Dean Kamen (Deka Research Founder) – PTC/User Key note speaker Dean Kamen (Jun 2013)


00:00:10 Innovation: The Balancing Act of High Risk and Failure
00:05:59 Surprises, Rude Realities, and Innovation
00:11:42 Innovation Schedule vs. Conventional Schedule
00:21:52 Innovation and Risk in Product Development
00:31:45 Innovation and the Challenge of Established Knowledge
00:36:57 Addressing Innovation Challenges in Corporate Environments
00:42:55 Innovation: A Collective Effort for a Better Future
00:52:31 Engineering as a Cultural Institution
00:54:40 Inspiring Tomorrow's Scientists and Engineers Through Robotics Competitions
00:59:40 Inspiring the Next Generation: The Role of the Technical Community
01:02:02 Inspiring Youth with Robotics Competitions


Innovation in Engineering and Technology: Embracing Challenges and Cultivating Future Innovators

Innovation in engineering and technology is a dynamic concept often compared to abstract notions like love or pornographyeasily recognized but challenging to define. A prominent figure in the field, Dean Kamen, acknowledges the high failure rate associated with innovation, juxtaposed against the few successful ventures that often overshadow the failures. This highlights the complex and multifaceted nature of innovation.

Contrasting Approaches to Innovation: Large vs. Small Firms

Large corporations and small R&D firms approach innovation differently. Large companies place an emphasis on processes and consistency, while smaller firms embrace the high risks and potential failures that come with groundbreaking research and development. Kamen humorously uses the analogy of teaching innovation to a shot put champion learning ballet to underscore the challenges of fostering innovation within structured environments.

Kamen’s Sarcastic Take on Technical Expertise

Addressing a gathering of engineers and developers, Kamen cautions that his presentation, aimed at management, might not align with their technical expertise. His self-deprecating disclaimer of not being qualified to teach innovation adds a layer of sarcasm, highlighting the subject’s complexity.

DECA’s iBot: A Revolutionary Leap in Medical Technology

Kamen’s dedication to balance in technology is exemplified by the iBot, a self-balancing wheelchair capable of climbing stairs. This remarkable innovation showcases the broader applications of balance principles in medical technologies.

Defining the Essence of Innovation: Invention vs. Innovation

Innovation is a rare phenomenon where an invention meets a societal need and greatly impacts the community, differentiating itself from the mere creation of something new, termed “invention.” This distinction emphasizes the societal and practical implications of technological advancements.

Innovation: Unpredictable and Misunderstood

Innovation is often perceived as a series of eureka moments leading to success, but it actually involves a much more complex process of trial, error, and unexpected outcomes. The Segway, a personal transporter developed by Kamen, serves as a case study, highlighting the surprising challenges and milestones that marked its development.

The Harsh Truths of Innovation: Hard Work, Persistence, and Obstacles

Contrary to popular belief, innovation is not a straightforward journey but a path riddled with hard work, persistence, and numerous obstacles. Understanding and accepting these challenges are crucial in creating an environment conducive to innovation.

Historical Perspective: The South Pointing Chariot

The ancient Chinese invention of the South Pointing Chariot, an analog navigation tool, exemplifies the difference between innovation and invention. Despite its sophistication, its limited societal impact relegates it to an invention rather than a transformative innovation.

Beyond Technology: The Essence of Innovation

Innovation transcends the field of technology alone. Its true measure lies in societal acceptance and application, underscoring that technology by itself does not guarantee innovation.

Churchill’s Timeless Advice for Innovators

Winston Churchill’s famous advice, “If you’re going through hell, keep going,” resonates deeply with the ethos of innovation. It highlights the importance of perseverance through the myriad challenges and setbacks that innovators invariably face.

Innovative vs. Conventional Development Schedules

Innovation disrupts the conventional linear approach of design, testing, and integration, necessitating a flexible and adaptable mindset to cope with unpredictable challenges. The process of innovation involves “scheduling the miracle” – the unforeseen breakthrough that propels a project to success, requiring an acceptance of uncertainty and a willingness to venture into the unknown.

The Rude Realities of Innovation and Practical Suggestions

Innovation often involves risk, failure, and unpredictability, requiring a willingness to experiment and tolerate setbacks. It is important to avoid solving solutions and focus on addressing the underlying problems. Additionally, established knowledge and rules of engineering can sometimes hinder innovation, requiring a critical and open-minded approach.

Henry David Thoreau’s Perspective on Innovation

Henry David Thoreau’s view on innovation, defining invention as an improved means to an unimproved end, sheds light on the essence of innovation. It’s about discovering new approaches to existing challenges, not just refining existing solutions.

