Alan Kay (VPRI Co-founder) – SCIx Keynote (Nov 2012)


00:00:00 The Birth of Computing Innovation and Its Lasting Impact
00:07:01 Origins of Modern Computing Technology
00:14:14 Early Days of Vacuum Tube Computers
00:16:22 Pioneering Ideas in Computing: From Time-Sharing to Artificial Intelligence
00:19:50 The Birth of Computer Graphics: Sketchpad and Its Impact on Computing
00:26:52 Sketchpad: Interactive Computer Graphics in the Digital Age
00:29:54 Biological Models for Computing Systems
00:32:42 Birth of the Personal Computer and the Intergalactic Network
00:40:49 Birth of Modern Computing at Berkeley
00:51:09 Birth of the Dynabook
00:59:08 Early History of Personal Computing
01:02:54 Xerox PARC: Impact and Funding
01:06:34 Origins and Evolution of the Dynabook
01:16:20 Understanding Research Funding: The Importance of Portfolio Investing


The Evolution of Computing: From Radar Systems to Modern Technology


Chris Johnson, Director of the Scientific, Computing, and Imaging Institute at the University of Utah, initiated the second Ski X open house and keynote presentation by welcoming attendees. Special recognition was given to those who traveled from outside Salt Lake City to participate in the 2012 conference. Johnson introduced the keynote speaker, Alan Kay, a distinguished alumnus of the University of Utah and a pioneer in computing. Kay’s dissertation was notable for its comprehensive scope, covering hardware, software, network, and user interface design, and he was honored with the 2003 Turing Award for his significant contributions to object-oriented programming and the invention of the Dynabook. His presentation aimed to shed light on the research community that played a pivotal role in advancing computing technologies, inspired by an essay he penned as a tribute to the community when several members received the Draper Prize.

Radar and World War II: The Foundation of Modern Computing

The Rad Lab at MIT made seminal contributions to radar technology during World War II, developing systems that were integral to the war effort. This period also saw significant advancements in atomic bomb development at Los Alamos, both initiatives spearheaded by President Roosevelt’s science advisor, Vannevar Bush. Following the war, addressing the Russian bomber threat during the Cold War led to the development of the semi-automated ground environment system, which incorporated large displays and computers. Jerome Wiesner, an MIT undergraduate during the war, later assumed various leadership roles, contributing to advancements in science and engineering.

Government Agencies and Vacuum Tube Computers

The 1950s saw the establishment of the National Science Foundation (NSF) to foster research and development. In response to the Sputnik crisis, the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) was created in the late 1950s, with the Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO) established in the early 1960s. IPTO played a crucial role in the development of key technologies, channeling funding to MIT, Carnegie Mellon, and the University of Utah.

The Birth of Time-Sharing and the ARPANET

The mid-1960s marked a transformative era in computing. The SDS-940 emerged as the first commercially successful time-sharing system, a result of Project Genie led by Butler. Engelbart’s “Mother of All Demos” in 1968 showcased groundbreaking concepts like screen sharing and video conferencing. Concurrently, the ARPANET, developed by Kahn and Cerf, laid the foundation for the internet, marking a shift towards more interactive and interconnected computing systems.

The Influence of Educational Pioneers

Educational pioneers like Dave Evans and Bob Barton profoundly influenced the computing field. Evans introduced Ivan Sutherland’s Sketchpad at the University of Utah, challenging conventional computing ideas. Barton’s emphasis on critical evaluation of ideas and starting from scratch fostered a culture of innovation. Their teaching methods provided a unique educational experience, nurturing a generation of computer scientists who significantly impacted the field.

Xerox PARC: A Hub of Innovation

Graduates from IPTO-funded institutions significantly contributed to the development of personal computing at Xerox PARC in the 1970s. Their focus on progress and innovation led to significant achievements in computing technology. The environment at Xerox PARC, characterized by openness and sharing of ideas and resources, fostered synergy and led to groundbreaking advancements, exemplified by the success of the laser printer.

