Emad Mostaque (Stability AI Co-founder) – Interview with Elad Gil (Jan 2023)


00:00:01 Open-Source AI for Everyone: The Stability Revolution
00:08:38 Open Source AI Innovation at Stability
00:12:35 Open Source vs Closed Source in Generative Media
00:16:49 Challenges and Considerations in Regulating Artificial Intelligence
00:23:16 Imagining the Future of AI Innovations
00:33:24 AI, Crypto, and the Future of Identity
00:38:06 The Impact of Generative AI on Society and Democracy
00:40:53 Impact of AI on Industries and Workforce
00:44:25 Empowering Global Education with AI-Driven Learning Systems
00:48:57 Open Source Licensing for Stability AI Models
00:51:49 Future Directions in AI Copyright Law
00:57:33 National Research Cluster Fills Innovation Gap


The Future of AI: Democratization, Collaboration, and Responsibility

The Democratization and Innovation of AI in the Hands of Stability AI

In an age where artificial intelligence (AI) stands at the forefront of technological innovation, Stability AI emerges as a pivotal player, led by founder and CEO Emad Mostaque. Mostaque’s journey, fueled by his background in hedge fund management and personal experiences using AI for his son’s drug discovery, has driven him to democratize AI technology. His vision? To make AI models, especially those in image generation, open-source and affordable. This approach resonates deeply with the core values of open-source communities like Eleuther and Lion, fostering collaboration and accelerating AI development.

Open-Source Communities: A Catalyst for Progressive AI

The role of open-source communities cannot be understated in the field of AI. They are the breeding ground for collaboration and innovation. Mostaque, recognizing this, extends this collaborative ethos to image generation with Stability AI. The result is a significant contribution to projects like latent diffusion and stable diffusion, where the collective expertise of diverse developers leads to rapid experimentation and improvement.

Stable Diffusion: A Testament to Collaborative Excellence

Stability’s involvement in latent diffusion, initiated at LMU Munich and funded by Mostaque, epitomizes the power of collaborative AI development. The team, including Catherine Krausen and Robin, harnessed this potential, giving rise to the stable diffusion model. This open-source approach not only encouraged innovation but also ensured that AI infrastructure remained accessible to everyone, aligning with the community and propelling Stability’s growth.

Emad Mostaque’s Background and Motivation

Emad Mostaque, driven by a desire to improve the world through AI, particularly in education and drug discovery, witnessed the potential of AI during the COVID-19 pandemic. He recognized the power of transform-based architectures like attention-based systems in extracting principles and latent spaces. Recognizing the lack of access to cutting-edge models for his COVID-related work, Mostaque joined the EleutherAI community, contributing to the development of GPT-Neo and GPT-J. Seeing an opportunity to extend the resources available in the open-source AI community, he provided funding for various image generation projects, including Mid-Journey and collaborations on Google Colab, to support the growth of the open-source AI community.

Expanding Horizons: Stability AI’s Multimodal Ambitions

While Stability AI has made a name in image generation with its open-source text-to-image model, Stable Diffusion, its aspirations go beyond. The company aims for full multimodality, incorporating voice, text, and bio models. This vision includes a research community of full-time employees, academic partners, and a broader individual community, emphasizing developer empowerment and satisfaction.

Key improvements in image generation models, such as Dali and Imogen, include the fusion of a language model with an image model, enabling faster and higher-quality results. Stability AI fosters open collaboration and community involvement to drive innovation and breakthroughs in AI research. The company employs full-time stability employees as a core, collaborates with regular academic partners, and funds PhDs to expand its research capabilities.

Aiming for full multimodality, Stability AI strives to create a psychologically safe environment where developers and researchers from diverse backgrounds can contribute and collaborate effectively. Stability AI values the contributions of its developers and offers them revenue-sharing opportunities. Every developer can open-source anything they create, and 10% of the revenue from models run by Stability AI is shared with developers. Half of the revenue share goes to a pool allocated to fund innovative research, while the other half goes to the model authors, even if they don’t work at Stability AI. Stability AI’s OpenBioML community boasts 3,000 members, fostering open collaboration and innovation in the field of bioinformatics. LibraFold, a recent project, is a testament to the power of open collaboration, bringing together academic stability and other partnerships.

