Jennifer Doudna (UC Berkeley Professor) – Clare Hall King Lecture | U of Cambridge (Nov 2023)


00:00:11 Clare Hall King Lectures: Celebrating RNA Research
00:03:22 CRISPR Discovery and Applications in Genome Editing and Beyond
00:12:01 CRISPR-Cas9: An RNA-Guided System for Genome Editing
00:16:05 CRISPR-Cas9: Mechanism and Development of a New Technology
00:18:53 CRISPR-Cas9: Programmable DNA Cutting
00:22:59 CRISPR: From Research Tool to Therapeutic and Agricultural Powerhouse
00:26:22 CRISPR Genome Editing: Ethical, Legal, and Societal Considerations
00:30:21 CRISPR as a Potential Cure for Sickle Cell Disease
00:33:53 CRISPR Ex Vivo Editing for Sickle Cell Disease
00:41:47 In Vivo Genome Editing: Possibilities and Challenges
00:43:50 CRISPR-Cas9 Innovations for In Vivo Gene Editing
00:47:25 Making CRISPR-Based Therapies Accessible and Sustainable
00:54:24 CRISPR Biology and its Clinical Applications
01:04:50 CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing: Unlocking New Avenues for Disease Treatment
01:08:18 Challenges and Future Directions of CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing Technology
01:15:00 Germline Editing: Possibilities and Ethical Considerations
01:17:03 CRISPR: Ethical Considerations and Challenges in Biomedical Applications


Updated Article: The Revolutionary Impact of CRISPR-Cas9: Transforming Science and Medicine

Introduction to the King Lectures and Speaker Background:

In 2016, Clare Hall established the King Lectures thanks to a generous donation from Donald West King, a pathologist with Yale ties to Clare Hall. The lectures have become a cornerstone of Clare Hall’s intellectual life, attracting distinguished speakers. Professor Jennifer Doudna, a luminary in the scientific community, was invited to speak this year, her name having been mentioned in the original concept discussions for the lectures. Dr. Laurie Passmore, a group leader at the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge and a fellow of the Royal Society, arranged this year’s lecture. Professor Doudna, the Lee Keshing Chancellor’s Chair in Biomedical and Health Sciences and a professor at UC Berkeley, introduced her research, which focuses on how RNA controls cellular function, particularly how RNAs control genetic information.

The Genesis and Evolution of CRISPR-Cas9:

Professor Doudna’s journey with CRISPR began in 2007 when she collaborated with Jill Banfield, a scientist studying bacteria through bioinformatics. Banfield’s discovery of curiously repetitive DNA elements in bacterial genomes that appeared to adapt over time led to the hypothesis that these CRISPRs (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) might be part of an RNA-driven adaptive immune system in bacteria. Doudna teamed up with Emmanuel Charpentier to investigate the mechanism of CRISPR-Cas9, a part of the bacterial defense system that cuts up foreign DNA. Their discovery that CRISPR-Cas9 could be harnessed to precisely edit DNA in any cell, including human cells, opened up vast possibilities for genetic research and therapy.

RNA-Guided CRISPR-Cas9 System:

CRISPR-Cas9 is a natural two RNA-guided system that targets DNA. One RNA, called the tracer, forms a molecular structure that enables interaction with DNA. The other RNA is the crRNA, which specifically recognizes the DNA sequence that needs to be edited.

Double-Strand Breaks and PAM Sequence:

When the system interacts with DNA, it generates double-strand breaks. The system requires a PAM sequence, a specific motif in the DNA adjacent to the target, for targeting. The PAM sequence allows the immune system to distinguish between foreign and self DNA.

Linking the Two RNAs:

In nature, CRISPR-Cas9 is a two RNA-guided system. Researchers realized that the two RNAs were likely close together and could be linked together. By creating a continuous strand of RNA with the guide sequence on one end and the recognition part for Cas9 on the other, they simplified the system.

CRISPR-Cas9: Mechanism and Applications:

At its core, CRISPR-Cas9 is a bacterial immune system that integrates viral DNA segments into its CRISPR locus. This system, naturally guided by two RNA strands, enables the Cas9 protein to identify and cleave foreign DNA. The precision of this mechanism lies in its RNA-guided targeting, making CRISPR-Cas9 a potent tool for genome editing. The real-world implications of CRISPR-Cas9 are staggering. It allows for gene disruptions, replacements, and precise editing, with applications ranging from medical therapies to agricultural advancements. In particular, its role in somatic cell editing has opened new avenues for treating diseases like sickle cell anemia, as evidenced by the case of Victoria Gray, whose successful treatment marked a significant milestone in gene therapy.

