Steven Chu (Stanford Professor) – Past Lessons and Energy Storage for Deep Renewables Adoption (Jun 2020)


00:00:04 Lessons from the Energy Recovery Act
00:12:27 Lessons from Energy Innovation Programs
00:22:04 International Collaboration on Energy Efficiency and Storage
00:35:11 Electrolysis of Water: Challenges and Opportunities
00:37:31 Hydrogen Economy: Challenges and Opportunities
00:45:24 Pumped Hydro Storage: A New Era of Electricity Generation
00:47:48 Pump Storage: Economic Challenges and Technological Innovation
00:50:54 Subterranean Energy Storage Methods
00:53:21 Novel Thermal Energy Storage Technologies for Renewable Energy Integration
00:59:06 Thermodynamic Innovations in Energy Storage
01:04:34 Strategies for Enhancing Energy Innovations and Infrastructure
01:17:58 Enhanced Geothermal Energy: Opportunities, Challenges, and Potential
01:21:45 Challenges in Clean Energy Innovation and Collaboration
01:27:50 Essential Actions to Tackle the Climate Crisis


Navigating the Energy Revolution: A Comprehensive Analysis of Government Programs and Global Collaborations in Clean Energy

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, overseen by Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, marked a pivotal shift in clean energy development, injecting $35.2 billion into the sector. This legislative move led to doubled renewable energy production, the installation of smart meters, and the weatherization of low-income homes. Key initiatives like ARPA-E and energy innovation hubs emerged, alongside significant investments in large-scale solar and wind farms. The Act’s impact on companies like Tesla, Ford, and Nissan was profound, as it bolstered the electric vehicle and renewable energy sectors. However, these advancements came with challenges and learnings, such as the need for rigorous scientific evaluations in government programs, the importance of global collaboration in energy challenges, and the nuanced complexities of energy storage and renewable energy penetration.

Government Energy Programs:

The Recovery Act demonstrated the government’s capacity to stimulate economic growth and innovation in clean energy. Steven Chu’s leadership was pivotal in executing the Act, leading to significant strides in clean energy. The weatherization program faced criticism due to unreliable data, highlighting the need for controlled experiments. The loan program supported major companies, proving critical in the rise of the electric vehicle sector. However, investors in clean tech faced challenges due to unrealistic expectations and a lack of understanding of the energy industry’s unique characteristics. Established companies like GE and Siemens have a long tradition of engineering excellence, which startups often lack. Tesla is an example of a company that had to relearn manufacturing processes that traditional automakers had already mastered.

Global Collaboration in Energy Challenges:

Initiatives like the Clean Energy Ministerial and U.S.-China/India Research Programs underscored the necessity of international cooperation. The sharing of best practices and appliance standards, particularly in developing countries, emerged as a key strategy. However, challenges like subsidized energy and the export of inefficient appliances to developing countries posed hurdles to energy efficiency efforts. The Paris Agreement’s success was partly due to the collaboration between the US, China, and the EU. However, the current strained relationship between the US and China is hindering progress on climate change mitigation. Addressing climate change requires listening to scientists, understanding the risks, and developing cost-effective strategies.

Energy Storage and Renewable Penetration:

The U.S. showcased significant pumped hydro storage capacity, but the DOE report and studies like Michael Greenstone’s highlighted inefficiencies in weatherization programs. The impact of appliance standards on energy savings and purchase costs was notable. High renewable energy penetration levels necessitated advancements in energy storage technologies. The DOE’s call for long-duration energy storage proposals and the exploration of hydrogen production through electrolysis presented new avenues.

Technological Innovations and Challenges:

Issues like electrolyzer cost, bubble formation, and hydrogen storage methods, including the use of salt caverns, were explored. The potential of pump storage and compressed air storage in energy efficiency was examined. Steven Chu’s emphasis on novel energy storage systems and the restructuring of the DOE to streamline processes highlighted the ongoing evolution in the field. However, battery costs are projected to decrease below $50 per kilowatt-hour, making them more affordable and accessible. Carbon pricing is crucial in reducing carbon emissions. Europe’s experiment with a $30 per ton carbon price proved ineffective. A carbon price of $60 or higher, with confidence in its stability, is necessary to drive meaningful change. Carbon pricing and the demand for clean energy technologies will drive innovation. Improved battery technology and thermal storage are expected to emerge.