The Challenges and Considerations of Open-Source AI

Regulation, Safety, and the Future of AI Technology

The journey of open-sourcing AI technology is not without its challenges. Concerns over safety and the requirement of education loom large, alongside ethical considerations regarding control by unelected private companies. Governments are increasingly looking at enforcing open-source policies to maintain democratic control and prevent monopolies.

The geopolitical landscape is also shaped by AI advancements. The rise of malicious actors equipped with advanced AI necessitates robust countermeasures, a need that was accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The European Union’s efforts to regulate AI, focusing on user liability, underline the importance of balancing open-source innovation with regulation to prevent exclusive control by private entities.

AI safety and alignment are paramount, calling for diverse data sets, intergovernmental oversight, and nurturing AI responsibly. The challenge of combating deepfakes and malicious AI underscores the need for infrastructure like content authenticity verification and open expert discussions.

Generative AI promises to revolutionize multiple sectors, from creating immersive experiences to enabling personalized models for individuals, companies, and cultures. Mostaque envisions AI advancements beyond transformers, emphasizing the importance of smaller, customized models for edge devices. The potential of AI in creating new markets, especially in high-ROI areas like education and healthcare, is immense.

Emad Mostaque voices concerns that generative AI might fall under the control of unelected private companies, leading to a monopoly and undemocratic control. Open-source AI, while innovative, presents challenges in regulation due to the continuous need for safety and security improvements. The geopolitical landscape is being reshaped by AI advancements, with the potential misuse of generative AI for creating high-quality deepfakes being a significant concern. The arms race between bad actors equipped with advanced AI and countermeasures is reminiscent of the regulation of cryptography in the 1990s. The European Union leads in AI regulation, focusing on user liability for model usage, including for academic purposes. There’s a push to regulate large language models due to their unknown dangers and potential for misuse. Stability AI views their Stable Diffusion model as a precocious kindergartner, while larger models like the 4.3 billion parameter image model are likened to high schoolers in terms of capabilities. They propose regulating large language models, insisting on diverse data sets, and establishing an intergovernmental agency as alignment measures. Building infrastructure to combat deepfakes and malicious uses of generative AI, including initiatives like contentauthenticity.org, is crucial. Emphasizing the need for open discussions and diverse perspectives, they believe regulation should involve democratic discussions with a wide range of experts and stakeholders.

Stability AI’s Vision: Empowerment and Responsibility

Stability AI, aspiring for B Corp status, reflects a mission-based focus. Investments align with open-source and AI values, and the company is conscious of the potential disruptions AI could bring, particularly in job markets. Initiatives like Repl.it and educational efforts in refugee camps illustrate the company’s commitment to empowering the next generation with AI tools.

The company’s approach to licensing, with models like “Diamond Age” requiring ethical use, sets a precedent for responsible AI development. Stability AI plans to release only safer models in the future and is considering more permissive licensing terms. The establishment of the Stable Diffusion Foundation and recommendations against premature model releases highlight the company’s commitment to responsible AI dissemination.

Stability AI’s diverse initiatives, including generative AI for direct democracy and building AI for freedom, reflect a balance between personalization and the risk of surveillance. The company’s structure and investment strategies show a clear alignment with open-source and AI values, foreseeing potential disruptions in various sectors.

Shaping a Responsible AI Future

In conclusion, Stability AI stands as a beacon of innovation and responsibility in the AI landscape. Its commitment to open-source, collaboration, and ethical considerations sets a standard for the industry. As AI continues to shape our world, companies like Stability AI play a crucial role in ensuring that this technology empowers humanity while navigating the complex ethical, regulatory, and social challenges it presents.

