Raghuram Rajan (University of Chicago Professor) – How markets and the state leave the community behind | Brookings (Feb 2019)


00:00:04 Economic History and Populism
00:03:52 The Community's Role in Capitalism
00:11:23 The Importance of Local Communities in the Digital Age
00:14:32 Impact of Technological Revolution on Markets and Society
00:22:06 ICT's Impact on Market, State, and Community
00:24:43 The Impact of Technology on Social and Economic Inequality
00:32:19 Reviving Communities in a Diverse World
00:35:39 Inclusive Localism: Technology and Community Engagement for Social and Economic Well-being
00:43:11 Maintaining Openness in a Decentralized Society
00:51:14 Empowering Local Communities and Addressing Segregation
00:54:03 Maximize Value for All Stakeholders, Not Just Shareholders
00:56:14 Balancing Nationalism and Globalism: The Role of Communities in a Globalized World
01:04:08 Challenges of Economic Growth in China and India
01:07:28 The Role of Community in Addressing Social and Economic Challenges
01:13:13 Immigration's Pros and Cons: Economic Impacts and Controversies
01:21:22 International Perspectives on Community Building in the Digital Age
01:24:51 The Changing Nature of Work: Unions, Superstars, and Societal Reactions


The Third Pillar: Reviving Community in a Capitalist World

In his latest book, “The Third Pillar,” former IMF chief economist and Reserve Bank of India governor Raghuram Rajan addresses the intricate dynamics between markets, the state, and communities. Rajan emphasizes the importance of strengthening communities to counter the rise of populism, resulting from the historical neglect by markets and the state. He highlights the roles of technology, capitalism, and national policies in shaping societal structures and the potential of local empowerment and technology as tools for societal rejuvenation. This comprehensive analysis delves into the causes of populism, the disintegration of mixed communities, the challenges of populist solutions, and the intricacies of balancing localism with inclusion.

Revitalizing Community in a Modern World

The Rise of Populism and Neglected Communities:

Raghuram Rajan’s “The Third Pillar” critically examines the historical evolution of markets and the state, outlining how their dominance has often marginalized communities. This neglect, Rajan argues, has fueled the rise of populism. He proposes a renewed focus on empowering communities without dismantling capitalism’s structure. Rajan’s comprehensive approach includes addressing financial development risks, the crisis of rising incomes, and the need to reform capitalism to counteract populism effectively.

The Significance of Community:

Rajan stresses the critical role of communities in providing identity, values, security, and a safety net. He contrasts the support offered by physical communities with the less engaged nature of virtual communities, underlining the continued importance of real, proximate communities for social engagement and the formation of meaningful jobs.

The Role of Nationalism and Integration:

Rajan’s emphasis on localism is accompanied by an acknowledgment of the role of nationalism in promoting unity among diverse communities. He advocates for a cohesive nationalism that integrates and understands diverse communities rather than causing division, recognizing the existence of ethnically concentrated communities and calling for their support and integration into the national fabric.

Technological Change and Capitalism:

The book also delves into the impact of technological advancements, particularly post-1970, on job markets and community structures. Rajan discusses the emergence of superstar jobs due to automation, global supply chains, and intellectual property protection, which have led to a widening income gap and social unrest.

Addressing Economic and Social Disparities:

Technological Disruption and Community Segregation:

Technological advancements have not only transformed job markets but have also led to increased income inequality and the concentration of opportunities in specific areas. This has created a divide between well-educated and less-educated communities, exacerbating social segregation.

Populist Movements and Powerlessness:

The evolution of the relationship between state, markets, and the community in capitalism illustrates the dependence of markets on the state for regulation and enforcement of property rights and antitrust laws. Markets provide choice and productivity, while the community influences markets by imparting values and norms. When competitive, markets limit the state’s power, acting as a check and balance. Democracy prevents crony capitalism by promoting open access and separating the private sector from the state.

Raghuram Rajan’s Insights on Economics, Populism, and Capitalism:

– Rajan’s book explores the political support for excessive borrowing as a compensation for stagnant income growth.

