Bill Gates (Gates Foundation) – How to Avoid a Climate Disaster @ UToronto (March 10, 2021)


00:00:03 Event Overview
00:09:06 The Challenge of Tripling Clean Electricity by 2050 and the Cement Question
00:12:24 The Underestimated Challenge of Manufacturing Emissions
00:14:35 Individual and Collective Action for Reducing Emissions
00:19:56 Climate Change: Optimism, Innovation, and Actionable Goals
00:25:02 Climate Solutions: Funding, Demand, and Market Evolution
00:27:20 Collective Responsibility in Climate Action
00:30:53 The Potential and Challenges of Green Transportation and Energy Solutions
00:37:50 The Role of Government and Industries in Green Energy Transition
00:40:14 The Journey of Writing a Book on Climate Change
00:42:58 Insights on Pandemic Lessons, Climate Change, and Local Government Actions
00:50:26 Climate Change Education, Green Premiums, and Global Responsibility
00:52:49 Philanthropy, Impactful Giving, and Fostering a Culture of Generosity


Bill Gates on Climate Change: A Comprehensive Roadmap for Global Action and Innovation

In a recent virtual event co-hosted by the Rotman School of Management and Indigo Books, Bill Gates joined Arielle Bessette, a Canadian writer and filmmaker, to discuss a multi-dimensional approach to combating climate change. From the urgency of slashing global emissions from 51 billion tons to zero, to the complexities around manufacturing and electricity supply, the conversation offered an in-depth perspective on key challenges and solutions. Gates also emphasized the necessity of public, private, and consumer engagement, highlighting the importance of innovation and international cooperation.

Bill Gates’ Core Message

Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, emphasized the immediate need to cut global greenhouse gas emissions to zero. To accomplish this daunting task, Gates stressed the role of multiple innovations across nearly every sector of human activity, requiring a multi-disciplinary approach involving entrepreneurs, investors, governments, and advocates.

The Journey and the Book

Gates’ awareness of climate change was catalyzed by his philanthropic work in Africa, where the need for electricity stood out as both an essential human need and a potential exacerbating factor for climate change. This spurred his involvement in climate science and participation in global forums like the Paris Climate Talks. His book “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster” aims to consolidate this complex information and provide a roadmap for achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.

Sectoral Challenges and Surprises

One of the conversation’s revelations was that manufacturing, which includes cement and steel production, contributes to 31% of global emissions. Gates stressed the need to focus not just on electricity and transportation but also on these less-discussed sectors. He also mentioned unexpected complexities, such as the role of cement in climate change.

The Consumer and Economic Angle

Gates argued that individual choices can drive change. Consumers can support companies with low emissions and invest in green technologies. These consumer choices could then create a market demand for environmentally friendly alternatives, citing the example of solar panels, whose prices dropped with increasing demand.

Policy and Political Implications

Political action is another pillar in Gates’ strategy. By exercising political voice, voting wisely, and ensuring eco-conscious workplaces, individuals can push for substantial change. Gates also emphasized the importance of bipartisan support for long-term investments in green technologies.

Global Cooperation and Local Implementation

According to Gates, global cooperation is essential for effectively tackling climate change, given that solutions benefit everyone but require collective commitment to be effective. Local governments, too, have a role to play through infrastructure decisions that can either help or hinder the deployment of green technologies.

Educational Aspects and Youth Involvement

Gates strongly advocates for early climate education to instill a sense of urgency and understanding among the younger generation. He noted that the challenges of climate change require long-term, coordinated actions over decades, necessitating the involvement of a motivated younger generation.

The Economics of Green Technologies

Bill Gates notes that investing in green innovation isn’t just a moral obligation; it’s an economic opportunity as well. Industries like CarbonCure not only help in mitigating climate change but also generate high-paying jobs and set the stage for the next big industry.

Lessons from the Pandemic

Gates also took the opportunity to compare the COVID-19 pandemic with the climate crisis, emphasizing that the pandemic offers valuable lessons in crisis management that should be applied to climate action.


While the task ahead is monumental, Gates remains optimistic, relying on human ingenuity and international cooperation to pave the way for a sustainable future. The discussion wrapped up on a note of thanks to the hosts, underscoring the event as “informative, inspiring, and practical.” The conversation with Gates and Bessette offered a holistic view of the climate crisis, from its complexities to actionable steps, emphasizing the role of each sector, from individual consumers to governments, in bringing about meaningful change.

Notes by: professor_practice