Stability’s Approach to Licensing and Open Source Models

Licensing for Stability Models:

Stability generally uses Apache or MIT licenses for their models, except for Stable Diffusion 1.4 and 1.5 which were released under the CreativeML OpenRail license. This license mandates ethical use and includes a safety filter.

Releasing Safer Work Models:

Stability plans to release only safer work models in the future. This decision was made after discussions within Stability’s developers.

Stable Diffusion Foundation:

Stable Diffusion 1.4 and 1.5 were released as a collaboration, and the Stable Diffusion Foundation will soon be established to handle these models.

Stability’s Role in Open Source AI:

Stability believes that open-source AI should not be controlled by any single company. The foundation model will accelerate progress in this area and incorporate input from the community.

Democratech and Open Source:

Stability supports the idea of Democratech, where people have a say in the development of open-source technologies. The company encourages people to make their voices heard in shaping the future of open-source AI.

Open Source Text-to-Text Generation Models:

No information was provided regarding Stability’s plans for releasing an open-source text-to-text generation model.

Additional Information on Language Models and AI Research

Alutha AI Releases GPT-Neo J and Neo X Models:

Alutha AI, supported by Google, released the GPT-Neo J and Neo X models, which are being used by developers for tasks including language generation, translation, and summarization.

Copper AI Lab Releases Instruct Model Framework:

Copper AI Lab, a Google research lab, released the Instruct model framework, allowing users to reduce the size of large language models to 20 million parameters. This enables the use of large language models on smaller devices and for applications with limited computational resources.

Google’s Support for Language Model Development:

Google provides thousands of GPUs to support the development of language models. The company has released language models for various languages, including Korean and English, believing that these advancements will lead to powerful applications.

Concerns about Copyright Law and AI-Generated Art:

The use of AI-generated art has raised concerns among artists about potential copyright infringement. Emad Mostaque, a Google researcher, acknowledges these concerns and the complexity of copyright law in this context. He highlights that only a small percentage of the data used to train AI models is from artists, and that the models cannot generate art in a specific artist’s style unless explicitly instructed to do so. Google is exploring mechanisms to attribute AI-generated art to the artists whose work was used in training the models.

Compute Centralization and Google’s Approach:

The compute landscape for deep learning is highly centralized, with a few companies dominating the market. Google is evaluating various architectures and partnerships to address this centralization and is working on optimizations at the hardware kernel level to improve efficiency. The company supports alternative approaches to centralized compute, such as distributed training, to provide more options for users.

Google’s Focus on Training AI Models:

Google’s focus is on training AI models and making them accessible to users, rather than creating multiple versions of the same model. This approach allows users to leverage the pre-trained models without having to expend additional energy and resources on training.

Emad Mostaque and Elad Gil’s Presentation on Building a National Research Cluster

Paradigm Shift in Research Computing:

Emad Mostaque highlights the paradigm shift in research computing, moving from individual researchers using their own computers to a national research cluster accessible by any university.

Filling the Gap:

Mostaque emphasizes the need to fill the gap in research computing resources for academics, enabling them to conduct large-scale research projects that were previously infeasible.

Building a National Research Cluster:

Mostaque describes the successful establishment of a national research cluster that eliminates the gap in resources for academics, allowing them to conduct advanced research.

Scaling Up:

Mostaque shares plans to scale up the national research cluster by five to ten times in the next year, further enhancing its capabilities and capacity to support even more research projects.

Packed Room and Appreciation:

Mostaque expresses gratitude for the packed room of attendees, demonstrating the strong interest in the national research cluster initiative.

Stability Story:

Elad Gil shares the stability story of the national research cluster, both in terms of its past performance and future prospects, showcasing its reliability and resilience.

Thank You:

Mostaque extends his thanks to Notion for hosting the event, Ahmad for sharing the stability story, and the Ocean Team for their contributions to the national research cluster project.

Notes by: Hephaestus