Darren Woods (ExxonMobile CEO) – Interview with Norges Bank Investment Management CEO (Nov 2023)


00:00:00 ExxonMobil's 30-Year Journey: From Oil to Energy
00:03:36 Impact of Global Mobility on Personal Resilience and Leadership
00:10:28 Meeting Society's Energy Needs: Exploring Alternative Solutions to Climate Change
00:18:42 Approaches to Mitigating Carbon Emissions
00:31:55 Comparing Approaches to Carbon Emissions Reduction: Carrots vs. Sticks
00:34:26 Exxon CEO Discusses Geopolitics, AI, and Corporate Culture
00:42:36 Corporate Evolution and Learning from Diverse Industries
00:44:42 Values, Work-Life, and Career Advice from ExxonMobil's CEO
00:53:07 ExxonMobil's Leadership and Organizational Success


Darren Woods and ExxonMobil: A Journey of Resilience, Innovation, and a Balanced Approach to the Energy Transition

Darren Woods, CEO of ExxonMobil, exemplifies resilience, innovation, and a balanced approach to the challenging energy transition. His diverse upbringing, marked by frequent relocations and exposure to various cultures, has significantly influenced his values and leadership style. At ExxonMobil, Woods emphasizes sustainable improvement, resilience, and a long-term perspective, aligning with the company’s focus on technological innovation and effective management of the energy transition. This article delves into Woods’ journey, the impact of his upbringing on his leadership, and ExxonMobil’s strategic approach to current energy challenges.

1. From Kansas to Global Leadership: The Making of Darren Woods

Darren Woods’ journey to the helm of ExxonMobil began far from the energy industry’s corridors. Born in Kansas, he moved around the world due to his father’s work with the U.S. military. This nomadic childhood provided Woods with a broader perspective and an appreciation for diversity, helping him develop a strong sense of values and principles. Living in South Korea, the Philippines, Hawaii, and Texas exposed Woods to different cultures and viewpoints, fostering his ability to challenge established paradigms and recognize the value of diverse perspectives.

After graduating from high school, Woods attended Texas A&M University. His experiences growing up in various locations and his military background instilled in him a sense of resilience and grit. Moving frequently, especially during adolescence, can be challenging and requires resilience. Woods developed a strong sense of self and value, as well as resilience to criticism and bullying. He learned to adapt to new environments and embrace change, traits that would serve him well in his future leadership roles.

2. ExxonMobil Under Woods: A Balanced Approach to Climate and Energy Transition

Woods’ leadership at ExxonMobil reflects his upbringing’s adaptability and open-mindedness. Recognizing the complex nature of the energy transition, he advocates for a multidimensional approach, balancing climate concerns with societal needs, affordability, and availability. He understands the critical role of oil and emphasizes the significance of technological innovation, particularly in areas like carbon capture and storage, hydrogen, and biofuels.

Woods acknowledges that fossil fuel emissions contribute to the risk of climate change, necessitating a transition to a cleaner energy system. However, he highlights the challenges of finding alternatives with the same utility, affordability, and availability as fossil fuels while addressing climate change. The cost of the transition and society’s ability to bear that cost pose significant challenges.

While wind, solar, and electrification are important technologies, Woods believes the focus on these technologies has been too narrow, neglecting other essential solutions. ExxonMobil emphasizes its core competitive advantages in managing and transforming hydrogen and carbon molecules, seeing opportunities in carbon capture and storage, hydrogen, and biofuels as part of the solution to climate change. The company’s technology capabilities, scaling abilities, operational expertise, and experience in starting businesses from scratch give it a unique advantage in developing low-carbon solutions.

Additionally, Woods highlights the importance of carbon capture as a critical part of the solution set for addressing emissions, with ExxonMobil having extensive experience in the field. He acknowledges the current high cost of carbon capture for dilute sources of CO2 but emphasizes ongoing efforts to make it more economical.

