Rodney Brooks ( Co-founder) – Academic research (Feb 2023)


00:00:00 Exploration and Exploitation in Academic Robotics Research
00:11:00 Challenges and Limitations of Self-Driving Vehicle Deployment
00:18:34 Robotaxis Cause Chaos in San Francisco
00:20:38 Designing Human-Centered Robots
00:25:31 Future of Mobile Robots: Human-Centered Design and Collaboration
00:31:56 Future of Computing Architecture and Deep Learning
00:34:05 Ontology of the World
00:40:18 Pallet-ness: The Concept of Distinct Objects in Deep Learning
00:42:41 Questioning Computation as a Dominant Paradigm
00:49:00 History of Computation and Artificial Intelligence
00:53:28 History of Early Computing
00:55:29 Questioning the Equivalence of Computation and Intelligence
01:03:54 Computation, Affordances, and Compositionality
01:06:03 Understanding Compositionality in Complex Processes
01:10:08 Challenges and Considerations for Commercializing Robotics Technologies


Exploring the Future of Robotics and AI: Insights from Rodney Brooks with Supplemental Updates

Rodney Brooks, a renowned roboticist and entrepreneur, offers valuable insights into the current and future state of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics. He emphasizes a balanced approach to AI research, advocating for both exploration and exploitation. Researchers should exploit kernels of success in robotics and leverage human involvement in AI applications, while also continuing to explore fundamental problems in AI that may take hundreds of years to solve.

Brooks cautions against overhyped AI successes that can lead to false hope and fears. He warns against the pitfalls of predicting AI’s future, such as the misuse of vague terms and the assumption of exponential growth in AI capabilities. He advocates for delving into fundamental questions and stresses the importance of ethics, safety, and interdisciplinary collaboration in AI research.

Computational Efficiency and Edge Computation for Enhanced Performance:

Rodney Brooks discusses the significance of computational efficiency and edge computation in enhancing the performance of AI and robotics. He points out the practicality and cost-effectiveness of running neural models near the camera, which makes visual SLAM a feasible solution for indoor localization, potentially replacing LiDAR. By trading computation for reduced mechanical precision, performance can be improved and costs reduced. The utilization of real-time solid-state sensors enables computational control loops that enhance precision. Forward models play a crucial role in detecting anomalies without the need for additional sensing, thereby enhancing safety. Brooks also highlights how moving computation to the edge, similar to the independent legs of an octopus, can lead to better performance. Additionally, distributed computation allows for faster response times and improved efficiency.

Philosophical Implications of AI:

The philosophical implications of AI, as explored by Rodney Brooks, delve into the symbol grounding problem and the nature of symbols in AI. Brooks examines how deep learning networks operate and the necessity for perceptual smoothing and integration. He references Brian Cantwell Smith’s book, which challenges the Cartesian assumptions in AI and the ontology of the world. This book critiques the traditional view that systems are mechanical and devoid of life or soul. Brooks also discusses formal ontology, which traditionally views the world as comprising distinct mesoscale objects with clear relations. However, he argues that semantic relationships between objects are not merely mechanical but involve knowledge and thought processes. Humans possess a normative understanding of the world, which includes a consensus on what objects are and how they relate to each other. Brooks posits that AI systems should have this normative understanding to interact effectively with humans.

Rodney Brooks’ Critique of Deep Learning and the Concept of Distinct Objects:

Brooks critiques the current approach of deep learning and neural networks in recognizing objects. He argues that these systems attempt to categorize objects based on low-cost computation models and labels, but the distinction between objects is often not clear-cut and depends on context and reasoning. For instance, a neural network trained on plain wood pallets might struggle to recognize pallets in different colors or those that are broken, demonstrating the challenges in distinguishing between different types and states of objects.

