Amory Lovins (Rocky Mountain Institute Co-founder) – Energy Efficiency 2 of 5 – Industry (Apr 2009)


00:00:21 Energy Efficiency as a Resource
00:05:01 Radical Resource Productivity in Industry
00:12:46 Energy Savings in Manufacturing: Case Studies and Strategies
00:15:14 Measurement and Cost Reduction in Energy Efficiency
00:21:33 Breakthroughs in Efficiency: From Components to Systems
00:33:36 Optimizing Whole Systems for Multiple Benefits
00:37:38 Strategies for Minimizing Energy and Capital Costs in System Design
00:43:53 Optimizing Energy Efficiency in Pumping Systems
00:51:25 Improving Industrial Pumping and Motor Systems for Energy Efficiency
00:55:00 Industrial Motor Improvements: Beyond Energy Savings
00:57:02 Motor Efficiency and System Optimization
01:01:45 Energy Efficiency Case Studies in Industrial Settings
01:04:54 Innovative Energy Efficiency Solutions for LNG Plants
01:11:38 Efficient Power Supply Design in Data Centers
01:15:40 Compact and Energy-Efficient Supercomputing
01:18:22 Innovative Cooling Solutions for Energy-Efficient Data Centers
01:23:09 Optimizing Data Center Energy Efficiency: A Comprehensive Approach
01:28:16 Energy Efficiency Innovations and Challenges
01:31:14 Waste Disposal Costs and Curbside Recycling


Harnessing Efficiency: The Transformative Power of Amory Lovins’ Vision in Industrial Energy – Updated Article


Amory Lovins, a visionary figure in the field of energy efficiency and industrial innovation, continues to inspire a paradigm shift in industries’ approach to energy use, resource productivity, and environmental impact. As Ralph Cavanaugh introduces Amory Lovins in a series of five lectures, we delve into Lovins’ profound influence on companies like Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) and explore the tangible outcomes of his vision in various sectors, particularly industrial energy efficiency.

Lovins’ Revolutionary Impact:

In the 1980s, Lovins challenged conventional wisdom, advocating for maximizing energy efficiency rather than increasing power production. This approach propelled PG&E into a leader in environmental performance and a global investor in energy efficiency. Lovins’ philosophy of prioritizing natural resources over people underscored a critical shift towards sustainability and efficiency in industrial processes.

Energy Efficiency in Practice:

Understanding the Value of Energy Efficiency:

The article emphasizes the importance of using proper metrics to guide investments in efficiency measures. Simple and inexpensive measurements can lead to significant energy savings. Labeling light switches and providing operators with relevant information have a major impact. Many plants waste energy and resources due to a lack of measurement and monitoring.

Optimizing System Design:

Lovins’ principles have been applied in sectors like chip manufacturing, where retrofitting chip fabs for energy efficiency led to remarkable reductions in energy use. These principles extend beyond specific industries, suggesting their universal applicability in various engineering disciplines.

Reducing Flow and Friction:

Focusing on downstream savings beyond the motor and pump can yield significant energy savings. Minimizing flow and friction can result in 10 times the savings in energy, cost, and pollution at the power plant. This also leads to smaller, simpler, and cheaper equipment, reducing capital costs.

Motor Efficiency and Potential Savings:

Retrofitting induction motors with adjustable speed drives can yield substantial energy savings. However, this represents only a fraction of the total savings achievable.

Additional Benefits of Motor Retrofits:

Beyond energy savings, motor retrofits offer additional benefits, often outweighing the direct energy savings. These include improved reliability, reduced maintenance costs, and increased productivity.

Motor Oversizing:

Half of the industrial motors operate below 60% of their rated load, indicating that they are oversized. This oversizing is attributed to conservative design practices and the fear of making motors too small.

Downsizing Motors:

Downsizing motors to the appropriate size can result in significant energy savings. PG&E developed a procedure to accurately determine the required motor size, enabling the use of smaller motors in many cases.

Efficiency Matters:

Premium efficiency motors have flatter efficiency and higher power factor over a range of load, resulting in cooler operation, longer life, and reduced distribution losses.

Efficiency Improvements for Liquefied Natural Gas Plants:

– Optimizing gas turbines through combined cycle power generation and evaporative cooling.

– Integrating thermal processes for cooling, desalination, and electricity generation.

– Maximizing heat recovery and cascaded use of heat at various temperatures.

