Ilya Sutskevar (OpenAI Co-founder) – Mainstage at VB Transform 2019 (Jul 2019)


00:00:06 Founders' Journey into Artificial Intelligence
00:02:44 Founding OpenAI and Advancing Towards Artificial General Intelligence
00:12:13 Artificial Intelligence Explainability in Language and Vision Models


Exploring the Frontiers of AI: A Journey with Greg Brockman and Ilya Sutskever

The field of artificial intelligence (AI) has witnessed transformative advancements, primarily led by luminaries like Greg Brockman and Ilya Sutskever. Brockman, initially inspired by Alan Turing’s vision of machines learning like human children, and Sutskever, intrigued by the intersection of math, brains, and computers, have significantly contributed to the evolution of AI models. This article delves into their journey, focusing on neural networks, the quest for explainability in AI, ethical considerations, and the future of AI research, as discussed in a comprehensive transcript featuring both scholars.

Genesis of Interest in AI

Greg Brockman’s journey into AI was sparked by Turing’s 1950 paper, particularly the idea of a machine learning akin to a human child. Turing’s concept of learning through data exposure, without explicit programming, deeply fascinated Brockman, although his early attempts in AI were hampered by technological constraints. Ilya Sutskever’s interest in AI stemmed from his fascination with the synergy between mathematics, the human brain, and computers. His focus on machine learning, especially learning without explicit logical rules, like predicting sunrise, marked a pivotal point in his career. His collaboration with Geoff Hinton in Toronto in 2012 led to remarkable breakthroughs in machine learning.

Initial Exposure to AI

Brockman was initially introduced to AI through Alan Turing’s 1950 paper on the Turing test, captivated by the concept of creating machines that could learn and perform like humans. Turing’s emphasis on teaching machines through data and experiences, akin to raising human children, greatly influenced Brockman. However, he faced frustration in his early AI pursuits due to the lack of viable technology in 2008, leading him to pursue various startups before returning to AI.

Sutskever’s Early Interest

Sutskever’s interest in AI, math, and the human brain began during his teenage years. He was intrigued by the idea of computers simulating the human brain. Machine learning, particularly the mysterious nature of learning itself, captivated Sutskever, leading him to seek answers to questions like the basis for knowing the sun will rise tomorrow. He pursued graduate studies in Toronto and collaborated with renowned AI researcher Geoff Hinton for nine years, culminating in a significant breakthrough in 2012.

The Evolution of AI Models

Brockman: Discussing the progression of AI, Brockman cites the “Sentiment Neuron” paper as foundational, showing how neural networks can understand semantics without explicit training. This leap was evident in GPT-2, capable of generating convincing human-like texts.

Scaling and Surprising Results: Brockman emphasizes the significance of scaling in AI development. As models like GPT-2 were scaled up, they exhibited sophisticated behaviors, like creating compelling arguments in essays, presenting new potential applications and questions about AI’s capabilities.

Advancements through Neural Networks

Greg Brockman highlights a significant development in AI through the “Sentiment Neuron” paper, where a neural network trained to predict text also developed a state-of-the-art sentiment analysis classifier. This advancement was surprising as the model not only learned the basics of language but also grasped semantics without explicit training. However, this phenomenon diminished with smaller models, indicating size as a critical factor in such capabilities.

GPT-2: Scaling Up Neural Networks

Brockman discusses GPT-2, a scaled-up version of previous neural network models with some architectural changes. GPT-2 demonstrated advanced capabilities in generating convincing essays, suggesting that scaling up neural networks leads to significant improvements in performance. An instance is cited where GPT-2 composed a persuasive essay on recycling, initially suspected to be copied but eventually confirmed as original, showcasing its ability to synthesize and articulate complex ideas.

The Quest for Explainability in AI

Sutskever: He underscores the importance of understanding the decision-making process in AI. Advances in explainability, particularly in vision models, have been notable, with researchers deciphering individual neuron functions and creating circuit diagrams.

Brockman: Brockman challenges the view of neural networks as “black boxes,” suggesting that AI can offer better insights into its decision-making than humans can into their own, emphasizing the necessity of this transparency for AI’s societal applications.