Case Study: Redefining Dialysis Machines

The project to improve a dialysis machine exemplifies true innovation. Rather than focusing on incremental changes, the team, driven by Kamen’s leadership, sought to revolutionize the concept with a simpler, home-based system. This endeavor, despite skepticism, ultimately led to a breakthrough in medical technology.

Overcoming the Mental Barriers to Innovation

The greatest obstacle to innovation is often our own entrenched beliefs and assumptions. Letting go of outdated ideas and being open to new possibilities are critical to fostering innovative thinking. This is particularly pertinent in the rapidly evolving field of engineering, where rules and methodologies are constantly changing.

The Organizational Culture and Innovation

Innovation is not a passive activity but a collective effort requiring involvement from all levels of an organization. The approach to failure, especially in large organizations, can significantly impact the innovation culture. Encouraging involvement, acknowledging the evolving nature of truth in technology, and balancing the reward for success with tolerance for failure are key to nurturing innovation.

The Imperative of Innovation: Beyond Products and Technologies

Innovation is not just about creating new products or technologies; it’s about sparking entirely new industries and exploring the bounds of human capability and understanding. It’s about making the impossible, possible.

Timing and Collective Nature of Innovation

Innovation should be pursued proactively rather than as a last resort. Its success hinges on collective effort and diversity of thought, emphasizing the importance of involving everyone in an organization and valuing different perspectives.

Inspiring the Next Generation: Addressing the STEM Gap

The future of innovation depends on inspiring the next generation. The disparity in STEM aspirations, especially among women and minorities in the U.S., points to a deeper issue in societal values and education. Addressing this gap is crucial for continued progress and innovation.

Cultural Shifts and FIRST Robotics Competition

The solution lies in a cultural shift, making science and engineering attractive and accessible to young people. Initiatives like the FIRST Robotics Competition, founded by Kamen, create a sport-like, engaging environment that inspires students towards science and technology. This approach has shown significant positive impacts, increasing interest in STEM fields and enhancing students’ skills in teamwork and problem solving.

The Responsibility of the Technical Community

Education and the Importance of Kindling a Passion:

Education should focus on igniting curiosity and passion in students, rather than merely transferring information. The technical community has a responsibility to play a significant role in shaping the values and aspirations of the next generation.

The Need for Technical Community Involvement:

Athletes and celebrities often influence youth culture, but the technical community must also step up to convey the importance of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Investing in the future through education is crucial for ensuring the well-being of the country.

The Technical Community’s Role in Public Discourse:

Despite its contributions to society, the technical community often lacks a strong voice in public discussions. Engaging in media and public discourse is essential for shaping the narrative and influencing policy decisions.

The Power of Mentorship and Role Models:

Competent technology professionals are needed to mentor and inspire young people, helping them understand the difference between pastimes and meaningful careers. Engaging with students in a fun and accessible manner can captivate their attention and encourage them to pursue STEM fields.

The Importance of Deserving Success:

While desires may not always be fulfilled, individuals typically receive what they deserve based on their efforts and contributions. Striving for excellence and earning success through hard work and dedication is essential for personal growth and societal progress.

A Call to Action:

Dean Kamen passionately encourages individuals to actively engage with FIRST Robotics, an organization dedicated to inspiring young minds in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). He emphasizes the importance of providing these kids with the opportunity to interact with serious professionals and emphasizes that involvement can be fun and rewarding.

The Significance of Involvement:

Kamen stresses the profound impact that involvement with FIRST Robotics can have on the lives of these students. He believes that they deserve to hear from and interact with professionals who are genuinely passionate about STEM and who can provide valuable insights and guidance.

Making it Fun and Accessible:

Kamen acknowledges that getting involved in FIRST Robotics should be an enjoyable and engaging experience. He invites individuals to give it a try and emphasizes that the organization makes it easy to get involved. He encourages people to talk to the kids involved in the program and to witness firsthand the transformative power of STEM education.

Support from PTC:

Kamen expresses gratitude for PTC’s generous sponsorship of FIRST Robotics, acknowledging their commitment to promoting STEM education. He encourages individuals to approach PTC representatives for guidance on how to get involved, join a team, and make a meaningful contribution to the program.

In conclusion, the journey of innovation in engineering and technology is a complex interplay of embracing risks, challenging conventional thinking, and cultivating a culture that values scientific exploration and creative problem-solving. By acknowledging the harsh realities of innovation and inspiring future generations, we can continue to push the boundaries of what is possible and drive societal progress.

Notes by: Rogue_Atom