– Improving fin fan efficiency through aerodynamic design, misting, and motor optimization.

– Recovering pressure letdowns and expansions using turbo expanders.

– Implementing motor and pump improvements, compressor controls, and heat exchange optimization.

– Reducing compressed air usage and optimizing its efficiency.

Additional Opportunities:

– Exploring the potential of superconducting motors and laminar vortex flow devices for energy-efficient fluid circulation.

– Analyzing plant reliability, production flexibility, and storage requirements.

– Investigating cascading cryo chillers to enhance efficiency.

Integrated Approach:

– Implementing a comprehensive approach that combines end-use efficiency, combined cycle power generation, ammonia absorption chillers, evaporative cooling, and water distillation.

– Utilizing cooling towers and micro-misting techniques to enhance cooling efficiency.

– Optimizing the integration of various processes and systems to achieve a holistic, energy-efficient design.

Energy Consumption and Efficiency in Data Centers and Computers:

Data Center Energy Usage:

Data centers are significant energy consumers, and their population doubled between 2000 and 2005, leading to a slight increase in power consumption. Water-based cooling is more efficient than air-based cooling due to higher heat capacity and lower energy requirements for heat transfer.

Heat Removal Techniques:

Heat pipes and liquid cooling can effectively remove heat from dense computing loads. Optimizing equipment design and using efficient heat sinks can reduce the energy needed for cooling.

Design Charrette for Energy Savings:

A design charrette in San Jose demonstrated how to save approximately 89% of energy used by a typical data center while making it more affordable and reliable. Using efficient power supplies is key, potentially making the facility a net power producer.

Power Supply and Cooling Overhead:

Intel estimates that for every 100 watts of IT equipment load, an additional 175 watts are needed for power supply, cooling, and air handling. Support systems for power supply and cooling account for around 75-80% of a data center’s capital cost.

Efficient Power Supplies in Computers:

Using a highly efficient power supply in a desktop computer can eliminate the need for a fan, resulting in a silent and more secure system. Replacing multiple Windows-based computers with a single, efficient Linux-based system can save 98-99% of energy while offering increased speed and capability.

Energy-Efficient Computing with Transmeta Crusoe Chip:

Improved Efficiency and Density:

The Transmeta Crusoe chip enables the creation of server blades that consume significantly less power than traditional Wintel solutions. By using these chips, it is possible to fit 72 blades in just 9u of height, resulting in a compact and efficient system.

Case Study: Dr. Fung’s Server Cabinet:

Dr. Fung demonstrated the effectiveness of the Transmeta Crusoe chip by building a server cabinet containing 240 blade servers. This setup occupied only five square feet of floor space and consumed 3.2 kilowatts of power, comparable to two hair dryers.

Reliability and Cost-Effectiveness:

The Transmeta Crusoe-based system exhibited exceptional uptime and significant savings in support costs, contributing to a three or four times lower total cost of ownership compared to traditional solutions.

Comparison with Supercomputers:

While the Transmeta Crusoe system may not match the performance of supercomputers, it offers comparable capabilities with significantly lower energy consumption. Considering reliability and failure rates, a more efficient system with a longer mean time between failures can outperform faster systems that experience frequent breakdowns.

Amory Lovins’ legacy in industrial energy efficiency exemplifies the transformative power of innovative thinking and strategic implementation. His influence has set a benchmark for sustainable industrial practices. As industries evolve, Lovins’ principles of efficiency, sustainability, and intelligent design will undoubtedly shape a more sustainable future.

Supplemental Update Integrations:

Waste Disposal Subsidies and Proper Marginal Value:

There are subsidies for mass flows and mining, leading to actions like California doubling its water productivity in the 1980s to avoid wastewater disposal costs. There is still much to be done to address waste disposal subsidies and reduce material waste flows.

Demolishing Buildings and Material Recovery:

Demolishing buildings can achieve waste reductions of upwards of 90% at zero or negative marginal cost. Recovering and selling materials from demolition can offset the costs of careful demolition and avoid landfill tipping fees.

Curbside Recycling:

Curbside recycling programs should continue, but it is essential to focus on reducing waste generation in the first place.

Stabilizing Greenhouse Gases at Zero Net Cost:

McKinsey’s supply curve shows an approximately zero net cost abatement of half the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. This curve likely excludes many opportunities for cost-effective abatement, especially in the transportation sector.

Notes by: ZeusZettabyte