Importance of Explainability

Ilya Sutskever emphasizes the growing need for explainability in AI as neural networks become more sophisticated and take on complex tasks. The ability to understand why a neural network makes a certain decision is crucial, especially for larger networks. He mentions progress in making vision models’ decision-making processes understandable, predicting similar advancements for language models and other domains.

Myth of Neural Networks as Black Boxes

Brockman challenges the perception of neural networks as inscrutable ‘black boxes.’ He suggests that AI could potentially offer clearer explanations for its decisions than humans often do. This transparency is vital for entrusting AI with significant societal tasks, ensuring that AI’s actions align with human values and understanding.

Ethical Considerations in AI Deployment

Responsible AI Release: Brockman discusses the ethical dilemmas in releasing AI models like GPT-2, focusing on the potential for misuse, such as in creating fake news. This led to a cautious approach to AI deployment.

Developing Community Norms: He emphasizes establishing community norms in AI, similar to responsible vulnerability disclosure in security, viewing GPT-2’s release strategy as a step towards creating norms for AI technology’s safety and ethical use.

Partnerships for AI Safety: Collaboration with entities like Google is highlighted, drawing parallels with the automotive industry’s focus on safety features.

Responsible AI Release and Community Norms

Discussing the controlled release of GPT-2, Brockman addresses concerns about potential misuse. He underscores the importance of establishing community norms for AI development, akin to responsible disclosure in cybersecurity. This approach aims to balance innovation with safety, encouraging collaboration and careful consideration of AI’s dual-use nature.

Envisioning the Future of AI Research

Sutskever: He expresses optimism about the untapped potential of deep learning, anticipating neural networks solving more complex reasoning tasks by training larger networks on challenging problems.

Brockman: Discussing the “Reasoning Team” at OpenAI, co-led with Sutskever, Brockman shares their goal to merge symbolic systems with neural networks, enhancing AI’s reasoning capabilities and addressing fundamental research questions.

Founding Motivation and Vision for OpenAI

Ilya Sutskever, co-founder of OpenAI, describes his motivations for leaving Google and founding OpenAI. He highlights the potential impact of AI, the importance of AI safety, and the unique opportunity for a new organization like OpenAI to make significant advancements. The shared vision among the co-founders, including Sam Altman and Elon Musk, was a driving force behind the establishment of OpenAI.

Transition from Nonprofit to Cap Profit

Greg Brockman discusses OpenAI’s evolution, starting as a nonprofit organization to explore the best structure for achieving their mission. The shift to a cap profit model was part of their journey to gather necessary resources and people for advancing AI technology, particularly towards artificial general intelligence (AGI).

Computational Power in AI Progress

Brockman emphasizes the exponential increase in computational power fueling AI advancements since 2012. He illustrates this with an analogy of a cell phone battery’s hypothetical exponential increase in lifespan, underscoring the dramatic scale of computational growth in AI.

AI in Video Games as a Step Toward AGI

Sutskever explains the significance of their work on video games, particularly Dota 2, in the context of AI development. By combining reinforcement learning with significant computational scale, OpenAI demonstrated the potential of simple AI methodologies to solve complex, real-time strategy games, advancing towards AGI.

Universal Application of AI Technologies

Brockman highlights the adaptability of AI, showing how the same technology used in video games can control a robotic handa task previously too complex for human programming. This adaptability demonstrates the potential of AI to solve a wide range of problems by interpreting them as numerical data for optimization.

Natural Language Processing Advances

Sutskever discusses GPT-2, a natural language model developed by OpenAI. By training a large neural network on a vast language corpus, they achieved significant advances in natural language processing and generation, showcasing the power of scaling up existing methodologies with more extensive and diverse data sets.

Future Directions in AI

Both Sutskever and Brockman express excitement about the future of AI. Sutskever looks forward to training larger neural networks to solve currently unsolvable tasks, especially in reasoning. Brockman shares this enthusiasm, particularly for a new initiative focused on integrating symbolic systems with neural networks to enhance AI’s reasoning capabilities.


The transcript with Brockman and Sutskever offers a deep dive into the rapid advancements in AI. It underscores the development of neural networks, the critical aspect of explainability, ethical considerations, and future prospects, highlighting the ongoing efforts to understand, harness, and responsibly use AI for societal benefit.

Notes by: TransistorZero