Carver Mead (Caltech Professor) – Engineering Concepts Clarify Physical Law (March 2023)

He [Onnes] got the thing superconducting. He got a current started in it. And the compass went from pointing north here to pointing east. And he expected it to die out within seconds or maybe minutes. He kept pumping on his helium overnight, and it was still going just as strong. The most significant physical experiment ever been done. This is perpetual motion. Never been anything like that. There, to this day, isn’t anything like that. It’s a perfect, frictionless system.

– Mead @ 24:57


00:02:08 Discussion of Quantum Mechanics and Waves
00:11:16 Understanding Neutron Wave Behavior
00:17:08 Understanding the Wave Nature of Matter
00:22:11 Discovering Superconductivity
00:26:52 Quantization in Superconductivity
00:30:12 Superconductivity and Spin: Magnetic Vector Coupling and Inertia
00:34:08 Light, Gravitation, and Our Expanding Universe
00:44:35 A Call to Action


Renowned physicist Carver Mead has challenged prevailing notions by revisiting seminal quantum experiments and theories. His engaging talks inspire future generations to think unconventionally when unraveling the quantum realm’s enduring mysteries.

Inspiring Young Minds to Advance Scientific Thought

Opening his lecture, Mead expresses a desire to connect with young physicists embarking on careers. He believes they will advance discovery. Mead advises heeding Richard Feynman’s wisdom that science’s beauty lies in devising novel ways of thinking that expose nature’s fundamental laws. Though quantum mechanics, relativity and electromagnetism shaped modern physics, Mead argues these century-old frameworks leave unexplored avenues.

Celebrating Matter’s Wave Nature and Quantum Interference

This year marks the centenary of Louis de Broglie’s pivotal idea that matter has an underlying wave nature. Mead celebrates this profound notion challenging the view of particles as simple “grains of sand.” Waves have frequency and wavelength, representing energy and momentum for matter waves. The two-slit experiment beautifully demonstrates such waves’ interference, creating patterns. Mead vividly illustrates how an electron wave’s frequency determines its interference angle. This cemented the particle-wave duality underlying quantum mechanics.

Early Neutron Diffraction Experiments

Delving into historical context, Mead notes 1960s physicists probed neutron waves via pioneering diffraction experiments inaccessible to early quantum theorists. In one experiment, silicon crystals with fins demonstrated neutron interference, proving a single neutron behaves as a spread-out wave rather than a defined particle. Rotating this setup showed Earth’s direct gravitational impact on the neutron waves’ phase and wavelength. Intriguingly, merely rotating the apparatus introduced unexplained phase delays, which Mead speculates may originate from an obscure “vector effect” linking neutron waves to the distant universe.

Exploring Matter Waves Through Accessible Experiments

While intricate experiments elucidate complex neutron behaviors, Mead suggests more accessible setups also expose matter’s wave nature. He argues traditional teachings oversimplify electron flow as a linear circuit response to voltage, disrupting electrons’ inherent wave propagation. Mead advocates returning to foundational kinetic and potential energy concepts. Similarly, superconductivity provides macroscopic insight into matter’s quantum coherence. Its 1911 discovery in Leiden overturned notions of resistance by revealing persistent current flows in supercooled mercury. Later quantum phase experiments visualized this effect as electron wave alignment. Such tabletop experiments enable students to experience quantum wonders firsthand.

Superconducting Rings Reveal Matter Wave Quantization

In 1961, new superconducting lead ring experiments finally demonstrated what Mead considers a missed opportunity following superconductivity’s discovery. Suspending the current-carrying rings in magnetic fields produced quantized rotations, indicating quantized phases in the coherent electron matter wave. The intrinsic quantum requirement for the wave to remain self-aligned forces discrete allowed energy values, the essence of quantum behavior. Mead draws parallels with quantized electron orbits in atoms, though notes a key contrast: electron spin complicates the superconducting case. Nevertheless, these simple rotation experiments manifest one of the clearest quantum signatures.

Probing Inertia and Magnetism Through Superconducting Spin

Seeking further insights, Mead investigates spinning superconducting rings via the London brothers’ prediction that this would induce a magnetic response. Experiments reveal this effect originates from the electron wave lagging behind the positive atomic charges during rotation. Mead attributes the lag to inertia and terms the resulting charge imbalance as magnetism. Despite being frictionless, the electron wave tries aligning with the universe, causing relative acceleration against the positive charges. Superconductors’ exquisite sensitivity amplifies this quantum interplay between inertia and magnetism. These illuminating and accessible experiments elucidate complex quantum concepts.

Light’s Gravitational Interaction Hints at a Cosmic Reference Frame

Looking beyond matter waves, Mead speculates light itself is a matter wave interacting with charges. Considering gravity’s potential effects, he recounts Einstein’s shifting perspectives on reconciling light’s speed with gravity. While findings confirmed gravity slows light, fiber optic gyroscopes suggest a rotational vector coupling between light and the universe, hinting at a preferred cosmic frame of reference contrary to special relativity. Mead argues Hubble’s expanding universe discovery ultimately explains special relativity within this cosmic context, as objects recede at light speed. Thus, a bold view emerges of quantum waves, light and gravity intertwining across the vastness of our dynamic universe.

Fundamental Laws Evident from a Cosmic Perspective

A universe-spanning visualization, metaphorically representing gravity as stretching rubber bands, sets the stage for Mead’s message. He attributes all inertia and rest energy to vector couplings with cosmic matter’s gravitational potential. Mead passionately urges viewing the cosmos afresh, with curiosity unconstrained by established frameworks. He encourages budding physicists to conduct novel experiments exposing nature’s elegant simplicity. Mead believes brilliant minds have exhausted mysteries within existing theories, but outstanding questions remain that current dogma prohibits. Insisting the universe’s foundations are accessible through basic math, Mead inspires future generations to spearhead a renaissance in comprehending our quantum world.

In his sweeping discussions, Carver Mead aims not to provide definitive answers but to stimulate renewed thinking on matter’s quantum essence. By unconventionally reexamining seminal discoveries, Mead tries unshackling brilliant young minds to explore where intriguing hints suggest breathtaking insights into the quantum world still await. As we reflect on the progress since quantum theory’s inception over a century ago, the message is clear – we must persist in questioning and probing the quantum realm’s endless wonders.

Notes by: empiricist