Vinod Khosla (Khosla Ventures Founder) – Fireside Chat at Cleveland Clinic (Dec 2019)


00:00:10 AI in Healthcare: Benefits, Challenges, and the Future of Patient Care
00:06:30 Factors Hindering Healthcare Innovation
00:16:27 Data-Driven Approach to Understanding Social Determinants of Health
00:19:33 Venture Capital Investment Decisions in Healthcare Innovation
00:24:42 Emerging Healthcare Technologies and Innovations
00:31:21 Humans in the Loop for AI Development


Revolutionizing Healthcare: The Intersection of AI, Machine Learning, and Patient Care


Vinod Khosla, a notable figure in the technology industry, envisions a future where artificial intelligence (AI) and technology fundamentally transform healthcare delivery, making sophisticated care accessible to a broader population while reducing costs. However, he recognizes the irreplaceable value of human empathy in providing emotional support to patients.

Vinod Khosla’s Vision for Healthcare

Khosla believes AI can scale deep medical skills and make them accessible to a broader population, improving care quality while reducing costs. He envisions AI handling complex disease diagnostics and treatment decisions, while humans focus on the emotional and empathetic aspects of care.

A significant barrier to healthcare innovation is human resistance to change, leading to a slow adoption of new technologies. Additionally, Khosla criticizes the Hippocratic Oath for its risk-averse approach, advocating for a more experimental stance in patient care with patient safety in mind.

Investment Criteria for Venture Capitalists:

Venture capital investments in healthcare are highly uncertain and speculative, with a high failure rate. Successful venture capitalists are comfortable with ambiguity and being wrong most of the time. Large institutions, due to their risk-averse nature, often struggle with innovation.

Factors Considered in Investment Decisions:

– Level of innovation: Preference for ventures with high levels of change and impact on patient health.

– Incremental change: Large organizations are better suited for incremental changes, as they have the infrastructure to adapt.

– Organizational impact: Innovations that threaten existing revenue streams or require significant organizational changes may face resistance.

– AI-driven changes: AI-driven innovations often require building outside the existing system due to resistance to change from human professionals.

Challenges and Opportunities in Healthcare Innovation

Healthcare innovation faces resistance due to comfort with the familiar, institutional revenue concerns, professional associations’ hesitancy, and physician training focused on memorization and obedience. Khosla suggests looking to startups and founder-driven companies for innovation, as they are more likely to challenge norms and drive radical changes.

Machine learning emerges as a tool to address social determinants of health, such as income levels, vaccination reluctance, and copay concerns, which significantly impact health outcomes.

The Transformative Potential of Food Science

Khosla’s perspective on food science shifts the understanding of nutrition. The Foodome project aims to create a comprehensive network map of food, analyzing the ratios of components in processed foods to understand their degree of processing and impact on health.

Criteria for Successful Healthcare Investments

Khosla’s investment philosophy in healthcare centers around embracing uncertainty and focusing on innovations that significantly impact patient health and well-being. He seeks disruptive changes rather than incremental improvements, making these investments more suitable for startups.

Khosla’s Favorite Healthcare Investments

Vinod Khosla’s Top Five Favorite Investments in Healthcare and Their Innovations:


– Develops comprehensive full-body MRI scans that provide a wealth of information in less than 10 minutes using old machines with new physics, offering an enhanced annual physical experience.


– Provides healthcare tracking with 10,000 biomarkers for under $100 per dried blood spot, including shipping kits and samples.

Untethered Microbots:

– Miniature bots, about 300-400 microns wide, navigate through the body guided by external magnetic fields, enabling precise drug delivery and sample collection with minimal damage.

Heart Twister and Caption Health:

– Heart Twister offers self-guided cardiac MRI, reducing scan time from over an hour to a few minutes, while Caption Health’s ultrasound machine allows primary care physicians to perform ultrasounds at a fraction of the cost.


– Vinod Khosla’s son’s company is developing AI-driven free primary care accessible anywhere in the world, 24/7, through text messaging, maximizing AI learning and automating a significant portion of patient-AI interactions.

AI-Physician Collaboration

Khosla envisions AI playing a significant role in patient care, generating text message suggestions for patient replies, reviewed and modified by physicians. This collaboration provides a learning opportunity for AI, increasing its autonomy in patient interactions.

Physician Involvement in AI Chatbot Development:

– A company in India has developed an AI chatbot that assists patients with healthcare-related questions.

– To ensure accuracy, a team of 50 physicians in India reviews and approves the chatbot’s responses.

– Physicians can forward, modify, or discard the chatbot’s suggested replies before sending them to patients.

– This process provides a learning opportunity for the AI system, as it tracks the percentage of responses forwarded without changes.

– The goal is for the AI to eventually handle 95% of interactions, with human intervention required for only 5%.

Benefits of Human Involvement in AI Development:

– Human involvement in AI development is essential for accuracy and reliability.

– Physicians’ expertise helps ensure that the AI’s responses are medically sound and appropriate.

– The feedback loop created by physician review enables the AI system to learn and improve over time.

– This collaborative approach between humans and AI leads to more effective and trustworthy AI systems.


Vinod Khosla’s vision for healthcare blends technological innovation, AI, and human empathy. While challenges exist, the potential for startups and new technologies to revolutionize healthcare is immense. From machine learning’s role in understanding health determinants to innovative food science and strategic investments, the future of healthcare is poised for transformative changes that prioritize patient care and efficiency. The collaboration between AI and physicians will continue to evolve, indicating a future where technology and human expertise coalesce to offer unprecedented healthcare solutions.

Notes by: MatrixKarma