is distinct from conventional chess programs, prioritizing mobility over materiality, leading to visually appealing and aesthetically pleasing games. In a game against Stockfish, AlphaZero showcased its prowess in a unique position known as “Zugswang,” highlighting its ability to outmaneuver its opponents. AlphaZero’s achievements underscore the potential for AI systems to revolutionize games like chess and open up new avenues for research in AI and machine learning.

New Heights in AI Gaming: AlphaZero’s Triumphs and Innovations in Chess

AlphaGo and AlphaZero are computer programs developed by DeepMind that excel in playing board games. AlphaGo is known for its victory over Lee Sedol, a top-ranked Go player, in a million-dollar challenge match in 2016. AlphaZero was developed to generalize the techniques of AlphaGo to all two-player games, including Go, chess, and shogi. AlphaGo’s unconventional strategy of playing a move on the fifth line from the edge of the board (move 37 in game two) revolutionized the way Go players think about the game. This move, which was previously considered unthinkable and discouraged by Go masters, proved to be a strategic decision that influenced the outcome of the game. AlphaGo’s innovative strategies have prompted Go players to adopt new approaches and techniques, leading to a broader understanding of the game’s dynamics. AlphaZero’s success in two-player games such as chess, shogi, and Go demonstrates its ability to learn and master complex strategies with minimal training. AlphaZero surpassed the performance of the best handcrafted systems, including Stockfish in chess, within just four hours of training. This achievement highlights the potential of AlphaZero and similar AI systems to excel in a wide range of games and domains.

AlphaFold: A Leap in Protein Folding

Perhaps DeepMind’s most significant contribution to date is AlphaFold, an AI system that accurately predicts protein structures. This breakthrough, hailed as a solution to a 50-year-old grand challenge in biology, has profound implications for drug discovery, disease understanding, and biological research. AlphaFold’s success is attributed to its advanced machine learning techniques, which include an attention-based neural network and a departure from previous convolutional approaches. This innovation has opened new avenues in scientific research, showcasing the immense potential of AI in fields beyond computer science.

Scientific Method for AI Development

DeepMind’s approach to AI development emphasizes the importance of applying the scientific method, including careful thought, foresight, hypothesis generation, controlled testing, and empirical data analysis. The company’s scientific rigor has allowed it to achieve significant advancements while ensuring responsible and ethical development.

Scientific Method in Neural Networks

Neural networks don’t follow the scientific method in the traditional sense, but they use its approach. Current systems are often black boxes, but efforts are being made to make them more transparent.

Scientific Method as a Foundation for AI

The speaker highlights the importance of the scientific method as a guiding principle for AI development. He emphasizes the need for rigorous experimentation, data collection, and hypothesis testing to ensure the accuracy and reliability of AI systems. By adhering to the scientific method, AI can be used to solve complex problems and contribute to human knowledge.

Rigorous Testing Before Deployment

DeepMind advocates for conducting thorough testing in controlled environments before deploying AI systems on a large scale. This approach enables researchers to gain a deeper understanding of the system’s behavior and potential issues, mitigating risks and ensuring responsible deployment.

Treating AI with Respect and Caution

DeepMind recognizes that AI is a powerful technology that demands respect and caution. The company emphasizes the importance of approaching AI with humility and treating it with the seriousness it deserves, given its potential impact on humanity.

AI as a General-Purpose Tool for Scientific Understanding

DeepMind views AI as a general-purpose tool that can aid scientists in better understanding the universe and our place in it. The company’s work with AlphaFold demonstrates the potential of AI to revolutionize scientific research and open up new avenues for discovery.

Social Networks and Moral Obligations

The speaker expresses skepticism about the value of weak ties in social networks compared to deeper, more meaningful relationships. He emphasizes the need for careful consideration of metrics and outcomes before optimizing social networks. The scientific method should be employed to thoroughly analyze the consequences and potential risks of building social networks.

Tension Between Tool and Colleague

As AI becomes more capable, there is a tension between viewing it as a tool or a colleague. DeepMind acknowledges this tension and highlights the need for a different form of respect that challenges the original objective of treating AI solely as a tool.

AI’s Role in Moral and Political Domains

The speaker acknowledges the challenges of applying AI to moral and political issues due to the complexity of human motivations and behaviors. He suggests the possibility of using AI to create experimental test beds or simulations for political science and economics. This could facilitate low-stakes exploration of different political systems and market dynamics.

Determining Benefits to Humanity

DeepMind recognizes the complexity of determining what benefits humanity. The company acknowledges that different perspectives exist and that there is no easy answer to this question.

Division of Labor in Decision-Making

DeepMind believes that the responsibility of making decisions about AI’s benefits and applications should not solely rest on developers, researchers, and corporations. The company emphasizes the role of governments in resolving these issues, considering the broader implications for society.

AI and the Journey of Understanding Human Minds

DeepMind’s work with AI has provided insights into human cognition and neuroscience. The company believes that AI can help scientists gain a better understanding of the human brain and its functions, shedding light on complex mental processes such as dreaming, creativity, and emotions.

Neuroscience Techniques for Understanding AI

The goal is to understand artificial minds as well as we understand the real brain. Access to every artificial neuron and complete control over experimental conditions provide unique opportunities for study. Techniques like fMRI and single-cell recording can be adapted for AI analysis.

Building AI to Understand Human Mysteries

DeepMind suggests that building AI and intelligent artifacts can help identify what is missing in these systems compared to humans. The company emphasizes the importance of scientific exploration and philosophical inquiry in understanding human mysteries such as free will and consciousness.

Approaching AI Development with Caution

DeepMind advocates for a cautious approach to developing AI systems with consciousness and free will. The company stresses the need for ethical considerations, multidisciplinary collaboration, and gradual implementation to ensure responsible and safe development.

AI as an Emulation of the Scientific Method

The speaker proposes the development of AI systems that emulate the scientific method. Such systems would be capable of generating hypotheses, conducting experiments, and refining their understanding over time. This could lead to advancements in science and other fields by automating and accelerating the research process.

DeepMind’s Approach to Dual Use, Lessons from Industry, and Metrics for a Social Network

DeepMind has established an Institutional Review Committee (IRC) to assess research projects and consider potential dual-use risks. The IRC evaluates projects, identifies concerns, and suggests safeguards or modifications. The company recognizes the complexity of ethical questions surrounding dual use and acknowledges the need for ongoing learning and adaptation.

DeepMind’s organizational setup combines the best of startups and academia, enabling projects of significant impact. The company’s unique organizational culture and processes could serve as a blueprint for other grand projects.

DeepMind’s approach to metrics for a social network would focus on user well-being, engagement, and positive impact. The company would prioritize metrics that promote diverse interactions, accurate information, and constructive dialogue, while avoiding metrics that could lead to harmful behaviors or echo chambers.

Challenges in Studying AI Systems

AI systems change over time, making long-term studies difficult. Researchers are now reaching a point where systems are interesting enough to warrant dedicated study.

Future of AI Understanding

Over the next decade, there will be a significant increase in our understanding of AI systems. The goal is to make AI systems as transparent and understandable as the real brain.

The Future of AI and DeepMind’s Legacy

DeepMind’s contributions to AI have not just been technological feats; they have represented a paradigm shift in how we approach problem-solving in various domains, from games to scientific research. The company’s work in AI ethics and safety also sets a precedent for future developments in the field. As AI continues to evolve, the lessons learned from DeepMind’s approach – balancing innovation with responsibility and applying the scientific method to AI development – will be crucial in shaping a future where AI serves humanity’s best interests.

Notes by: OracleOfEntropy