Robert Noyce (Intel Co-founder) – The Impact of Integrated Circuits (Feb 2009)


00:00:30 History and Retrospective of Integrated Circuits
00:06:13 Early History of Transistors and Integrated Circuits
00:13:55 Origins of the Integrated Circuit
00:19:28 Evolution and Challenges of Integrated Circuit Manufacturing
00:26:35 Evolution of Integrated Circuits and Memory
00:31:22 Evolution of Semiconductor Memory and the Rise of Microprocessors
00:40:04 Moore's Law and the Future of Microelectronics


“The Evolution and Future of Integrated Circuits: A Journey from Simple Semiconductors to Advanced Microprocessors”

The landscape of integrated circuit technology, from its humble beginnings in the mid-20th century to the threshold of replicating biological functions, represents a remarkable journey of innovation, challenges, and transformative impact. Bob Noyce, a pivotal figure in this evolution, intricately weaves this narrative, highlighting key moments: the rapid progression from basic transistors to sophisticated microprocessors, the relentless pursuit of miniaturization, and the revolutionary shift from bipolar to MOS technology. This article delves into the facets of this journey, examining the technical milestones, market dynamics, and future potential that define the integrated circuit industry.

The Beginnings: Early Semiconductor Market and Innovations

In 1954, the semiconductor market, primarily driven by research contracts rather than product sales, stood at a modest $25 million. Germanium dominated the market, with silicon playing a minor role. Innovations like alloy, grown junction, and diffused transistors paved the way for advanced manufacturing techniques, such as photoengraving and the groundbreaking planar transistor, which solved the persistent issue of surface impurities.

As microcircuit dimensions decrease, the ideal voltage for operation also decreases. Reducing linear dimensions by a factor of 10 allows for a 100-fold increase in the number of transistors packed in the same area. Continuing the historical trend, the number of transistors on a chip could increase by another factor of 10 in the coming decade. Within a decade, it may be possible to fit between 100 million and a billion transistors on a single chip.

Challenges in Transistor Manufacturing

Leakage current and short lifetimes of early transistors limited their practical use. Junction isolation became the preferred method for transistor fabrication. Other circuit elements like resistors and capacitors were easily made from semiconductors, but inductors remained a challenge.

Integrated Circuits: Conception and Challenges

The inception of integrated circuits was spurred by factors like military needs and high labor costs. Key technological elements like photoengraving and planar transistors addressed the urgent need for miniaturization. Despite these advancements, early integrated circuits struggled with reliability, prompting continuous research to refine isolation techniques and achieve electrical isolation on a single chip.

Initial integrated circuits were slow and used simple logic forms. The low yield of individual transistors made it difficult to combine them into complex circuits. Market opposition arose due to the fear of losing proprietary design positions. Worst-case design practices added further challenges.

Market Dynamics and Moore’s Law

Resistance from the market, primarily due to job security concerns among circuit designers, initially hindered the adoption of integrated circuits. However, the industry’s drive to reduce costs and improve yields led to significant advancements, such as larger wafers and increased die size. Moore’s curve, illustrating the exponential growth in circuit complexity, underscored the cost dynamics, with assembly and testing costs becoming a crucial factor.

Moore’s Curve and Cost Considerations

Moore’s law predicted a doubling of circuit complexity every year. Assembly and test costs were significant, with a minimum cost point determined by the balance between yield and complexity. Larger wafers and die sizes helped reduce defect density and increase yield. Miniaturization allowed for more circuits on a given area and reduced power consumption.

The challenge lies in finding innovative applications for this vast computing power. Just as early prognosticators underestimated the world’s need for computers, we should not limit our imagination regarding the potential uses of billions of transistors. The true potential of microelectronics lies in our ability to conceive creative and groundbreaking applications for this technology.

Technological Leap: MOS and CMOS Technologies

The transition from bipolar to MOS technology marked a significant leap, offering improved performance and simpler design processes. CMOS technology, in particular, gained preference due to its low power dissipation and ease of design, setting the stage for the next generation of microprocessors.

MOS vs Bipolar and Epitaxy

MOS and bipolar technologies emerged, expanding circuit possibilities. Epitaxy allowed for impure underlying material with pure semiconductor on top, enhancing circuit performance.

Microprocessors: The New Frontier

Microprocessors emerged as a revolutionary solution to the high cost of custom circuit designs, finding early applications in calculators and simple controllers. Their evolution saw the development of more powerful and compact designs, with current models boasting hundreds of thousands of transistors on a single chip.

Complexity and Challenges

Early integrated circuits were simple Boolean functions and gates. As complexity grew, concerns arose about managing numerous leads and optimizing lead-to-gate ratios. Making more complex circuits meant fewer units produced, raising questions about the viability of large-scale manufacturing.

Microprocessor Development

The high cost of custom integrated circuit designs led to the concept of microprocessors, which are programmable and can be used in various applications. Initially, microprocessors were used in simple controllers and calculators, but their capabilities grew over time. Noyce mentioned an example where he offered a PDP-8 equivalent for $10, highlighting the potential cost-effectiveness of microprocessors.

Approaching Biological Dimensions and Future Challenges

The relentless drive towards shrinking dimensions has brought circuit sizes close to biological levels, opening discussions about replicating brain functions. The current focus is on developing microprocessors with billions of transistors, presenting both immense potential and the challenge of identifying practical applications for this vast computational power.

Speed and Dimensions

Smaller circuits lead to faster speeds, making them more capable. Current production circuits are at 2 microns, approaching 1 micron, following a trend predicted in 1978. Dimensions are comparable to biological structures like neurons, opening possibilities for brain-like functions.

A Legacy of Imagination and Innovation

The journey of integrated circuits from basic semiconductors to complex microprocessors is a testament to human imagination and innovation. As we stand on the brink of creating devices with capabilities approaching those of the human brain, the future of integrated circuit technology holds limitless possibilities, bounded only by our ability to conceive new and creative applications for this extraordinary electronic tool.

Notes by: TransistorZero