Dario Amodei (Anthropic Co-founder) – AI Finding its Best Self (Sep 2023)


00:00:27 TechCrunch Conference Agenda
00:02:37 The Future of AI: Scaling, Limits, and LLMs
00:09:19 AI Experts Address Catastrophic Risks of Large Language Models
00:15:10 Challenges and Opportunities for Deep AI
00:18:55 The Landscape of Language Model Commercialization and Responsible Scaling
00:27:42 Understanding the Nuances of Artificial General Intelligence


The Evolving Landscape of AI: Insights, Risks, and the Future

In an ever-evolving world of technology, the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands out as a field of both great promise and significant concern. This article synthesizes the critical insights and perspectives shared by experts in the field, focusing on the latest developments, the potential risks, and the future trajectory of AI technology. Utilizing the inverted pyramid style, the article presents the most significant points upfront, drawing the reader into the depths of AI’s transformative journey.

Key Developments and Networking in AI

Day Two of a notable tech event brought forward significant highlights, featuring speeches by Dario Amodei from a leading AI company and a battlefield competition showcasing exceptional companies. Interviews with industry leaders like J.B. Straubel and Kyle Vogt were scheduled, indicating a strong focus on SaaS, AI, and other technological advancements. This event provided ample networking opportunities, allowing attendees to connect with co-founders, investors, and potential collaborators through various forums such as breakouts, roundtables, and the deal flow cafe.

Connie Loizis, TechCrunch General Manager and Editor-in-Chief, welcomed attendees to the second day of Disrupt. She emphasized the impressive lineup of speakers, including Dario Amodei, J.B. Straubel, and Kyle Vogt, and highlighted the various stages and events scheduled for the day. Daryl Etherington, TechCrunch Managing Editor, encouraged attendees to seize networking opportunities, connect with potential co-founders and investors, and explore the breakout sessions and roundtables.

AI’s Long Journey and Scaling Laws

AI’s journey, spanning a century, has seen remarkable progress in the last decade, particularly with the advent of neural networks. Once doubted, these networks have shown exceptional performance with increased training scale. Scaling laws suggest that AI models will continue to improve with more compute and data, although quadrillion-parameter models seem unlikely. The growth of these models is expected to follow a square root relationship with available resources.

Dario Amodei, founder of Anthropic, acknowledges the remarkable increase in the scale of neural network training over the past decade. The continuous scaling of neural networks has led to significant improvements in their performance. Amodei’s involvement in studying scaling at OpenAI allowed him to predict the continued effectiveness of scaling for models like GPT-2, GPT-3, and Anthropic’s models.

Transformer-Based Models and Their Limits

Transformer-based language models, a cornerstone of modern AI, face uncertainties regarding their limits. While scaling has consistently yielded improvements, data quantity and efficiency breakthroughs could significantly alter current trends. Identifying the fundamental limits of Large Language Models (LLMs) is challenging, but they have shown surprising capabilities, such as performing complex calculations unaided. Fine-tuning and specialized training could further enhance their performance.

The transformer-based approach has been instrumental in the recent success of language models. Amodei emphasizes the empirical nature of determining the limits of this approach. While it’s uncertain when the limits will be reached, Amodei believes the current scaling trend can continue for at least four more years. Potential obstacles include data quantity limitations and the discovery of more efficient architectures.

Amodei expresses skepticism towards the notion of identifying fundamental limits of LLMs. He argues that as models scale, they exhibit improved capabilities, even in tasks like multiplication, where they were previously limited. Amodei highlights the challenges in measuring and defining these limits precisely.

Dario Amodei, representing Anthropic, emphasizes the need to address catastrophic risks associated with AI, advocating for a testing and auditing regime akin to those for airplanes and cars. Criticism exists regarding the involvement of tech companies in AI regulation, but Amodei stresses the importance of consulting a wide range of stakeholders. Anthropic’s approach to AI safety and openness includes a focus on interpreting and shaping neural net values and sharing their research openly.

Anthropic’s Competitive Edge and Future Prospects

Despite being relatively new, Anthropic stands as a significant player in the AI landscape, particularly in the enterprise sector. Their model Claude has shown strong performance in the legal and financial industries, assisting in tasks like precedent invention and contract understanding. Cloud 2, Anthropic’s current model, excels in coding assistance, productivity tools, and document analysis, while details about Cloud 3, their upcoming model, remain closely guarded.

Amodei’s daily work involves a mix of normal startup challenges and unique considerations due to the rapidly advancing AI technology. He emphasizes the importance of addressing catastrophic risks that may arise as language models become more capable. Amodei acknowledges the limited openness of Anthropic’s AI models in terms of source code, access, and resource requirements. He expresses openness to experimentation with small-scale open-source models and innovation, while emphasizing the need for proper testing of large models.

Insights on AI’s Financial Viability and AGI Discourse

The financial aspect of AI development is notable, with language models generating substantial revenue despite high costs. Investors are attracted to the long-term potential of AI, supporting companies like Anthropic. The term “Artificial General Intelligence” (AGI) is critiqued for its ambiguity, as it conflates practical and speculative aspects of AI. Practical AGI, with human-like capabilities, may be achievable in the near term, while speculative AGI remains uncertain.

Anthropic’s Focus and Business

Anthropic’s primary focus is on building and deploying reliable, large language models (LLMs) with extensive context, information manipulation, and knowledge utilization capabilities. Use cases for their models include productivity tools like Notion and Slack, coding assistants like SourceGraph, and accounting. Anthropic’s business strategy is to create a “race to the top” in AI safety and ethics, encouraging competitors to follow their lead in responsible AI development.

Cloud 3 and Data Usage:

Cloud 3, Anthropic’s upcoming quadrillion-parameter model, will surpass Cloud 2 in parameters, data, and algorithms. Anthropic does not use Cyhub or Library of Genesis data sets, which have been subject to court injunctions against their use.

Anthropic’s Views on Personalities and Incentives

Dario Amodei emphasizes the importance of focusing on incentives rather than personalities in driving responsible AI development. He believes that creating the right incentives for the AI ecosystem will lead to positive outcomes, regardless of individual personalities or company leaders.

Different Concepts Surrounding AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)

Dario Amodei believes that the concept of AGI is complex and involves various stages. He distinguishes between practical and speculative aspects of AGI.

Practical AGI:

Practical AGI refers to the development of models that can perform most tasks that humans can do. Amodei believes that this stage of AGI could be achieved in the near future, within two to three years. Practical AGI would enable models to be employed as professional co-pilots, lawyers, or financial advisors.

Speculative AGI:

Speculative AGI involves more futuristic and potentially dangerous scenarios. Amodei mentions examples such as nanobots filling the earth or the construction of a Dyson sphere around the sun. He acknowledges that these scenarios are possible but highly speculative and not necessarily related to practical AGI.


In conclusion, the AI landscape is marked by rapid advancements, significant risks, and a future filled with possibilities. The focus on safety, regulation, and openness is crucial for the responsible development of AI technologies. Anthropic’s commitment to these principles, coupled with their achievements and potential, positions them as a key player in shaping the future of AI. The journey of AI continues, with each development bringing us closer to understanding the full impact and potential of this transformative technology.

Notes by: MythicNeutron