Andy Bechtolsheim (Arista Co-Founder) – What is Next for Optics? (Sep 2021)


00:00:00 Multi-Chip Packaging: A System on a Single Package
00:04:45 Exploring Power-Efficient IO and Interconnects for Data Center Networks
00:16:02 Challenges and Opportunities in Co-Packaged Optics for Data Centers
00:25:42 Optics Innovations in High-Speed Networking
00:28:44 Evolution of Optics for High-Speed Networking
00:33:53 Pluggable and Tunable Optics for High-Speed Networking
00:40:30 Data Center Interconnect and Ethernet CR Technology Advancements
00:43:57 Optics in Data Centers: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities
00:56:22 Future Data Center Network: Power, Optics, and Topology Trends


Revolutionizing Data Centers: The Shift Towards Higher Efficiency in Optics and Chip Packaging (Updated)


In the rapidly evolving world of data center technology, significant advancements are reshaping how we approach chip packaging and optics technology. This article delves into the latest developments, focusing on multi-chip packaging, IO speed limits, co-packaged optics (CPO), and market trends in optics technology. By analyzing these advancements, we can understand their impact on efficiency, power consumption, and the future of data center design.

1. Multi-Chip Packaging: A Leap Forward in Integration and Efficiency

Multi-chip packaging has emerged as a groundbreaking approach, integrating various devices on a single substrate to enhance bandwidth and performance. Innovations like Intel’s embedded multi-die interconnect bridge (2.5D) and vertical stacking (3D) exemplify this trend. Chip-to-chip interconnects play a critical role in enabling a new era of “system on a single package” designs. The standardization of chip-to-chip interfaces, such as Intel’s advanced interface bus, is vital for broad adoption across different vendors. Thermal power dissipation remains a limiting factor, currently capping the number of chips on a package at around 1000 watts. However, the introduction of diamond substrates has the potential to significantly elevate this threshold, opening up new possibilities in chip integration.

2. The Evolution of IO Speeds and Power Consumption

IO speed limits are advancing from 100 gig per lane to 200 gig, encompassing both optical direct modulation and electrical lanes. This progression does not yet exceed the available power on the chip, even at 100 terabits. Interestingly, co-packaged optics currently do not surpass electrical IO in terms of shoreline density or power efficiency. Copper-based interconnects maintain their dominance within racks due to cost-effectiveness, reliability, and manufacturability. However, optics are essential for connections beyond copper’s reach. The demand for bandwidth in cloud data centers is increasing by over 50% annually, yet the network power per bit is declining at half this rate. Future reductions in power per bit for switch chips and optics power consumption are anticipated, with co-packaging and other methods being explored to enhance power efficiency.

Supplementing with Points from Response 8

The scaling of CPU speed and availability of PAM4 align well with current trends in data center networking. Data centers are also increasingly adopting leaf-spine topologies for implementing high-speed networks due to their scalability and reliability.

3. Challenges and Solutions in Co-Packaged Optics

Co-packaged optics, initially seen as a promising solution for power reduction, has encountered challenges. Efforts to use a lower power electrical interface faced economic hurdles, leading to the development of a lower power VSR service that saved 200 watts but fell short of the initial 20% reduction target. This development equalized the playing field between CPO and pluggable optics in terms of power consumption. External light sources introduced additional losses, undermining the power-saving benefits of CPO. To address these challenges, solutions like eliminating the DSP and using a specialized SIRTIS on the switch chip to drive optics directly are being considered. Despite these advancements, CPO still faces hurdles in reliability, serviceability, manufacturability, testability, and business models. The need for expanding beam connectors to mitigate dust interference and the importance of internal testability and serviceability models are crucial for the technology’s success. Pluggable optics remain a simpler and more viable solution for power-efficient data transmission, with future innovations potentially reducing optical power consumption significantly.

Points from Response 7

Increasing the density of optics modules can significantly reduce power consumption and costs, enabling denser network systems. The industry is actively working on Ethernet CR design, which aims to double the density per module while maintaining backward compatibility.

4. The State of Optics Technology and Market Trends

Both co-packaged and pluggable modules benefit from shared advancements in underlying optics technology. Pluggable modules offer the advantage of faster integration of optics advances due to their decoupling from the switch platform. The industry is focused on reducing power consumption and improving time to market for silicon, high-speed optics, and modulators. Aligning technology transitions at the 51.2 and 102.4 levels is ideal, but avoiding time-to-market risks is paramount. The development of new optics technologies typically takes two or more years, involving chip-level design, fabrication, and silicon photonics development. Despite heavy investments in R&D, progress in this field is gradual.

Additional Points from Response 8

Fully integrated silicon photonics, including lasers, remains a challenge due to manufacturing complexities. Current solutions often rely on assembly approaches, limiting the full realization of integration benefits. Challenges in integrated optics, particularly in manufacturing, need to be addressed to fully harness the potential of this technology.

5. Future Outlook: Navigating the Optics Landscape

The move from 50 gig to 100 gig service by 2023 is driven by cost reduction and performance gains, with a transition to 200GEK SIRTUS expected in silicon by 2024-2025. The dominance of 800G optics by 2023, replacing 400G optics, signifies a major shift in the industry. These developments in optics technology are complemented by product testing showcasing compatibility with various 800G optics from multiple vendors. The next-generation DSPs, moving towards lower power 5nm technology, are set to further optimize power consumption.

Supplementing with Points from Response 7

The 800-gig CR will match the port definition of the next-generation routers and switches, enabling efficient utilization of 800-gig ports.

6. Balancing Innovation with Practicality

As data center technology continues to advance, balancing cutting-edge innovation with practicality becomes crucial. The integration of multi-chip packaging, advancements in optics, and the careful navigation of market trends and technological challenges will shape the future of data centers. These developments hold the promise of more efficient, powerful, and cost-effective data center solutions, paving the way for the next generation of computing infrastructure.

Notes by: Random Access