Rodney Brooks’ Critique of Computationalism and the Limitations of Representation in AI:

In critiquing computationalism, Brooks discusses the limitations of representation in AI. He argues that representation is not merely a static mapping from the world to a symbolic domain but an ongoing process. This challenges traditional views of representation and raises questions about the limitations of deep learning. The computational nature of thinking and controlling creatures is also brought into question, as evidenced by phenomena like jellyfish behavior and tree growth. Brooks suggests that computation is a socially constructed concept that defines what computers compute, with significant intellectual and economic implications.

The Importance of Human-Centric Design and User-Friendly Interfaces:

Brooks highlights the critical role of human-centric design and user-friendly interfaces in successful robotics deployments. He cites the Roomba vacuum cleaner as an example of effective human-centric design with its intuitive interface. In military contexts, the bond formed between soldiers and bomb disposal robots underscores the importance of human-robot interaction. He emphasizes the need for quick adaptability in robotics, as demonstrated in the deployment of robots to Fukushima. Brooks argues that robot user interfaces should be simple and intuitive, avoiding complicated symbols or buttons that require extensive training. The evolution of the Roomba’s interface from complex controls to a simple “clean” button illustrates this point. Different levels of interaction between robots and users are necessary, depending on the task’s complexity. Brooks also discusses his company’s new robot, Kata, designed for collaborative work with humans, and Grace, a software suite that simplifies mapping environments and deploying workflows.

Rodney Brooks’ Introductory Remarks:

In his introductory remarks, Brooks acknowledges Rosina’s absence and her role in John McCarthy’s thesis committee at Stanford. He also highlights McCarthy’s seminal proposal for the 1956 Dartmouth Conference on AI, where the term “artificial intelligence” was first introduced.

John McCarthy’s Proposal:

Brooks discusses McCarthy’s proposal, which suggests that every aspect of learning and intelligence could be precisely described for a machine to simulate it. However, Brooks questions this assumption, considering the possibility of alternative explanations beyond computation.

Brooks’ Concerns About McCarthy’s Proposal:

Brooks presents his paper written in 2001, where he expresses concerns about McCarthy’s proposal. He suggests that there might be other mathematics or mechanisms beyond computation that better describe intelligence and materials.

Cybernetics as a Precursor to Artificial Intelligence:

Brooks talks about cybernetics as a precursor to artificial intelligence. Cybernetics focused on a range of possible behaviors rather than specific ones, contrasting with AI’s emphasis on computation and specific behaviors.

Exploration of Computation and Work in Artificial Intelligence:

Computation vs. Physical Process:

Brooks highlights the distinction between physical processes and computation. He emphasizes that emulating physical processes through computation doesn’t necessarily yield practical results. In the context of space travel, computation alone cannot enable exploration; physical processes and work are essential.

Ontology of the World as Affordances:

Brooks proposes that the world’s ontology is based on affordances, focusing on the possibilities for action and interaction in an environment. Work is a fundamental concept in this context, involving physical processes and interactions with the environment.

Compositionality and Programmability:

The speaker expresses concern that Brooks’ emphasis on questioning computation may overshadow the importance of finding compositionality and programmability in affordances and work. Compositionality allows for breaking down complex tasks into smaller components, while programmability enables adaptation to changing conditions.

Understanding Rodney Brooks’ Thoughts on Compositionality, Mathematics, and Human Reasoning:

Compositionality and Mathematical Understanding:

Brooks emphasizes the importance of compositionality, a concept derived from generalizing Turing’s model. This concept allows for the interaction of different processes. He advocates for a mathematical understanding of how these processes interact, as current language and computational simulations may be insufficient. Brooks suggests the potential for a new mathematics of compositionality to provide a deeper understanding of these interactions.

Human Reasoning and Analogies:

Brooks discusses the influence of our hunter-gatherer past on our thought processes, leading to a Newtonian perspective and difficulty in grasping quantum mechanics. He acknowledges the value of analogies in reasoning but emphasizes their limitations.

Manipulation in Semi-Structured Environments:

Addressing manipulation in semi-structured environments, Brooks recalls his involvement in the Grasp Lab and a previous manipulation company.

Notes by: MatrixKarma