CRISPR-Cas9 Therapy for Sickle Cell Disease

CRISPR-Cas9 technology has the potential to treat genetic diseases like sickle cell disease by making corrective changes to the genome of patients. Sickle cell disease is caused by a single base pair change in one gene, leading to a mutated form of beta globin. This mutation results in sickled red blood cells, causing organ failure and pain crises. Traditional treatments for sickle cell disease are palliative, such as blood transfusions, but do not provide a cure. CRISPR-Cas9 can target the source of the disease by making corrective changes to the genome. By doing this, patients can produce normal red blood cells and potentially be cured of sickle cell disease.

CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing Approaches for Sickle Cell Disease:

CRISPR can be used to disrupt the production of a repressive protein, leading to fetal hemoglobin production in sickle cell disease. An alternative approach involves correcting the disease-causing mutation by inserting a corrective sequence into the beta globin gene. Ongoing clinical trials, such as the one led by Jennifer Doudna, utilize CRISPR for gene correction in sickle cell disease.

Germline Editing: Inevitable and Sooner Than We Think:

Jennifer Doudna believes that germline editing, the modification of human embryos’ DNA, will inevitably occur sooner than expected. Ongoing research in the UK explores human embryo genome editing with CRISPR to understand DNA repair and safe targeting.

Addressing Genetic Diseases:

Doudna emphasizes the rarity of inheriting two copies of a disease-causing gene, making germline editing unnecessary for most genetic diseases. In vitro fertilization and embryo selection can potentially mitigate genetic disorders without germline editing.

Beyond Disease Mitigation:

Doudna anticipates that once germline editing becomes safe and effective, people may seek to use it to enhance their children’s traits, leading to a broader range of applications beyond disease mitigation.

CRISPR-Cas9 for Liver Diseases:

CRISPR-Cas9 has shown promise in treating liver diseases, such as TTR amyloidosis. A one-time injection of CRISPR molecules encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles, similar to mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, has been used to edit liver cells in patients with TTR amyloidosis. This method could potentially be applied to other genetic disorders by changing the guide RNA.

CRISPR for Sickle Cell Disease:

For sickle cell disease, current treatment options include bone marrow transplantation, which is lengthy, costly, and requires hospitalization. Researchers are exploring alternative delivery methods, such as lipid nanoparticles or chemically modified Cas9, to inject CRISPR molecules directly into patients. This approach could reduce treatment duration and cost.

Viral Vectors for Cell-Specific Targeting:

Research is ongoing to harness viruses’ cell-infecting capabilities for CRISPR delivery. Modified viruses can specifically target desired cell types and deliver CRISPR molecules for genetic editing.

Genome Editing Delivery via Viral Packaging:

Doudna and her team are exploring the use of viral packaging to deliver pre-assembled Cas9 guide RNA complexes. This approach aims to achieve targeted genome editing in vivo by programming particles to deliver editors to specific cells.

Addressing Challenges in Genomic Medicine Access:

To expand access to CRISPR therapeutics, efforts are being made to address challenges in genomic medicine access. This includes exploring dynamic pricing structures linked to a country’s GDP, innovation in manufacturing, and creative partnerships.

CRISPR’s Impact on Human and Planetary Health:

CRISPR is being applied to address challenges in human health and the health of the planet. The Innovative Genomics Institute focuses on using CRISPR in microbiomes, communities of microbes in our bodies and the environment.

Editing the Human Gut Microbiome and Cow Rumen Microbiome:

CRISPR is being used to make targeted changes in the human gut microbiome, linked to diseases like asthma. Additionally, in livestock, the cow rumen microbiome is being edited to reduce methane production, a potent greenhouse gas.

Collaborative Lab and Clinical Trials:

Professor Doudna has established a collaborative lab to tackle microbiome editing challenges, aiming for real-world solutions. Clinical trials have demonstrated the safety and effectiveness of CRISPR-based therapies, opening the door for expanded use in treating and curing diseases. The next decade of CRISPR research will focus on expanding its use and developing new applications, benefiting a wider range of patients.

In conclusion, CRISPR-Cas9 stands as a testament to human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of scientific understanding. Its discovery and development not only revolutionized the field of genetics but also opened new pathways for medical treatments and ethical discussions. As this technology continues to evolve, it holds the promise of profound impacts on human health and the very fabric of life sciences.

Notes by: Flaneur