Alan Kay (VPRI Co-founder) – Programming Languages and Programming (2013)


00:00:51 Live Coding: A Simple Introduction to Programming Concepts
00:06:02 Exploring Programming and System Dynamics for Young Learners
00:14:21 Simple Algorithm for Sensing Boundary Walls
00:16:45 Programming and Metaprogramming Concepts
00:26:05 Measuring Software Complexity by Lines of Code
00:28:54 The Burden of Millions of Lines of Code
00:31:00 Evolution of Programming Languages and the Need for Higher-Level Abstractions
00:34:38 Sketchpad: The First Interactive Computer Graphics System
00:43:01 Visualizing Dynamic Forces in Structures Using Interactive Simulations
00:46:16 Programming Language Design for the Future of Graphics


“Revolutionizing Computer Programming: The Evolution from Basic Coding to Advanced System Dynamics”

In the field of computer programming, the journey from simple code instructions to the advanced dynamics of system simulation represents a transformative evolution. This article delves into the intricacies of programming languages, the groundbreaking concept of live coding, and the innovative eToys programming language, highlighting its immediate compilation and object manipulation features. Pioneers like Alan Kay have been instrumental in introducing concepts such as automatic multitasking and system dynamics, pushing the boundaries of programming from basic compilation to complex simulations like robot cars and teaching children about system dynamics. The article also explores the legacy of Ivan Sutherland’s Sketchpad, a forerunner in interactive computer graphics and object-oriented design, which laid the groundwork for modern programming practices.

Main Ideas and Expanded Discussion:

The Essence of Programming Languages:

Programming languages, evolving beyond basic functionality, now encompass user interfaces akin to simplified programming languages. Over the years, thousands of programming languages have been designed, with 150 to 200 commonly in use at any time. At its core, programming embodies the concept of an action-reaction relationship between human input and computer response, facilitated primarily through these languages.

The Advent of Live Coding:

Emerging in the 1960s, live coding revolutionized traditional programming methods by enabling immediate feedback from code, eliminating the need for stepwise compiling or editing. This approach, anteceding the punch card Unix system and Vi-terminal style, fosters direct interaction with the computer, offering real-time response and eliminating visible compiling or editing steps.

eToys: A Child-Friendly Programming Language:

Millions of children globally have been introduced to programming through eToys, a language that simplifies programming with its live coding feature. This environment allows users to create and manipulate graphical objects, providing both graphical and symbolic views, thereby enhancing the understanding of programming concepts.

Introduction to eToys:

eToys serves as a child-friendly programming environment, offering a user-friendly interface with visual elements and intuitive controls. This approach enables children to learn and explore programming concepts in an engaging manner.

Creating Animated Objects:

Demonstrating eToys’ capabilities, Alan Kay illustrates the creation of a wriggly worm object using two different pictures. He introduces the concept of a data structure for storing and alternating between pictures, enabling the animation effect.

Metaprogramming in eToys:

Kay delves into metaprogramming, which involves creating new languages within an existing one. He aims to develop a language specifically for particle system simulations within eToys, showcasing the versatility of the environment.

Implementation of the Particle System Language:

Utilizing eToys’ animation system, Kay executes instructions for the particle system language. He demonstrates instructions that manipulate the behavior of graphical elements, such as changing colors upon collision, showcasing the interactive and dynamic nature of eToys.

Learning Programming through Metaprogramming:

Emphasizing the importance of early programming education, Kay advocates designing languages with children in mind, proposing that this approach could yield powerful and user-friendly programming languages.

Computer Architecture and Virtual Machines:

Kay discusses various layers of computer architecture, from logic gates to microcode and virtual machines. He explains how virtual machines, like Smalltalk, simplify programming tasks by emulating specific programming environments.

The Role of Smalltalk and eToys:

Kay notes that Smalltalk, a language with its development system written in itself, serves as the foundation for the eToys system, further highlighting the interconnectedness of these programming environments.

Different Approaches to Problem-Solving in Programming:

Highlighting two problem-solving strategies in programming, Kay contrasts the approach of writing numerous programs for specific problems with finding languages that elegantly fit the problems, suggesting that the latter can lead to more efficient solutions.

Turing’s Idea of Simulation:

Referencing Alan Turing’s concept of simulating mechanisms on simple systems, Kay relates this to the eToys environment, where children can simulate complex systems using straightforward programming constructs.

Code Complexity and Scale in Software Development:

Measuring Code Complexity:

Alan Kay introduces “lines of code” as a metric for assessing code complexity and programmer effort. He compares this to the content of a 400-page book and the scale of software systems.

Lines of Code in Notable Structures:

Kay draws analogies with the Empire State Building to illustrate the scale of modern software systems, with government systems and products like Microsoft’s operating system encompassing hundreds of millions of lines of code.

