Alan Kay (VPRI Co-founder) – Turing Award Lecture (2003)


00:00:00 Rethinking Teaching Computer Science
00:04:27 A History of Computer Science and Software Engineering
00:14:13 Understanding Complexity, Embracing Simplicity in Computing
00:27:59 The Birth of Sketchpad and the Pursuit of Dynamic Simulations
00:41:05 The Origins and Principles of Object-Oriented Programming
00:47:53 Key Ideas for Teaching Computing to Children
00:54:50 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
00:57:22 Meta-Composition Object System
01:00:08 Bridging the Gap: From Physical to Virtual Environments with Computational Construction


Revolutionizing Computer Science Education: Alan Kay’s Vision for a New Paradigm

The world of computing stands at a crossroads, marked by the pioneering work of Alan Kay, a Turing Award laureate known for his instrumental contributions to object-oriented programming and the development of Smalltalk. Kay’s insights extend beyond technical innovations, challenging the conventional teaching methodologies in computer science education. He advocates for a practical, hands-on approach, balanced by an emphasis on simplicity and systems thinking, in stark contrast to the current focus on data structures and classical mathematics. This article delves into Kay’s philosophy, exploring his ideas on the intersection of education, software engineering, and the importance of a beginner’s mindset, while also considering the broader implications of his views on the future of computing education.

Alan Kay’s Groundbreaking Contributions

Alan Kay, a senior fellow at Hewlett-Packard and president of Viewpoint’s Research Institute, received the Turing Award for pioneering concepts in object-oriented programming languages, leading the development of Smalltalk, and fundamental contributions to personal computing. Kay criticizes current teaching methods for their overemphasis on classical mathematics and theoretical approaches, suggesting a revised curriculum that prioritizes practical problem-solving and hands-on experience.

A New Paradigm in Teaching

Citing Don Knuth, Kay stresses the need to balance theoretical rigor with practical application in computer science education. While acknowledging the importance of math in computer science, Kay points out the limitations of classical mathematics in addressing the field’s focus on finite structures. Kay recognizes the communal nature of computer science, highlighting contributions from various individuals like Dan Engels and the influence of community collaboration.

The Evolution of Computing Terms and Practices

The terms “computer science” and “software engineering” were coined to aspire to scientific rigor, but they can sometimes lead to misconceptions, such as “physics envy” or “science envy.” Kay draws a comparison between traditional engineering feats like the Empire State Building and the often less efficient and scalable computer science projects. He emphasizes the need for progress in engineering practices within the field of computing and draws parallels to the evolution of architecture from ancient Egyptian pyramids to Gothic cathedrals.

Educational Approaches and Perspectives

Kay encourages teaching students about the evolving nature of computer science and preparing them to contribute to its advancement. External motivations and factors heavily influence user interface design and education, necessitating a nuanced understanding of reasoning, change, and motivations.

Key Insights on Human Motivation and Idea Acceptance

Kay identifies a distinction between people who judge ideas based on their contribution to current goals and those motivated primarily by ideas themselves. The dynamics between internally driven individuals and those influenced by external rewards play a critical role in how ideas are accepted and spread. Kay advocates for the pursuit of simplicity, pointing out that much of the complexity in computing is unnecessary.

The Legacy of the ARPA and Xerox PARC Community

This community, including notable figures like Butler Lamson and Chuck Thacker, exemplified the importance of simplicity in achieving groundbreaking innovations.

Simplicity and Systems Thinking in Computing Education

Kay argues for a broad approach in teaching computing, introducing fundamental principles across various disciplines and emphasizing the importance of computing literacy for all.

Sketchpad: A Milestone in User Interface Design

Ivan Sutherland’s Sketchpad system, praised by Kay, showcased groundbreaking achievements in computer graphics and user interface design.

The Importance of a Beginner’s Mindset

Kay highlights the success of Sketchpad as stemming from Sutherland’s beginner’s mindset, encouraging educators to foster a similar environment for students.

Kay’s Journey and the Genesis of Object-Oriented Programming

Kay’s diverse background influenced his approach to computing, leading to the development of object-oriented programming and his emphasis on messages as central to OOP.

Alan Kay’s Educational Approach

Kay introduced programming environments that emphasized hands-on experimentation with fundamental concepts, suitable for learners of all ages.

Meta-Objects, Fences, and the Croquet Environment

Kay discusses the use of meta-objects and fences in programming, along with introducing the Croquet environment, a 3D constructible platform.