Woods also critiques overemphasis on supply-side regulations and advocates for a market-driven approach to emissions reduction. He believes that the focus should be on reducing and eliminating emissions, not just eliminating the use of oil and gas. Preserving existing infrastructure and processes while reducing emissions is seen as a more cost-effective solution.

ExxonMobil’s Limited Role in the Energy System:

– Darren Woods acknowledges that ExxonMobil’s influence on the energy system is limited, accounting for only 2-3% of the global energy supply.

– The company views itself as a participant and price taker rather than a driving force in shaping the industry.

ExxonMobil’s Adaptation to Changing Needs:

– Woods highlights ExxonMobil’s history of adapting to society’s evolving energy needs, transitioning from kerosene to gasoline and developing new products.

– The company relies on its fundamental capabilities in molecule management to meet these changing demands.

3. Challenges and Strategies in the Energy Transition

Navigating the energy transition, Woods acknowledges the hurdles in moving away from oil, given its embedded role in society. He advocates for a balanced approach, emphasizing market-driven solutions, and the need to address both the supply and demand sides of the emissions equation.

ExxonMobil plans to invest 15% of its new investments in low-carbon solutions. However, Woods acknowledges the challenges in this area, including the currently small and nascent opportunity set for low-carbon businesses, limited policy incentives, and high technology costs.

Woods believes that using Scope 3 emissions at the company level can have unintended consequences. He argues that Scope 3 targets may disincentivize the production of cleaner energy sources like LNG, leading to increased coal usage. ExxonMobil advocates for life cycle analysis and carbon intensity as better measures for holding companies accountable.

4. Woods’ Leadership Philosophy: Values and Innovation at the Core

Woods’ approach to leadership at ExxonMobil is deeply influenced by his values and experiences. He prioritizes a long-term perspective in decision-making, integrating technology and innovation to meet evolving energy demands. Emphasizing the importance of aligning values, Woods advocates for a fulfilling career that resonates with one’s beliefs and contributes to society.

Company Technology:

– ExxonMobil values technology as a foundational element for its success.

– The company engages with various sources, including national labs, universities, private ventures, and startups, to bring in relevant perspectives and stay updated with the latest advancements.

– ExxonMobil collaborates with thought leaders in each field to understand the art of the possible and respond to changing trends.

Hiring and Values Alignment:

– At senior levels, ExxonMobil focuses on ensuring value systems alignment with potential hires.

– The company seeks individuals who share the values of the organization and are committed to contributing to society through problem-solving and learning.

– Long-term perspectives and a dedication to fundamentals are essential attributes for success in the company.

5. ExxonMobil’s Legacy and Collective Success

Under Woods, ExxonMobil is committed to upholding its legacy while evolving to meet contemporary challenges. He emphasizes the collective effort in the company’s success, recognizing the contributions of all employees. Beyond his corporate role, Woods finds personal fulfillment in barbecuing, symbolizing his grounded and relatable nature.

Leadership and Legacy:

– Darren Woods feels a strong sense of obligation to perpetuate ExxonMobil’s history and legacy, leaving the company stronger than he found it.

– He believes that every job in the company carries the expectation to improve upon it, a mindset he brings to his role as CEO.

– Woods recognizes that each leader tackles challenges during their tenure and strives to leave the company in a better position.

Organizational Contribution:

– Woods emphasizes that the organization’s success is the result of the collective efforts of all employees, from those working in plants to those in leadership positions.

– He believes that the contribution of every individual ultimately makes the difference in the company’s bottom line and success.

Darren Woods’ leadership at ExxonMobil is a testament to the power of resilience, innovation, and a balanced approach in navigating complex global challenges. His journey from a diverse upbringing in Kansas to leading one of the world’s largest energy companies highlights the importance of adaptability, long-term thinking, and a commitment to values. Woods and ExxonMobil’s approach to the energy transition, focusing on technological innovation and strategic management, underscores the intricate balance between meeting today’s energy needs and preparing for a sustainable future.

Notes by: datagram