Carver Mead (CalTech Professor) – Insight 2 (May 2018)


00:00:23 Electron Valves and Semiconductor Devices
00:04:05 MOS Transistors: The Key to Logic in Silicon


Understanding the Magic of Transistors: Controlling Electron Flow with Voltage

Transistors, the fundamental building blocks of modern technology, enable the intricate operations of computers, smartphones, and a myriad of electronic devices. These small yet powerful components control the flow of electrons, a capability central to the digital age. This article explores the inner workings of transistors, illustrating how they manipulate electron flow and serve as the foundation of logic in silicon-based technologies.

The Energy Barrier: A Hurdle for Electron Transport

At the core of a transistor’s functionality lies the concept of the energy barrier, akin to a hill in a landscape that electrons must overcome to travel between regions. This barrier, created by the introduction of donor atoms like phosphorus into the silicon chip, confines electrons within certain areas, preventing their free movement across the silicon lattice. The donor atoms, while donating electrons, also possess positive charges, creating an energy barrier that makes it energetically unfavorable for electrons to leave these electron-rich regions.

Positive Charge and Electron Happiness:

These regions with extra electrons also contain positive charges from donor atoms. Electrons are happier staying in these regions due to the presence of positive charges, much like a rock on the side of a hill finds its equilibrium point.

Energy Barrier:

To move an electron from a region with donor atoms to the silicon region without donor atoms requires energy. This energy barrier is plotted in a graph, showing the increased energy required for electron movement, akin to the increasing effort needed to roll a ball up a hill.

Electron Tanks:

The regions with donor atoms can be thought of as “tanks” that hold electrons. By controlling the number of electrons in these tanks, logical states (1 or 0) can be represented, analogous to a tank being full or empty.

Lowering the Energy Barrier: The Role of Positive Charges

The energy barrier can be manipulated by introducing positive charges, which attract electrons. This attraction lowers the energy barrier, akin to reducing the hill’s height, allowing electrons to cross more easily. This principle is crucial in the operation of Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) transistors.

The MOS Transistor: A Gateway for Electrons

The MOS transistor, a critical component in electronics, features three terminals: source, drain, and gate. The source and drain are electron reservoirs, while the gate controls the electron flow. Applying a positive voltage to the gate attracts electrons, creating a conductive path and enabling electron flow, similar to opening a valve in a pipeline. In contrast, the absence of gate voltage keeps the energy barrier high, preventing electron flow and effectively closing the valve.

How the Transistor Works:

The MOS transistor controls the flow of electrons between two regions of a semiconductor using a voltage applied to a third region called the gate. When a positive voltage is applied to the gate, it attracts electrons from the left region, lowering the energy barrier and allowing electrons to flow from left to right. Conversely, when the gate voltage is zero or negative, the energy barrier remains high, preventing electron flow from left to right.

The Gate as a Valve:

The gate of the transistor acts as a valve, controlling whether electrons can flow from left to right or not. The voltage on the gate determines whether the valve is open or closed, allowing or preventing electron flow.

Interconnection of Transistors:

The voltage on the gate of a transistor can be controlled by the voltage on one of the blue regions of a different transistor. This allows for the creation of complex logic circuits, where the output of one transistor controls the input of another, resulting in a cascade of switching operations.

The Gate: A Voltage-Controlled Valve for Electron Flow

The gate terminal acts as a gatekeeper, regulating electron flow between the source and drain. This voltage-controlled mechanism allows for the precise control of electron movement, facilitating the creation of complex electronic circuits.

The Foundation of Logic in Silicon: A Cascade of Controlled Valves

MOS transistors are the cornerstone of logic circuits, which are essential for digital electronics. These circuits use binary information (presence or absence of electrical signals) to execute logical operations like AND, OR, and NOT. By connecting multiple transistors, logic gates are formed that process and manipulate data, underpinning modern computing.

In conclusion, transistors, by controlling electron flow with voltages, have revolutionized communication, information processing, and our interaction with the digital world. Their ability to act as electron valves has been foundational in shaping the landscape of modern technology, demonstrating the profound impact of these tiny yet mighty components.

Notes by: Flaneur