David Drummond (Google Chief Legal Officer) – Big Tent Conference (Jun 2013)


00:00:09 Organizational Capabilities and ICT Adoption: Policy Implications for Successful Implementation
00:04:51 Internet Openness and Net Neutrality: Importance for Economic Growth and Innovation
00:09:30 Global Competition and Education for Digital Literacy
00:14:17 Government Access to User Data
00:18:59 Future of Connectivity, Services, and Innovation in the Digital Age


Harnessing Innovation and Technology: The Road to ICT Adoption and Competitive Edge

Factors Contributing to ICT Adoption by Small Firms and Startups:

Small firms and startups have embraced ICT to enhance effectiveness and drive progress, leveraging their agility to quickly adapt and implement new technologies. This adoption has been facilitated by reduced capital requirements, opening doors for innovative ventures, and lower costs of technology adoption.

Maintaining Competitive Edge and Speed in Established Companies:

Companies like Google emphasize velocity and risk tolerance to stay competitive. Regular, fast-paced meetings and streamlined decision-making processes, along with a risk-tolerant environment, support innovation and entrepreneurship. Google’s Velocity meeting and efforts to empower staff aim to minimize approvals and bureaucracy, enabling quick decision-making. Removing unnecessary management layers and approvals streamlines processes and prevents frustration among engineers.

Policymakers’ Role in Promoting ICT Adoption and Good Management Practices:

Policymakers play a crucial role in encouraging ICT adoption by fostering employee ownership and participation, promoting employee mobility, and supporting risk-taking, creating a conducive environment for innovation and economic growth. They can also implement measures that promote employee ownership and participation, create an environment that encourages risk-taking and tolerates failure, and support organizational capabilities and good management practices to enhance ICT adoption among firms.

Cultural and Policy Aspects of Competition:

A culture of risk-taking and innovation, supported by appropriate policies, is vital for economic growth. Policymakers are urged to reduce entry barriers and ensure open internet access to stimulate competition and innovation. Competitive markets drive innovation and constant improvement, leading to better products and services. The internet has fostered fierce competition, with new entrants continuously challenging established companies. Open internet and accessible infrastructure are crucial for maintaining this competitive environment.

Importance of Education in Stimulating Competition:

Education is a cornerstone for fostering competition and innovation. A well-educated workforce drives productivity, necessitating policies that support education and skill development. Education policies that promote STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) skills and encourage innovation are essential for stimulating competition. Educating future generations about the importance of entrepreneurship, risk-taking, and problem-solving can lead to a more competitive economy.

Digital Literacy and Technical Education:

While digital literacy is essential, it differs from advanced computer science skills. Investment in science and technical education is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge in the global market. Technical education is equally important, as computer science and building great new things are very hard. There is a need for more investment in science and technical education early on.

Education Disruption by the Internet:

The internet has revolutionized education, offering new learning avenues and facilitating talent development in various regions. Places like sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia will see a lot of talent emerging due to access to experts and technology.

Google’s Focus on Building Things:

Google’s reliance on specialized skills and expertise for building innovative products like automated cars and wearable computers underscores the importance of technical knowledge. Building automated cars, wearable computers, and other innovative products requires knowledge and experience.

Response to Government Surveillance Revelations:

Google categorically denies allegations of direct government access to its servers, emphasizing its commitment to legal compliance and resistance to overreach. Google categorically denies the allegations that the government has direct access to its servers. Google complies with government requests for information but pushes back if it believes the requests are not lawful. Google was shocked by the Verizon order and the PRISM program allegations. Google has never received an order like the Verizon order.

Transparency in Government Data Requests:

Google’s transparency in handling government data requests is evident in its detailed reports, though it seeks to include national security orders in this transparency.

Addressing Concerns about Surveillance:

Google refutes broad surveillance allegations, asserting compliance with legal requests but denying unfettered government access to user data.

Google Glass and Social Etiquette:

With Google Glass in development, the company recognizes the need for social etiquette guidelines for its use in public spaces, addressing privacy concerns.

NSA Eavesdropping Concerns:

Google addresses NSA eavesdropping concerns, emphasizing its legal compliance and robust security measures against unauthorized access.

David Drummond’s Perspective on Google’s Security Measures:

Drummond highlights Google’s efforts in safeguarding its systems and maintaining transparency in security practices.

Google’s Innovation-Focused Strategy:

Google’s prioritization of innovation over traditional strategies demonstrates its commitment to adapting to emerging technologies.

Mobile and Cloud Services:

The future of internet services, as envisioned by Google, blurs the lines between mobile and desktop, with a focus on expanding cloud-based offerings.

Personalized Services:

Google aims to deliver highly personalized services, utilizing user data to anticipate and proactively meet user needs.

Google Now:

Google Now exemplifies the company’s approach to personalized services, using voice commands and data for proactive user assistance.

Transparency and Government Data Requests:

Google aims to ensure transparency in handling government requests for user data by publishing a transparency report listing requests from governments worldwide. This move aims to dispel notions of unfettered government access to user data.

National Security Orders:

Google plans to request permission to include National Security Orders in their transparency report to provide more clarity on the scope and frequency of such requests, refuting allegations of broad surveillance and demonstrating their commitment to user data protection.

Google Glass and Innovation:

Google Glass is still in the developer phase, allowing for innovation and creativity in app development. Developers are expected to create useful applications for Glass, leading to new opportunities. Social etiquette guidelines are being explored to ensure responsible use and address concerns about privacy and recording.

NSA Surveillance Allegations:

Google denies collaborating with the government to grant unfettered access to user data. The allegation of Google’s involvement in broad surveillance is false. Google emphasizes that they do not have evidence of NSA or other agencies eavesdropping on connections or data centers.

Google’s Commitment to Security, Innovation, and Enhanced Services:

Google has a dedicated security team focused on protecting its systems from unauthorized intrusions. The company assures users that it would disclose any instances of unauthorized access or data breaches.

Focus on Innovation:

Google emphasizes its commitment to innovation rather than following traditional business strategies. The company aims to create an environment that fosters creativity and enables the development of groundbreaking products and services.

Blending Mobile and Desktop Categories:

Google believes that the distinction between mobile and desktop categories will blur in the future. Connectivity and access to devices will be ubiquitous, leading to a seamless integration of services across platforms.

Expanding Cloud Services:

Google sees tremendous potential in expanding its cloud-based services and internet offerings, aiming to provide users with enhanced functionality and convenience.

Personalized Services with Google Now:

Google Now, available on Android phones, combines user data with permission to offer personalized services. It goes beyond answering queries by anticipating user needs and providing relevant information proactively.

Google’s strategies and responses to current challenges, combined with its focus on innovation, mobile, and cloud services, highlight the importance of ICT adoption and technological advancement in maintaining a competitive edge in the digital age. This convergence of technology, policy, and education underscores the dynamic nature of the modern business landscape and the critical role of continuous innovation and adaptability.

Notes by: Flaneur