– Rajan argues that populism has risen due to the failure of markets and states to support communities, advocating for improving capitalism rather than overthrowing it.

Challenges and Solutions in Populism:

While populist solutions often fail to address underlying issues like technological change and population aging, Rajan suggests that barriers to trade and immigration might hinder economic growth. He advocates for a nationalism that integrates rather than divides communities and emphasizes local empowerment and civic nationalism.

The Balancing Act: Localism, Inclusion, and Technology:

Inclusive Localism and Community Empowerment:

Raghuram Rajan introduces the concept of ‘inclusive localism,’ which combines local empowerment with inclusivity, ensuring communities control their affairs while remaining open to new members. He acknowledges the challenges in balancing local power with inclusion, suggesting technology as a tool to enhance community engagement and education.

Local Empowerment:

– Rajan proposes empowering local neighborhoods by giving them more control over local matters such as schools and funding.

– He emphasizes the need to push down decision-making authority to local communities to address issues like school funding and improvement.

– Rajan suggests that zoning laws should be reformed to allow more multifamily homes, facilitating movement of people and reducing inequality.

Balancing Tradeoffs:

– Rajan acknowledges that real-world decision-making involves tradeoffs and complexities.

– He criticizes the notion of purity and pristine solutions, emphasizing the need to manage tradeoffs effectively.

The Importance of Local Community:

– Local communities foster trust, deeper social connections, and longer-term engagement.

– The internet can actually strengthen social ties by enabling connections across physical barriers.

– The Netville Experiment, a study of a Toronto development with internet access, found that the half of the community with internet access built stronger social ties than the half without.

The Role of Corporations and National Policies:

The book critiques the traditional corporate focus on profit maximization, advocating for a value maximization approach that considers the social and environmental impact. Rajan also discusses the importance of national policies in supporting community development, highlighting the need for affordable broadband access and effective zoning laws.

India’s Advantages and Challenges for Growth:

– Raghuram Rajan believes India has a great system for transitioning from middle income to first world status, but needs to address challenges in acquiring land and developing infrastructure due to democratic protests and a strong NIMBY movement.

Central Bank Independence and Populism:

– Rajan believes in independent, politically independent central banks and made changes in India to align with this belief, leading to his non-reappointment and the firing of his successor, reflecting a broader trend of populism and reduced checks and balances.

Fixing Holes in the Social Safety Net:

– Rajan advocates for targeted fixes to societal issues rather than universal basic income (UBI), suggesting addressing specific problems like homelessness with basic support and community involvement.

Community Involvement in Policy Implementation:

– Rajan emphasizes the need for community involvement in implementing policies like UBI, using local resources to provide additional support beyond basic government assistance.


– Rajan believes we should be careful about over-educating the population, as this can lead to degree inflation and a mismatch between education levels and job market needs.


– Rajan respects religion as a source of organization and bonding within communities, acknowledging its potential positive role in society and not endorsing policies that would restrict or regulate it.


– Rajan believes immigration has been broadly beneficial for countries, recognizing concerns about illegal immigration but emphasizing the importance of democratic and managed control of immigration.


– Rajan emphasizes the importance of community, expressing concern about the growth of the homeschooling movement in the United States and its potential impact on community-building efforts.

Broadband in Rural Areas:

– Rajan recognizes the challenge of providing broadband access in rural areas, acknowledging the potential need for subsidies to address the digital divide and promote economic development.

A Path Forward for Communities

The Future of Communities in a Capitalist World:

Raghuram Rajan’s “The Third Pillar” presents a thought-provoking analysis of the complex relationship between markets, the state, and communities. His insights into the causes of populism, the impact of technological change, and the potential of localism and inclusivity provide a roadmap for revitalizing communities. By highlighting the significance of community in a capitalist world and proposing practical solutions, Rajan’s work is a valuable contribution to the ongoing discourse on economic and social policy.

Notes by: Alkaid