Dean Kamen (Deka Research Founder) – Conversation with USPTO Director Andrei Iancu (Feb 2020)


00:01:48 FIRST: Inspiring the Future of Innovation
00:09:13 FIRST: Inspiring the Next Generation of Inventors and Innovators
00:13:51 Changing the World with FIRST and FedEx Delivery Robots
00:23:50 Solving Big Problems with Unique Ideas and Different Approaches
00:26:35 Learning from Failure and Embracing Innovation
00:32:40 Challenging Conventional Wisdom to Drive Innovation
00:38:06 Understanding the Value of Intellectual Property: Beyond Physical Ownership
00:42:24 Importance of Intellectual Property Protection for Innovation
00:46:21 The Impact of Technology and Innovation on Employment and Society
00:52:13 Embracing Technology, Envisioning a Brighter Future with FIRST
01:04:20 Expanding Innovation Opportunities Across the United States


Fostering Future Innovators: The Impact and Vision of Dean Kamen and FIRST


In a world increasingly reliant on science and technology, the role of education in shaping future innovators is paramount. This article delves into the contributions and vision of Dean Kamen, a luminary in the field of invention and founder of FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology). Kamen, who has been honored with the National Medal of Technology and inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame, stands at the forefront of this transformative journey.

Housekeeping Requests:

Elizabeth Dougherty, the event host, welcomed attendees to the presentation at the Clara Barton Auditorium, both in person and online. She requested that attendees turn off their cell phones, prepare questions for the Q&A session, and use the microphones provided for asking questions.

Introduction of the Speaker:

Andre Iancu, the director of the USPTO, introduced Dean Kamen, highlighting his achievements and his founding of FIRST in 1989. Iancu emphasized the impact of FIRST, with millions of students participating and many attending the event. He recognized Nick Reeves, a former FIRST participant who pursued a degree in computer science and engineering and now works in the robotics field.

Dean Kamen’s Journey and Perspective

Kamen’s journey as an inventor began in junior high school when he started making things in his parents’ basement. He struggled with the traditional education system, preferring a hands-on approach to learning. His older brother, a brilliant medical researcher, inspired him to create medical devices that could benefit patients. Kamen’s first invention was a device to deliver small doses of drugs to babies with cancer, inspired by his brother’s work. He realized the potential of the device for insulin delivery in diabetic patients and started a company to manufacture insulin pumps. Over time, Kamen’s company expanded to create a wide range of medical equipment, aiming to improve the quality of life for people.

Kamen embraces audacious ideas that others might consider crazy, believing that truly groundbreaking inventions often defy conventional wisdom. He emphasizes the importance of learning from failures with dignity and grace, recognizing that not every project will succeed. When a project does succeed, Kamen seeks patents to protect the invention and collaborates with larger companies to bring it to scale and benefit millions of people. Kamen’s inventions span various fields, from medical devices to mobility solutions like the Segway. He believes that seemingly disparate projects are interconnected, as they all aim to solve big problems and improve lives. Kamen’s diverse inventions showcase his ability to identify opportunities and apply his creativity across different domains.

Innovating Education Through FIRST

Kamen’s most significant contribution to education is FIRST, a program designed to inspire students in science and technology. Since its inception in 1989, FIRST has reached millions of students globally, encouraging them to pursue STEM careers. Kamen’s vision for FIRST extends beyond mere participation; he aspires to see it integrated into school curriculums, making it a fundamental part of children’s education. This program, by emphasizing hands-on learning and problem-solving, contrasts sharply with traditional classroom learning, fostering creativity and innovation.

Driven by the desire to solve big problems with significant impact, Dean Kamen is not interested in making small incremental changes to existing products or services. He believes that focusing on big problems that others are not addressing can lead to meaningful solutions. The FIRST Robotics Competition encourages students to embrace failure and learn from it. There are no right or wrong answers in the competition, and students are encouraged to use their imagination to come up with creative solutions. Despite most robots losing in the competition, students are considered winners if they learn and grow from the experience.

FIRST for Every Kid and Inspiring the Next Generation

Kamen is dedicated to making FIRST available to every child in every school in the US and is working to build an army of supporters to achieve this goal. He is also passionate about inspiring the next generation of innovators, believing that FIRST is not just about robots but about self-respect, collaboration, and building the people who will change the world. Kamen’s dedication to expanding innovation opportunities across the country is evident in his work, which focuses on making innovation accessible to individuals from diverse backgrounds and locations, thereby fostering a more inclusive innovation ecosystem. His efforts have had a profound impact, inspiring and empowering individuals to pursue innovative ideas and contribute to solving global challenges.

Collaborations and Impact

Kamen’s collaboration with entities like Disney, Lucasfilm, and FedEx exemplifies his knack for combining resources and expertise for greater impact. The integration of Star Wars elements into FIRST robotics competitions and the development of a delivery bot with FedEx highlight how Kamen leverages partnerships to advance technological education and innovation. Kamen emphasizes the importance of questioning assumptions and seeking new ways to address problems. He believes that incremental improvements may not be sufficient to solve complex challenges. Kamen advocates for going back to the basics and re-examining the fundamental problem to find innovative solutions.

Intellectual Property and Innovation

A staunch advocate for protecting intellectual property, Kamen underscores the importance of patents in fostering innovation. He counters misconceptions about patents, emphasizing their role in incentivizing creativity and ensuring inventors reap the benefits of their efforts. This perspective aligns with his broader vision of nurturing a culture that values and supports innovation. Kamen considers intellectual property protection to be the most important factor in driving innovation. He believes that strong intellectual property rights provide incentives for inventors to create new technologies and bring them to market. Kamen highlights the lack of understanding among elected officials regarding the value of intellectual property and patents. Misconceptions persist, such as the notion that patents lead to higher product costs or that inventors solely seek royalties. Patents encourage innovation by protecting inventors’ rights and incentivizing the development of better products. Kamen emphasizes the fundamental concept of owning intellectual property, akin to owning real property. Unlike real property transactions, intellectual property creation generates new wealth. Sharing ideas among individuals leads to a multiplication of solutions and increased societal wealth. Intellectual property is unbounded and grows with the number of smart people creating new ideas. Physical property, on the other hand, is a zero-sum game, subject to depletion and limitations.

Addressing Global Challenges

FIRST transcends robotics; it’s a platform for instilling life skills such as teamwork, humility, and problem-solving. Kamen envisions FIRST as a cultural fixture, preparing students to tackle global challenges with technological acumen and ethical responsibility. He optimistically views the future as a canvas for these young innovators, equipped to address today’s problems and adapt to tomorrow’s uncertainties. Kamen’s approach led to the development of a water purification system that uses the sun’s energy to boil and purify water. He emphasizes the importance of questioning assumptions and seeking new ways to address problems. He believes that incremental improvements may not be sufficient to solve complex challenges. Kamen advocates for going back to the basics and re-examining the fundamental problem to find innovative solutions.


Dean Kamen’s legacy is characterized by his unwavering commitment to inspiring future generations of innovators. Through initiatives like FIRST, collaborations with industry giants, and advocacy for intellectual property protection, Kamen has significantly impacted education and invention. His vision of a world where technology is used ethically and responsibly to address global challenges offers a hopeful outlook for the future, one where innovation and creativity are nurtured from a young age. As Kamen’s journey as an inventor and educator continues, his contributions will undoubtedly shape the landscape of innovation for years to come.

Notes by: Flaneur