Adam D’Angelo (Quora Co-founder) – Becoming a Remote-First Company (May 2022)


00:00:04 Quora's Journey to Remote-First Work
00:02:37 Evolution of Quora's Remote Work Policies
00:06:03 Remote Work and Talent Acquisition in the Tech Sector
00:11:11 Remote Work Innovation and Challenges
00:14:52 Making Tough Decisions: Learning from Past Mistakes to Create a Remote-first Company
00:21:32 Remote Work and the Future of the Office
00:27:46 Societal Benefits of the Shift to Remote Work
00:32:49 Remote Work: A Paradigm Shift in the Global Economy


Revolutionizing the Workforce: Quora’s Pioneering Journey into a Remote-First Future

In an era where the traditional office paradigm has been disrupted, Quora, the renowned question-and-answer platform, emerges as a trailblazer in the remote work revolution. Founded in 2009, Quora initially operated within the conventional office-based model in Silicon Valley, emphasizing in-person interactions and synchronous communication. However, the global pandemic served as a catalyst for change, revealing unforeseen benefits of remote work. CEO Adam D’Angelo’s strategic pivot to a remote-first model signifies a profound transformation in corporate culture and operational dynamics. This article delves into Quora’s journey, exploring the decision-making process, employee reactions, and the broader implications of this shift for the future of work.

Company Overview and Pre-Pandemic Quora

Quora, established in 2009, initially thrived in a traditional office setting in Mountain View, California, with employees primarily working from this single location, except for sales teams. The company culture was built around in-person meetings and informal communication, supported by tools like Slack and Quip. D’Angelo, initially skeptical about remote work, was concerned about remote employees feeling disconnected and disadvantaged.

The Pandemic’s Catalyst Effect

The pandemic’s onset forced Quora to adapt quickly, leading to an unexpected discovery: remote work not only was feasible but also brought numerous benefits. An increase in productivity and employee satisfaction was evident, contradicting D’Angelo’s initial reservations.

The Remote-First Decision

The compelling data in favor of remote work led Quora to announce its shift to a remote-first model. This strategic move was aimed at maintaining company culture through virtual team-building and regular communication, while also attracting a broader talent pool, particularly as recent changes in visa regulations restricted the flow of skilled workers to certain regions. This move opens up opportunities for talented individuals previously limited by geographic location and eases the challenges of obtaining visas.

Challenges and Adaptations

Transitioning to remote work wasn’t without challenges. Quora faced difficulties in replicating the spontaneous communication of an office environment and ensuring equal opportunities for remote employees. To address these, the company emphasized synchronous communication, set designated collaboration hours, and implemented new policies to prevent in-office advantages, such as requiring everyone in meetings to call in remotely.

Employee Responses and Productivity Surprises

The decision to adopt remote work was met with mixed reactions from employees, with some preferring a return to the office. Surprisingly, productivity increased during the pandemic, with factors like reduced commute times and improved work-life balance contributing to this.

Leadership Lessons and Mobile Adaptation

D’Angelo’s leadership during this transition underscored the importance of adaptability and decisiveness. Reflecting on Quora’s slow adaptation to mobile technology, he highlighted the need for swift responses to technological and societal shifts.

Societal Benefits of Remote Work

The shift to remote work presents significant societal benefits, including reduced commuting, increased labor mobility, resolution of the two-body problem, housing cost relief, and global access to opportunities. Quora’s approach not only addresses corporate objectives but also contributes to broader social changes. By expanding the pool of potential candidates globally, the company can access top talent from diverse backgrounds, fostering diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Increased Labor Mobility and Reduced Housing Costs

Remote work opens up job opportunities for people in different regions and countries, leading to higher labor mobility. It reduces the pressure on housing prices in high-cost areas, making it easier for individuals to afford housing in desirable locations.

Resolution of the Two-Body Problem

Traditional job relocations were easier when most families had a single earner. However, in modern times, coordination of job changes for two-income households can be challenging. Remote work eliminates this issue, as one partner can work remotely regardless of the other’s job situation.

Quora’s Pioneering Role and Future Outlook

Quora’s transformation into a remote-first company represents a significant shift in the global workforce landscape. By challenging traditional work location norms and emphasizing the importance of adaptability, the company not only adapted to the pandemic’s challenges but also set a precedent for future work models. As the world gradually moves beyond the pandemic, Quora’s journey offers valuable insights into the evolving nature of work and leadership in the 21st century.

Notes by: oganesson