Danny Hillis (Applied Minds Principal) – The Evolution of Thinking Machines (Aug 2014)

And I think as we started trying to build machines to think, we started realizing that there’s very different kinds of things that go on in the human mind. And so an awful lot of what goes on is below the level of consciousness.

So we tended to think of thinking as the thinking that was hard for us, like mine chess, because that’s where we really had to struggle with doing a calculus problem. And so if you look at earlier AI, a lot of it was working on those things. It was how they could have computed to solve a calculus problem, how to play a game of chess, how to solve a puzzle or something like that.

But the more we looked at it, the harder problems were actually much more, how do you recognize a face? How do you have a piece of common sense reasoning that if I dump out, if I open the cap and turn the bottle over, the water will run out.

– Hillis @ 07:39


00:02:18 Evolution of Artificial Intelligence
00:12:04 The Evolution of Human Perception Towards AI
00:16:22 Motivations and Philosophical Aspects of Building Thinking Machines
00:18:43 Self-Driving Cars
00:27:32 Insights on Artificial Intelligence and Perception
00:33:28 Exploring Proteomics, AI, and Predictive Healthcare
00:45:21 Q1: Complexity of Thought Process and Algorithms in Computers
00:48:09 Q2: Challenges of Preemptive Medicine
00:52:47 Q3: Proteomics and its Potential in Medical Treatment Development
00:53:47 Q4: Artificial Intelligence and Moral Intelligence


Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a distant dream of the future but an everyday reality, transforming perceptions, enhancing human capabilities, and even reshaping healthcare. From its evolution and its influence on human perception to its role in predicting health outcomes and self-driving vehicles, AI continues to redefine the boundaries of possibility. Danny Hillis, a veteran of the AI landscape, shares his insights into the evolution of AI, the changing public perception towards it, its potential role in predictive healthcare, and its impact on driving technology.

Hillis, who trained under renowned pioneers in the computing field, Claude Shannon and Marvin Minsky, has contributed significantly to supercomputing and data storage techniques. His journey in AI takes us through different epochs, from the early stages focusing on auto-piloting and error correction, to symbol processing, and finally to tasks traditionally thought to require human intellect. Hillis explains how the perception of AI has evolved over time, as it transitioned from a feared technology to an embraced one, especially in areas like gaming and everyday utilities. He asserts that AI is now seen as an extension of human abilities, offering valuable assistance and convenience in various fields, from personal computing to driving.

The use of AI in vehicles has advanced considerably due to the increase in computation speed, enabling the application of ideas from the ’60s and ’70s. This progress has been exemplified in the self-driving car industry, where traditional controls are gradually being replaced by automated systems, leading to significant improvements in safety and efficiency.

Furthermore, AI has made substantial strides in healthcare, specifically in proteomics – the study of proteins – that Hillis believes could revolutionize healthcare by shifting its focus from treatment to prevention. His team has developed a method to extract a wealth of data from a single drop of blood, paving the way for early detection of health issues such as colon cancer.

On a philosophical level, Hillis acknowledges a spiritual aspect to building thinking machines, stemming from the desire to grapple with the complexities of life and thinking. The attraction of creating entities capable of human-like cognition and the intellectual accomplishment that accompanies it have a profound philosophical appeal.

Hillis’s work emphasizes the importance of both symbolic and neural network-like processing in AI, reflecting Daniel Kahneman’s “thinking fast and slow” concept. He believes that most of our thinking occurs subconsciously and is not logic-based, suggesting this ‘non-logical’ thinking is just as significant, if not more so, in AI development. He goes on to describe our perception of reality as a controlled hallucination, a construct of our mind.

In his quest for innovation, Hillis notes that the path to successful technological development involves several stages, from conceptualization to widespread adoption. He asserts that the surprise element in technology is not in the initial idea but in the successful execution after numerous failed attempts. Just like the story of numerous failed light bulbs before the creation of a commercially successful one, AI, Hillis believes, has followed a similar trajectory.

As AI continues to evolve, its transformational impact across various spheres of life is undeniable. From altering human perceptions to advancing healthcare and autonomous driving, it is clear that the journey of AI, as shared by Danny Hillis, is one of constant learning, evolution, and profound influence on human existence.


1: Danny Hillis explains the complexity of thought processes, comparing them to algorithms working together in a computer. He suggests that a single “thought” is a summary of various intricate processes occurring in the brain, akin to how a computer combines multiple processes to produce an output. Hillis sees thinking as a summarized output of many concurrent processes, in both humans and machines.

2: Hillis discusses the body’s natural ability to maintain health and the potential risks of uninformed medical interventions. He emphasizes the need for deep understanding of bodily processes to implement effective preemptive medicine, avoiding unnecessary treatments. He proposes a model to track bodily processes, which could identify when the body starts losing control over an issue, allowing appropriate medical intervention.

3: Responding to an audience member’s interest in proteomics for treatment development, Hillis affirms its potential despite being in early stages of exploration. Despite uncertainties surrounding the amount of information that can be derived from proteomic data, he remains optimistic about its potential contribution to medical science.

4: Hillis engages with the idea of imparting moral intelligence to AI. He suggests that as humans try to teach morals to AI, our moral models would be reflected back at us, possibly revealing discrepancies between our prescribed morals and actual moral behavior. He expects that we might learn more about our own moral systems from the process of trying to instill moral behavior in machines.

Notes by: Systemic01