David Drummond (Google Chief Legal Officer) – Fireside Chat with Google’s Chief Legal Officer (Feb 2013)


00:00:06 Google Freshman Fireside Chat
00:02:17 History of David Drummond's Career Path
00:10:23 Google's Chief Legal Officer's Roles and Responsibilities
00:12:51 Internet Technology Innovations: From Disruption to Science Fiction Reality
00:19:11 Aiming High in Innovation: Lessons from Failures and Successes
00:21:18 Advice on Education, Language, Leadership, and Career
00:31:38 Google's Impact on the World: A Personal Journey
00:34:25 Factors Influencing Silicon Valley's Innovation Ecosystem
00:40:29 Key Qualities Google Looks for in Potential Leaders
00:45:46 Generalist Preparation for Successful Leadership


“David Drummond’s Journey: From Law to Leadership at Google – Embracing Innovation and Risk in Silicon Valley”

David Drummond, Google’s Senior Vice President of Corporate Development and Chief Legal Officer, has been an integral part of the company for over a decade, a noteworthy tenure in Google’s dynamic environment. As part of Google’s Executive Speaker Series, Drummond shared his insights with freshman from Spelman College, Morehouse College, and Howard University, inviting them to engage in a conversation about his journey and their experiences.

David Drummond: An Unconventional Path to Google

David Drummond’s journey to Google was shaped by his upbringing in central California and his father’s legacy as a Tuskegee Airman and military pilot. Drummond’s interest in law and politics led him to pursue a liberal arts education and law school, where he was exposed to Silicon Valley’s tech industry. The region’s semiconductor industry had fostered a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, attracting professionals from diverse backgrounds, including lawyers specializing in startups. In 1998, Drummond met with Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin and played a pivotal role in establishing the company, marking the start of his unique role at Google.

Silicon Valley’s Culture of Innovation

Drummond emphasized the unique culture of Silicon Valley, which has played a pivotal role in attracting talent and driving technological advancements. The region’s diverse population, favorable climate, and tolerant, innovative mindset have created a fertile ground for innovation and entrepreneurship. Drummond discussed how the Internet, particularly Google’s services and products, have revolutionized the way people access and utilize information worldwide. He also highlighted Google’s efforts to bring innovative technology to various industries, aiming for positive change.

Beyond Financial Motivation

Drummond suggests that many Google employees are driven by the company’s mission and the opportunity to make a significant impact rather than solely financial incentives.

Drummond’s Multifaceted Role at Google

In his extensive role at Google, Drummond oversees the entire legal department, government relations, mergers and acquisitions, public relations, communications, and policy management for advertising and content on Google platforms. He is a member of the L team, led by CEO Larry Page, which comprises leaders from product groups and business units responsible for the day-to-day operations of the company. Drummond’s hybrid role combines legal and business aspects, making it both unique and challenging.

Google’s Mission and Impact

Drummond highlighted Google’s mission to make information universally accessible and useful, which drives the company’s initiatives and shapes its approach to innovation and industry impact. He noted Google’s role in disrupting traditional industries, such as the self-driving car project, and its efforts to balance profit with social responsibility. Drummond emphasized Google’s commitment to providing access to information globally, internationalizing its services, and supporting sites in developing countries even without a business presence.

Encouraging Risk-Taking and Innovation

Drummond emphasized the importance of risk-taking and innovation at Google, where ambitious goals are pursued even at the risk of failure. He discussed the company’s culture of aiming for audacious objectives, which has led to breakthroughs in areas such as AI and intelligent ad systems. Drummond also highlighted the value of failure as a stepping stone to innovation and success, citing the example of Google’s ad system, which emerged from an unsuccessful artificial intelligence project.

Taking Risks in a Career

Drummond’s decision to leave a secure legal career for the then-small Google was a significant risk he took. The outcome of this risk has been overwhelmingly positive, demonstrating the potential rewards of embracing calculated risks.

Advice for Students and Aspiring Professionals

Drummond’s advice to students and young professionals focused on the importance of knowledge, practical skills, and adaptability. He encouraged them to seek opportunities for leadership regardless of age or classification, emphasizing the value of language skills and adaptability. He also cautioned against being confined to a single career path or area of expertise. Drummond advised focusing on building a broad base of knowledge and experience, exploring interests and pursuing intellectual pursuits with passion. He also highlighted the importance of valuing the freedom and time available in school for exploration and learning.

Qualities Beyond Intelligence and Achievement

Drummond emphasizes that Googliness involves more than just intelligence and achievement. He stresses the importance of collaboration, willingness to challenge and be challenged, and maintaining a collaborative spirit.

Advice for Students Aspiring to be Lawyers

Drummond advises students aiming to follow in the footsteps of lawyers at Google to focus on developing a strong foundation in the law and gaining experience in different areas of legal practice.

Leadership and Communication at Google

Drummond shared insights into Google’s leadership style, characterized by openness to questioning and collaboration. He described Google’s unique ‘Googliness’ traits, such as humility and courage of conviction, which play a crucial role in its leadership and decision-making processes. He emphasized the importance of communication, listening, creativity, collaboration, and setting an example in effective leadership.

Overcoming Challenges and Career Evolution

Drummond reflected on his career path, highlighting the importance of adaptability and overcoming classification barriers. He advised young individuals to embrace leadership roles early in their careers and to view college as a time for exploration and growth. He shared his journey from aspiring to be a courtroom lawyer to discovering his passion for business-focused law at Google.

Embracing a Generalist Approach

In concluding his chat, Drummond emphasized the value of being a generalist in today’s multifaceted world. He advocated for a broad understanding of various fields and perspectives, which is crucial for sound judgment and decision-making. His journey is a testament to the power of embracing opportunities, continuous learning, and staying adaptable in an ever-evolving landscape.

Generalist Approach

Drummond emphasizes the importance of being a generalist in today’s world, rather than specializing in a single area of law or industry. He believes that exposure to various topics and perspectives helps develop judgment skills, which are highly valuable in leadership roles.

Notes by: datagram