Cleantech 1.0 and 2.0: Lessons Learned and Future Directions:

The distinction between Cleantech 1.0 and 2.0 marked the evolution of private sector investment in clean energy. Manufacturing expertise, global collaboration, and the importance of a balanced approach involving various technologies were key insights. The role of the US in leading energy-efficient building initiatives and the necessity of a significant carbon price for effective climate action were underlined. Countries like China and the US can share best practices in constructing energy-efficient buildings, promoting innovation and collaboration. The US, China, and the EU should lead the way in establishing a global carbon price and promoting sustainable practices. Developed countries have more wealth and can better adapt to climate change, and they should provide financial assistance to developing countries. Capital flow to developing countries is essential, as they have a small carbon footprint and can benefit from technology transfer.

Success Stories and Challenges from the 2009 Recovery Act:

The Recovery Act’s investments in clean energy research and deployment were largely successful, particularly in promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency. The creation of new institutions like ARPA-E and revitalizing existing programs like SunShot brought in talented individuals who made a significant impact. The loan program, despite criticism, played a crucial role in supporting companies like Tesla and initiating large-scale solar and wind farms. Tesla, with the help of a DOE loan, built its first plant and repaid the loan ahead of schedule. 15 million smart meters were installed in homes and buildings. 650,000 low-income homes were weatherized. The first utility-scale solar farms over 100 megawatts were financially engineered by the Department of Energy.

Pump Storage and Compressed Air Storage:

Pump storage utilizes gravity to store energy by pumping water uphill when electricity is abundant. When energy is needed, the water is released downhill through turbines to generate electricity. The water is recirculated between an upper and lower reservoir, minimizing waste. Pump storage has high round-trip efficiencies (up to 85%) but faces challenges in permitting and environmental concerns. Compressed air storage involves storing compressed air in underground caverns or underwater reservoirs. Isothermal cooling and heating mechanisms manage temperature changes during compression and expansion of air, improving efficiency. Adiabatic storage aims to minimize heat loss during compression and expansion, but it faces challenges in maintaining energy storage temperature qualities.

Long Duration Energy Storage:

A recent RPE call for proposals sought energy storage technologies that can store electricity for several days. The goal is to keep the cost of electricity storage below 5 cents per kilowatt-hour, comparable to natural gas standby generation. The most efficient energy storage method is pumped hydro storage, which involves pumping water up a hill and releasing it through a generator to generate electricity.

Storing Energy in Salt Domes:

Salt domes can be excavated and used for energy storage, particularly for pump air storage, hydrogen storage, and natural gas reservoirs. The process involves pumping in water to create brine, hollowing out the dome, and sealing it with a caprock.

Isothermal Storage:

Isothermal storage aims to minimize heat generation during compression and expansion of gases. By maintaining constant temperature, the process resembles a mechanical motor, eliminating the need for additional heat. Achieving efficient isothermal compression and reheating can make large-scale energy storage devices more viable.

Novel Ways of Heat Conversion:

Instead of using resistors in molten salt, more efficient methods of converting electricity into heat are being explored. The focus is on innovative technologies that minimize energy losses and improve performance.

Carnot Batteries and Bob Law’s Four-Reservoir Cycle:

Carnot batteries use electricity to charge hot and cold reservoirs, which are then used to generate electricity through a heat pump and turbine. These systems are being actively researched and developed. Bob Law proposed a modified Brayton cycle heat pump with four reservoirs instead of two. This design operates at lower temperatures, reducing concerns about high-temperature materials. The cycle involves transferring energy between hot and cold reservoirs during charging and discharging phases.


The journey from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to the current landscape of clean energy reflects a complex interplay of government initiatives, technological challenges, and global collaboration. The successes and setbacks experienced along the way provide valuable lessons for future endeavors in sustainable energy development and climate action.

Notes by: oganesson