Amory Lovins (Rocky Mountain Institute Co-founder) – A Conversation with Amory Lovins and Jules Kortenhorst (Dec 2013)


00:00:03 Mission-Driven Innovation and the Role of Donors in RMI's Work
00:11:40 Accelerating Energy Transformation: RMI's Donor Support and Collaboration Strategies
00:19:37 Accelerating Global Impact through Audacious Thinking and Collaboration
00:26:00 Global Energy Transformation and Collaboration
00:34:27 Moral Responsibility and U.S. Competitiveness in Energy Transformation


Redefining Energy and Sustainability: A Legacy of Transformation at Rocky Mountain Institute

In a rapidly evolving energy landscape, the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) stands as a beacon of transformative change, driven by the vision and dedication of its co-founder, Amory Lovins. Over the past thirty years, RMI has significantly shaped a safer, more sustainable world by pioneering groundbreaking solutions across sectors like commercial real estate, automotive, and electricity. This article delves into the key factors contributing to RMI’s impactful journey, including the vital roles of its exceptional team, insightful leadership, innovative approaches, generous donor support, and collaborative strategies.

Amory Lovins: Visionary Leadership and Integrative Design

At the forefront of RMI’s success is Amory Lovins, whose ability to ask the right questions has led to paradigm-shifting solutions. Lovins’ emphasis on integrative designa holistic approach yielding significant energy and resource savingshas been instrumental in redefining problem-solving within the energy sector.

The Human Factor: RMI’s Team and Culture

Integral to RMI’s accomplishments is its team, marked by a sense of purpose and a commitment to positive impact. Lovins highlights the organization’s culture, where saving the world is prioritized over profits. This passion is reflected in RMI’s selective hiring process, targeting individuals capable of envisioning transformative solutions. RMI’s team is driven by a calling to save the world, have fun, and make money, in that order. They prioritize hiring individuals with aptitudes and attributes that align with RMI’s mission and values, fostering a strong team dynamic.

Jules Kortenhorst: Diverse Perspectives for Effective Change

Jules Kortenhorst, RMI’s Managing Director for Europe, brings a unique blend of experience from energy, politics, and international organizations. His insights into the economic and behavioral aspects of the energy industry underscore the necessity of understanding diverse perspectives to drive effective change. Working in the energy sector and politics provided valuable insights into the industry’s economics, behaviors, and motivations. He recognizes the difficulty for large organizations to adapt to transformative changes, highlighting the need for understanding their motivations and operations. He emphasizes the limited ability of government institutions to address long-term challenges and their tendency to codify existing solutions rather than drive innovation.

Donor Support: Catalyzing RMI’s Initiatives

RMI’s initiatives are significantly enabled by its donors. Their support funds the creation of intellectual capital and programmatic initiatives, fostering the development of scalable and adoptable solutions. Lovins acknowledges the importance of flexible donor support in maintaining RMI’s agility and innovation. RMI’s donors play a crucial role in enabling their work, contributing nearly $100 million over the last 31 years. In addition to philanthropic funding, RMI generates revenue through 14 different revenue models, including five for-profit spinoffs. Collaboration with donors and partners allows RMI to leverage philanthropic funding, solve problems more effectively, and create teachable cases for emulation. Donors also contribute contacts, ideas, and wisdom, shaping RMI’s programs and enhancing their effectiveness. Philanthropic funding serves as catalytic financing, enabling RMI to leverage other revenue models and generate a significant return on investment. RMI is not solely a think tank but also a do tank, emphasizing the importance of implementing innovative solutions.

Balancing Thought and Action

A key focus for RMI is balancing strategic thinking with actionable solutions. This approach, according to Lovins, is essential for amplifying impact while adapting to evolving needs. The organization’s ability to generate revenue through programmatic activities is anticipated to grow, reflecting its increasing self-sufficiency. RMI recognizes the need to carefully consider how to achieve impact while pursuing transformative changes. The organization aims to strike a balance between thinking and doing, allowing for ongoing learning and adaptation.

Expanding Impact and Driving Change

Looking forward, RMI aspires to scale its global impact, building on the lessons from its history. Its approach to redefining energy problems, emphasizing efficiency, and promoting renewable solutions has proven effective. RMI’s collaborative and empathetic engagement with various stakeholders, including those traditionally seen as opponents, has been pivotal in its success. RMI’s global influence extends beyond the United States, but the global scale of climate change necessitates a more comprehensive approach. The urgency of the challenge demands acceleration in driving impacts and addressing the energy crisis. RMI embraces a bold and audacious vision to meet the enormous challenge of climate change. The organization recognizes the need for increased ambition and a higher pace of impact.

Navigating Challenges and Seizing Opportunities

Despite limited federal government support for climate action, RMI capitalizes on the dynamism at the state, municipal, and private sector levels. Its focus on leveraging effective institutions and bypassing ineffective ones is a strategic approach to driving progress. RMI recognized the declining effectiveness of the national government and opted for a strategy that bypasses Washington. The organization focuses on policy changes at state, municipal, and community levels, as well as in the private sector. RMI utilizes society’s most effective institutions, such as private enterprise and civil society, to circumvent ineffective government institutions.

Global Energy Transformation: The Role of RMI

The global energy transformation is gaining momentum, with significant roles played by countries like China, Brazil, and India. RMI’s collaboration with these countries, particularly in influencing China’s energy policies, showcases its pivotal role in the international arena. The transformation offers myriad benefits, from addressing climate change to improving health outcomes. RMI has redefined the energy problem, reducing energy use in the U.S. and other countries. The organization has laid foundations for distributed and renewable energy revolutions. Going forward, RMI aims to enhance efficiency and accelerate the renewables revolution.

Urgency and Moral Imperative

The urgency to accelerate the energy transition is underscored by the need to maintain U.S. economic competitiveness and the moral responsibility to protect the planet for future generations. This moral imperative, coupled with the intellectual challenge it presents, drives RMI’s mission forward. RMI’s unique approach involves Aikido politics and rational arguments to transform presumed opponents into supporters. The organization’s empathetic and non-adversarial stance has contributed to its convening power and ability to drive change.

China-US Collaboration on Climate Protection and Sustainable Energy Development

China and the United States, despite their different governance structures and approaches, share a sense of urgency in addressing energy and climate problems. Collaboration between these two countries is crucial for both their security and prosperity and could serve as a model for broader international cooperation.

Energy Transformation Benefits

The energy transformation not only addresses climate change but also brings cost-effective energy access, health benefits, and a safer, more secure world.

Innovation and Creativity in Energy Sector

The surge in energy innovation patents, particularly in new technologies, reflects a global commitment to positive change. Entrepreneurs, business leaders, and social pioneers drive the energy transformation with innovative technologies and ideas.

Global Momentum for Energy Transformation

The pace of energy transformation is accelerating worldwide, with notable progress in China, Brazil, and India. Emerging economies are taking the lead in implementing sustainable energy solutions, demonstrating the global reach of the energy transition.

The Urgency of the Energy Transition

The energy transition needs to accelerate to address global competitiveness and avert the challenges of climate change. Immediate and decisive action is necessary to address the multifaceted challenges of the energy transformation. There is a moral imperative to ensure a habitable planet for future generations by addressing the energy transition promptly and effectively. Personal motivations, including the intellectual challenge and moral responsibility, drive commitment to the energy transition.

In conclusion, RMI’s vision for a transformed energy landscape is marked by a commitment to innovative solutions, collaborative approaches, and a balance of ambitious goals with thorough analysis. Its legacy and future aspirations serve as a guiding light in the pursuit of a more sustainable and equitable world.

Notes by: MatrixKarma