Elon Musk (Tesla) – Inc Magazine interview (Sept 29, 2008)


00:00:00 PayPal's Genesis, Leadership Challenges, and Moving Forward
00:06:35 Tesla Roadster: A Paradigm Shift in Electric Cars
00:11:38 Vision for Sustainable Transportation and Renewable Energy
00:15:48 SpaceX, Its Mission, and Challenges


Elon Musk has significantly impacted multiple industries from online financial services with PayPal to automotive engineering with Tesla, and from renewable energy with SolarCity to space exploration with SpaceX. The article delves into Musk’s diverse entrepreneurial ventures, highlighting how each initiative represents a pivot point in their respective industries. Specifically, it explores overlooked aspects of PayPal, Tesla’s not-so-obvious industry influences, SolarCity’s market leadership, and SpaceX’s existential imperative for humanity.

The Early Days and Financial Services

Early Career and Zip2

Before the fame garnered through Tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk entered the entrepreneurial arena with Zip2an online directory comparable to early Yahoo. Although overshadowed by later accomplishments, Zip2 was a harbinger of Musk’s disruptive potential, as it was sold to Compaq for over $300 million.

PayPal’s Genesis

Musk’s involvement in PayPal initially aimed for a “super financial services thing,” a vision much broader than the company’s eventual focus. The pivot occurred when the feature enabling users to email money captivated people’s interest, becoming the cornerstone of PayPal’s business model.

Underlying Financial Services

Apart from the well-known ability to email money, PayPal also offers critical financial services like money market funds and debit cards, factors often overlooked but vital to the company’s success.

Management Changes and Resilience

Musk’s tenure as PayPal’s CEO was cut short while he was away from the office. Rather than resisting the management change, Musk maintained cordial relations, a move that eventually benefited his subsequent ventures.

Mending Relations

Understanding the reason behind his replacement and choosing not to react bitterly facilitated the mending of relations. Some of those who succeeded him in PayPal management later invested in SpaceX and other Musk-led initiatives.

Tesla and the Automotive Frontier

Tesla Roadster Features

Tesla’s Roadster revolutionized the car market by melding high performance with energy efficiency. Its effective 0 to 60 mph acceleration is competitive even with high-end sports cars like Ferraris.

Price and Competitiveness

The Roadster’s price tag of $109,000 is defended as competitive, with Musk emphasizing the importance of offering a compelling product both in features and price to achieve business viability.

Attention to Detail

Perfectionism is a virtue Musk regards as essential, despite criticisms of being a “micromanager.” This trait was particularly significant when redesigning components based on a borrowed Lotus Elise chassis.

Business Viability

Tesla’s success is hinted at by 1,200 deposits for the Roadster, each at least $5,000. Musk acknowledges the inherent risks in the automotive industry, pointing to Jeep in 1941 as the last successful car startup in the U.S.

Lessons from History

Drawing from the DeLorean’s failure, Musk emphasizes that attracting future investment requires a product that justifies its price through performance and reliability.

Energy and Societal Impact

Tesla’s Mission and Industry Influence

Musk clarifies Tesla’s broader mission to accelerate the shift from fossil fuels. The influence of Tesla on the automotive industry extends beyond its own products, with the Chevy Volt cited as a testament to this ripple effect.

SolarCity: Streamlining Solar Adoption

SolarCity simplifies solar power adoption and has demonstrated rapid growth, particularly in California. Its focus on customer convenience and financial accessibility make it an industry leader.

SpaceX and the Existential Frontier

Purpose of Rocket Company

Musk’s venture into space travel aims to make it more affordable and ultimately multi-planetary. This aspiration is rooted in a deep philosophical framework that views the initiative as an existential imperative for humanity.

Technical and Emotional Aspects

Musk’s intimate involvement in SpaceX’s technical design amplifies the emotional intensity of each launch, describing it as “nerve-wracking.”

Overcoming Failures and Risk Management

SpaceX has faced failures, but Musk views these as part of the learning process. Financial sustainability and risk management are also emphasized, with SpaceX being profitable at least through the end of the next year.


Elon Musk’s multifaceted entrepreneurship demonstrates his capacity to innovate and redefine multiple industries. While often celebrated for his high-profile projects, the detailssuch as PayPal’s overlooked financial services, Tesla’s industry influence, SolarCity’s market leadership, and SpaceX’s philosophical frameworkadd layers of depth to his contributions. The ventures are not isolated; they reflect Musk’s broader vision for humanity, a vision that is continuously evolving and influencing change at a global scale.

Notes by: Systemic01