Complexity Challenges:

The immense volume of code in large software systems poses significant challenges in comprehension and maintenance, with much of the code remaining unused yet integral due to uncertainties about its removal.

The Problem of Code Complexity and the Explosion of Complication:

Kay addresses the exponential growth in software code complexity, comparing the modest requirements of early implementations at Xerox PARC to the massive scale of modern systems. He cites examples like a large financial products company with an outdated user interface, maintaining an overwhelming amount of code.

Job Market Demand:

The current job market in programming focuses more on maintaining and managing complex legacy codebases rather than on innovation, highlighting the need for streamlined and efficient coding practices.

Examples of Solutions:

Kay plans to present potential solutions to address the issue of code complexity, aiming to demonstrate more efficient and innovative approaches within the programming domain.

Rapid Compilation in eToys:

A notable feature of eToys is its sub-second compilation time, which facilitates nearly instant code execution. This rapid compilation, occurring in the background, fosters an interactive and responsive learning environment for users.

Conceptualizing Objects and Steering in Programming:

Alan Kay’s introduction of object creation in programming, exemplified by graphical objects like cars, revolutionized the way objects are manipulated within a programming language. The creation of a “steering wheel” object to control a car showcases intuitive object manipulation, emphasizing the need for programming languages that allow for quick and easy object creation and interaction.

The Principle of Automatic Multitasking:

Kay demonstrates automatic multitasking by running multiple programs (cars) concurrently. He uses a simple infection programming scenario to showcase system dynamics, where interactions between objects lead to emergent behaviors.

Understanding System Dynamics:

Emphasizing the importance of understanding system dynamics, Kay uses an infection model to illustrate the growth dynamics of biological systems. He encourages experimentation with this model to highlight the necessity for informed decision-making based on system understanding.

Experimentation with Robot Cars:

Kay’s robot car simulation uses sensors for navigation, demonstrating the practical application of programming in understanding real-world phenomena. He emphasizes the educational value of such experiments in teaching children about feedback loops and navigation strategies.

Educating Children on System Dynamics:

Through hands-on activities, children gain a practical understanding of feedback and control systems. Kay’s programming exercises, like navigating a room blindfolded, instill integral concepts in programming and real-world problem-solving.

Alan Kay’s Presentation on Programming and Metaprogramming:

Kay’s demonstration of creating animations in eToys and his discussion on metaprogramming reflect his commitment to making programming accessible and insightful for children. He also touches upon the hierarchical structure of computer systems and the importance of choosing appropriate programming languages for specific problems.

The Challenge of Code Complexity:

Kay’s analogies highlight the immense scale of code in large software systems, emphasizing the difficulty of managing and understanding these complex programming environments. This complexity necessitates innovative approaches to simplify and streamline coding processes.

Job Market and Legacy Systems:

Despite advancements, many programming job opportunities still revolve around maintaining and updating legacy systems, rather than fostering innovation in software development.

The Role of Higher-Level Languages:

Higher-level languages have the potential to drastically reduce programming effort. However, most business programming remains at a rudimentary level, indicating a significant gap in the application of advanced programming concepts.

Research and Innovation in Programming:

The need for innovative research in developing powerful and user-friendly programming systems is paramount. Kay encourages new generations of researchers to contribute to this evolving field.

The Legacy of Sketchpad and Interactive Computer Graphics:

Sketchpad, created by Ivan Sutherland in 1962, was a monumental step in computer graphics, introducing interactive design, object-oriented programming, and constraint-based programming. Its influence extends across various applications and continues to inspire technological advancement.

Bridge Simulation and System Visualization:

Kay’s bridge simulation using a simple graphical interface and subsequent stress and strain analysis demonstrate the power of programming in visualizing and understanding complex system dynamics.

Advanced Rendering and Interactive Programming:

The evolution of programming from static code execution to dynamic, user-driven experiences is marked by the use of advanced rendering techniques in simulations and the ability to interactively manipulate structures.

Programming Graphics for the Languages of the Future:

Looking ahead, programming graphics will become increasingly integral in future programming languages. The development of visual debugging tools and the importance of debuggers in these languages will play a crucial role in simplifying and enhancing the programming experience.

Background and Additional Information:

The journey of programming, from its humble beginnings to the advanced dynamics of modern simulations, reflects the continuous evolution of technology and its ever-expanding potential. The contributions of pioneers like Alan Kay and Ivan Sutherland have not only transformed how we understand and utilize programming but have also laid a foundation for future innovations. As we move forward, the challenge lies in harnessing these advancements to create more intuitive, efficient, and powerful programming languages and systems, thereby shaping the future of technology and its impact on society.

Notes by: datagram