Ron Conway (SV Angel Founder) – Startup Grind Global (Feb 2016)


00:01:00 Immigration Reform and the Future of America
00:08:26 Challenges and Opportunities of Immigration Policies for Tech Startups
00:12:13 Washington D.C. Partisan Toxicity
00:14:17 Angel Investing: A Changing Landscape
00:17:49 Democratizing Angel Investing: Perspectives from Ron Conway
00:22:31 Building Relationships and Succeeding in Angel Investing


The Role of Immigration and Entrepreneurship in Shaping America’s Future: The Story of and Ron Conway’s Vision

The Genesis of Empathy Driving Change

The inception of traces back to an impactful encounter Mark Zuckerberg had with undocumented students at a Boys and Girls Club. This experience, deeply resonating with Zuckerberg, led to the birth of He was joined by Ron Conway, a prominent Silicon Valley investor and a vocal supporter of immigration reform. Together, they garnered the backing of tech leaders and philanthropists to advocate for comprehensive immigration reform. The background of this initiative reveals Ron Conway’s personal connection to the cause, ignited by Zuckerberg’s concern about the educational challenges faced by undocumented immigrant children. Their shared motivation led to the creation of Since its inception, the organization has been diligently working in a low-profile manner, striving to build a robust grassroots support network across the United States. Their goal is to establish a substantial base of supporters to strengthen lobbying efforts in Washington, D.C. Championing a New Era in Immigration Policy has quickly become a key player in the field of immigration reform, engaging in an extensive campaign that encompasses grassroots organizing and strategic partnerships. Despite facing legislative obstacles, especially in the House of Representatives, the organization remains steadfast in its mission to advocate for immigration reform. Ron Conway has been particularly vocal about the changes he wishes to see in the immigration system. These include the introduction of startup visas for entrepreneurs, granting green cards to immigrants graduating from U.S. colleges, increasing the cap on H-1B visas, and creating a pathway to citizenship for approximately 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. Conway stresses the urgency for action, expressing hope that a new president and Congress will take significant steps towards immigration reform. He emphasizes the critical role of immigration in America’s future, highlighting that America is fundamentally a nation of immigrants.

Envisioning a Comprehensive Immigration Strategy’s strategy focuses on several pivotal aspects: facilitating the entry of foreign entrepreneurs through startup visas, offering permanent residency to international college graduates, expanding the cap on H-1B visas for skilled workers, and establishing a citizenship pathway for undocumented immigrants.

The Future of Immigration Reform

As the political climate evolves with a new administration, remains hopeful about making significant progress in immigration reform, recognizing its potential transformative impact on America’s socio-economic fabric. The organization underlines the negative economic impact when college-educated immigrants leave the U.S., as well as the positive contributions of those who stay, especially in the tech sector. Notably, immigrants constitute 28% of new tech startups in America, despite only making up 13% of the population, showcasing their outsized contribution to innovation.

Challenges Faced by Immigrant CEOs

The difficulties faced by immigrant CEOs due to visa expiration issues are a stark reminder of the need for comprehensive immigration reform. These challenges not only affect individual entrepreneurs but also have broader implications for the entire tech industry.

Conway’s Response to Political Rhetoric

Ron Conway stands firmly against anti-immigrant rhetoric, advocating for a more inclusive approach to immigration. He observes the American population’s frustration with the political landscape, particularly the rise of extreme ideologies. Conway criticizes the anti-immigrant policies of the Trump administration and opposes the construction of borders and walls. He also discusses the lack of support for socialism in America and its potential negative impact on the tech industry. Conway attributes the political gridlock in Washington to the refusal of parties to cooperate, which is evident in issues like gun safety and immigration reform. He shares his personal disappointment with the inaction on gun safety measures during his advocacy efforts in Washington, D.C. To address these issues, Conway suggests implementing term limits for elected officials, which could bring fresh perspectives and reduce the influence of special interests.

Addressing Political Gridlock and Promoting Cooperation

Conway’s advocacy for term limits stems from his experiences in Washington, highlighting the need for fresh perspectives and bipartisan cooperation, especially on critical issues like gun safety.

The Evolution of Angel Investing

As a pioneer in angel investing, Conway notes the increase in this practice while advocating for responsible and informed investment strategies.

Voter Engagement and Political Involvement

Conway encourages public engagement in politics and voter participation, highlighting the importance of platforms like and He hopes entrepreneurs will bring their innovative mindset to the political arena.

Providing Guidance to Angel Investors

Conway advises angel investors to conduct due diligence and be selective in their commitments, reflecting the diverse nature of angel investing.

Additional Insights from Conway

Conway remains optimistic about America’s political system and the importance of immigration reform. He advocates for broader funding opportunities for founders and stresses the importance of seeking diverse advice while maintaining a clear vision.

Emphasizing Personal Connections in Entrepreneurship

The significance of face-to-face interactions between entrepreneurs and investors is emphasized by Conway, as he considers these interactions critical for building trust and securing future support.

The CEO’s Role in Cultivating Company Culture

Conway highlights the CEO’s responsibility in shaping the company culture, which is crucial for attracting and retaining talent that aligns with the company’s values.

The Value of Networking in Venture Capital

Building a comprehensive network within the venture capital ecosystem is crucial, as illustrated by Conway’s strategy of connecting with a wide range of venture capitalists.

The Imperative of Continuous Learning

Conway advocates for continuous learning and exposure to new ideas, considering it vital for staying informed and adaptable in the ever-changing venture capital industry.

Supporting Risk-Taking and Undervalued Startups

Conway’s approach to venture capital involves supporting risk-taking and championing startups that might otherwise be overlooked, highlighting his commitment to fostering innovation and supporting promising ventures.

In conclusion, the collective efforts of and Ron Conway shine a light on the interconnection between immigration policy and entrepreneurship in shaping America’s future. Their commitment to driving systemic change through informed and empathetic action is particularly evident in critical areas such as immigration reform and technological innovation.

Notes by: ZeusZettabyte