Bill Gates (Breakthrough Energy Ventures) – SOSV Climate Tech Summit (Oct 2021)


00:00:12 Challenges and Nuances in Cleantech Investments
00:02:31 Investing in Cleantech: Risks, Strategies, and Future Outlook
00:12:57 Role of Government, Innovation, and Investment in Climate Change
00:20:47 Promising Sectors and Innovation in Climate Technology


The Complexities and Opportunities in Cleantech Investments: An In-Depth Analysis of Bill Gates’ Perspectives

In a recent comprehensive interview, Bill Gates, a leading investor in cleantech through Breakthrough Energy Ventures, delves into the intricacies of investing in climate technologies. The billionaire philanthropist highlights the urgency to innovate in sectors deeply entrenched in the physical economy like steel and cement, challenges like the “valley of death” in scaling technology, and the crucial role of government in accelerating change. While the current cleantech boom shows promise, Gates underscores the need for targeted investments, diverse capital types, and a unified approach to overcome complexities and bring solutions to scale within a constrained timeframe.

Cleantech’s Unique Challenges

Bill Gates describes the traditional sectors of the physical economy, such as paper, steel, and cement, as being deeply established but lagging in modern innovation. Unlike flashy sectors like software and finance that attract considerable talent and Research & Development (R&D) investments, these “boring” yet critical industries have been largely neglected.

Greenhouse Gas Constraints and the Need for Transformation

Adding a zero greenhouse gas emissions constraint is like putting a square peg in a round hole for these traditional sectors. The scale of these industries is enormous, and they are inherently conservative, placing a premium on reliability. They would require a near-complete reinvention to meet the goal of zero emissions. As Gates points out, earlier efforts in cleantech focused on “low-hanging fruits” like passenger cars and solar energy. However, the challenge now lies in transforming the foundational elements of the physical economy.

The Current Cleantech Boom and Lessons Learned

Unlike the previous cleantech wave, which suffered due to limited capital and poor returns, the current boom is driven by massive capital inflows. Lessons learned from the past, like the need for partnerships with larger companies and greater patience, are being applied to create more robust investment strategies.

The ‘Valley of Death’ and Scaling Challenges

One significant challenge lies in the ‘valley of death,’ a term used to describe the need for massive capital to transition from pilot projects to scalable solutions. Gates emphasizes the importance of overcoming this hurdle quickly given the tight timeline to combat climate change.

Role of Breakthrough Energy Ventures (BEV)

Founded with an initial investment of a billion dollars, BEV focuses on supporting projects with significant climate impact. By offering a range of services like management teams and project endorsements, BEV makes cleantech projects more appealing to a wider range of investors.

Importance of Government and Policy

For any substantial change to occur, the role of the government is indispensable. Policies, tax credits, and direct funding can dramatically speed up the rate of technological adoption. Government involvement is particularly crucial in supporting sectors that are difficult to decarbonize.

Timing, Capital Needs, and Investment Directions

Venture capitalists may need to exercise more patience with cleantech investments than they would with other sectors. Gates is optimistic that targeted investments in hard-to-abate sectors like steel and aviation fuel will pay off in the long run.

Other Aspects: Risk, Returns, and Future Impact

Gates remarks that while low-risk cleantech investments may offer bond-like returns, higher-risk projects may yield substantial gains. He is optimistic that the next Tesla-like success story could be right around the corner in the cleantech sector.

Additional Information

Bill Gates also finds the agriculture space particularly exciting and observes a surge of innovative companies. He also mentions that the strong access to capital currently available is fostering a vibrant innovation landscape, supported by programs like “Fellows” for ideas not yet ready for venture-type funding.

In conclusion, Bill Gates provides a detailed roadmap for navigating the challenges and opportunities in the rapidly evolving cleantech investment landscape. His insights serve as a clarion call for concerted action across sectors and borders to achieve the ultimate goal: a zero-emissions world.

Notes by: empiricist