Engaging Young Minds in Computing

Kay stresses the importance of captivating children’s interest in computing and nurturing their creativity and innovation from a young age.

First Course in Computing

* Kay emphasizes the significance of a comprehensive first course in computing that goes beyond teaching programming.

* He advocates for an integrated approach that introduces students to systems thinking, mathematics, science, art, and engineering.

* Kay believes that this holistic approach can provide a taste of the power and versatility of computing and lay a solid foundation for future learning.

Literacy and Computing

* Kay draws a parallel between computing and literacy, highlighting the importance of teaching computing as a form of expression and communication.

* He argues that computing should not be viewed solely as vocational training but as a fundamental skill that empowers individuals to engage with the world in new ways.

Teaching Systems Thinking

* Kay criticizes the traditional focus on data structures and algorithms in computer science education, arguing that it fails to convey the systemic nature of computing.

* He calls for a shift towards teaching students to think in systems ways, emphasizing the interconnectedness of different components and the importance of considering the overall architecture of a system.

Introducing Computing Through Sketchpad

* Kay shares his experience of encountering Ivan Sutherland’s groundbreaking thesis on Sketchpad, which he considers a pivotal moment in his career.

* He describes the revolutionary nature of Sketchpad, which introduced the concepts of object-oriented programming, dynamic problem solving, and graphical user interfaces.

* Kay emphasizes the profound impact of Sketchpad on his thinking and its influence on his subsequent work.

Sketchpad’s Range and Versatility

* Kay showcases the remarkable range of applications that Sketchpad enabled, from mechanical engineering simulations to circuit design.

* He highlights the system’s ability to simulate dynamic systems simply by drawing their components and defining the relationships between them.

* Kay marvels at the elegance and simplicity of Sketchpad’s approach, which allows users to create dynamic simulations without explicitly programming the underlying physics or mathematics.

Dynamic Objects and Variables in a Simple Programming Environment

Simple Programming Environment:

– Kay’s simple programming environment is designed for children and features a uniform user interface, eliminating the need for multiple classes and subclasses.

– It aims to simplify learning by providing clear and intuitive understanding of variables through hands-on experimentation.


– Kay emphasizes the importance of teaching variables from an early age, criticizing traditional programming environments for failing to convey the concept effectively.

Dynamic Objects:

– Dynamic objects are created within the environment, such as cars with wheels and scripts.

– These objects interact with each other, allowing users to manipulate and control them.

Script Viewer:

– A script viewer reveals the underlying code for the objects, enabling users to understand how the objects function.

Sideways Composition and Metaprogramming

Sideways Composition:

– Kay introduces sideways composition, where objects are composed with similar traits instead of inheriting from a common ancestor.

– This approach offers more flexible and modular combinations, becoming a fundamental principle in modern programming paradigms.


– Metaprogramming allows for manipulation of programs and data at runtime, enabling dynamic modifications and adaptations.

– It empowers the creation of systems where objects can be modified and manipulated, leading to flexible and responsive software.

Alan Kay’s Talk on Constructible Environments and Scripting for Children

Croquet and 3D Environments:

– Kay’s Croquet environment functions like web pages, with 3D worlds as pages and portals as hyperlinks.

Bridges as an Analogy:

– Bridges are used to teach children physics concepts such as mass, acceleration, velocity, and forces.

Scripting for Masses and Springs:

– A simple script defines the properties of elements in a bridge structure, including mass, acceleration, velocity, and location.

Tacoma Narrows Bridge Simulation:

– A variable gusting wind simulates the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse, demonstrating wind’s effects on flexible structures.

The Beauty of Computational Media:

– Kay emphasizes nurturing children’s interest in computational media as a new and beautiful art form.

Encouraging Children’s Engagement:

– Kay stresses the importance of helping children appreciate and engage with computational media from a young age to inspire creativity and innovation.


Alan Kay’s vision for a new paradigm in computer science education is a clarion call to educators, students, and professionals alike. His approach, blending hands-on experience with an emphasis on simplicity and systems thinking, challenges the status quo and paves the way for a more practical, intuitive, and inclusive future in computing education. Kay’s philosophy, rooted in his vast experience and unique insights, offers a transformative perspective on how we teach, learn, and think about computing, promising to shape the minds of future generations in this ever-evolving field.

Notes by: Simurgh