The Early Days of Computing

Early computers, reliant on vacuum tubes, often experienced malfunctions, leading to computation failures. This issue was addressed by using two computers to run the same computations and patching instruction failures with subroutines from working instructions. Graphics involved sequential point plotting, with a light gun used for point registration. John McCarthy, foreseeing widespread computer use, coined “information utility” for a cloud-based computing model. He proposed a time-sharing operating system for shared resource access and developed LISP for programming an intelligent agent. Dave Evans and Harry Husky also made significant early contributions to computer graphics and interactive computing.

Developments in Computing During the 1960s

The Link machine, created by Wes Clark in 1962, was the first machine with essential attributes of a personal computer, designed for biomedical engineers. Approximately 2,000 Link machines were built and utilized in the 1960s. The B5000, released in 1962 by Bob Barton, was a highly advanced computer, surpassing even modern personal computer chips. J.C.R. Licklider envisioned a universally networked world of interactive computers, leading to the development of the ARPANET. Dave Evans and Alan Kay, arriving at the University of Utah in the mid-1960s, emphasized collaboration and innovation. Licklider’s funding supported Engelbart’s groundbreaking NLS research, showcasing technologies like hypertext and the mouse. The University of Utah became one of the first ARPANET nodes, with Wes Clark and Lenny Kleinrock contributing to the network’s development.

Dave Evans’ Teaching Style

Dave Evans was known for his challenging teaching style, aimed at pushing students to their limits and encouraging critical thinking. He emphasized questioning everything, including his own work. Barton, a brilliant mathematician, impacted computer science through his provocative teaching style, focusing on knowledge sharing and critical thinking. He introduced the principle of recursive design, where system parts mirror the whole system’s powers, influencing various fields.

Mentorship, Funding, and Current Challenges

Ivan Sutherland and Dave Evans played vital roles in mentoring and creating an environment conducive to innovative research. However, the field faces challenges like misaligned funding mechanisms and an increased focus on vocational training over comprehensive computing education.

Key Insights and the

Future of Computing

The importance of long-range research for transformative breakthroughs cannot be overstated. It requires a high tolerance for failure and the understanding that not all projects will be successful. Effective research funding involves portfolio investing, with a portion allocated to unvetted projects with high potential. The success of such research hinges on attracting exceptional talent and fostering an environment conducive to their growth. The goal should be to encourage collaboration among diverse individuals, rather than consensus.

Alan Kay points out the human tendency to be tactical and incremental in problem-solving, leading to complex and entangled systems. The Licklider community, in contrast, focused on system integrity over performance, a revolutionary approach at the time. This recursive idea extended through all layers of software and networking.

Licklider’s funding led to significant contributions to computing, with many Turing Award winners emerging from this group. Kay emphasizes the importance of services in personal computing, critiquing the prevalent focus on hardware. He notes a lack of true symmetry between creation and consumption in modern devices, emphasizing the need for devices that enable both. Kay draws an analogy between tools and prosthetics, noting that while tools can amplify our capabilities, they can also diminish our physical abilities. He references Socrates’ concerns about writing affecting memory, highlighting the benefits of combining reading and memory.

Today’s funding landscape, as observed by Kay, often conflates responsibility with control, hindering support for innovative projects. Licklider’s approach to funding was more innovation-centric and less controlling. Long-range research involves exploration and problem-finding, requiring funders to embrace uncertainty and accept a higher failure rate. Misunderstandings often lead to hesitancy in funding research beyond the funder’s comprehension, underscoring the need to focus on identifying talented individuals.

Congressional oversight in research funding introduces goal-oriented proposals, which are counterproductive for long-range research. The effectiveness of portfolio investing in research is supported by mathematical evidence, but it is often misunderstood and underutilized in long-range research. Attracting exceptional individuals and creating a supportive environment is crucial for groundbreaking research. Xerox PARC’s success is attributed to its supportive environment that allowed researchers to work without interference.

In conclusion, the evolution of computing is a journey marked by collaboration, innovation, and the balance between amplifying and diminishing human capabilities. It underscores the importance of a supportive ecosystem for groundbreaking discoveries, reflecting the need for strategic thinking and embracing the potential of long-range research.

Notes by: ZeusZettabyte