Mira Murati (OpenAI CTO) – Interview on AI with Kevin Scott, Microsoft (July 2023)

The first time that we thought about deploying these models that were just in research territory was kind of this insane idea. It wasn’t normal back then to go deploy a large language model in the real world. And what is the business case? What is it actually going to do for people? What problems is it going to solve? Like we didn’t really have those answers. But we thought if we make it accessible in such a way that it’s easy to use, and it is cheap to use, it is highly optimized. You don’t need a lot of– you don’t need to know all the bells and whistles of machine learning and just accessible. Then maybe people’s creativity would just bring to life new products and solutions. And we’d see how this technology could help us in the real world. And of course, we had a hypothesis, but…

– Murati @ 49:40


00:02:23 Background
00:10:53 From Mechanical Engineering to AI
00:19:05 Experience at Tesla
00:32:55 Transitioning to AI
00:39:34 Experience at OpenAI
00:48:22 The Journey of GPT-3 and the Importance of Responsible AI Development
01:00:47 Key Takeaways


From a childhood captivated by mathematics in communist Albania to a pivotal role at Tesla and later spearheading advancements in AI at OpenAI, Mira Murati’s journey in the world of science and technology is a testament to intellectual curiosity, resilience, and the power of strategic focus. This article will delve into Murati’s early influences, her contributions to sustainable energy, and her transition into the fascinating world of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

Murati’s passion for mathematics and science, fostered by her early upbringing in Albania, played a significant role in shaping her career. Growing up during Albania’s transition from communism to capitalism, she was drawn to the certainty and truth offered by science in a period of political upheaval. Her intellectual pursuits were fueled by a lack of entertainment options, a condition she argues as essential for sparking creativity and exploration. Her teachers and older sister also played pivotal roles, nurturing her curiosity and providing opportunities for advanced learning.

During her college years, Murati’s fascination with mathematics and physics found a practical outlet in engineering. She was drawn to mechanical engineering’s tangible impact and the challenge of creating sustainable energy solutions. Her senior project, building a hybrid car using supercapacitors instead of batteries, hinted at her future role in Tesla. Here, she was drawn into the world of AI, seeing its potential to revolutionize not just travel but also the way humans interact with information. This led her to explore the implications of AI, spatial computing, and augmented reality on our learning methods and perceptions of the world.

What Mira Murati Learned at Tesla

At Tesla, Murati was part of an invigorating work culture, teeming with a high density of smart, talented individuals who were extremely passionate about their work. This energetic atmosphere not only enabled her to learn a great deal in a relatively short period but also significantly contributed to the development of innovative products. She was part of the team that worked on the Model X, a project that was finished in a remarkable three to four years, a timeline significantly shorter than that of traditional automakers.

Working at Tesla also taught her the power of original thinking and the importance of questioning established methods. The company’s hybrid approach of producing highly polished products while constantly iterating based on feedback from users and customers was a source of many insights for Murati. The ability to find unique ways to solve problems, even when faced with seemingly impossible situations, was a lesson she took to heart during her time there.

As the product manager for Model X, Murati faced various technical challenges that required collaborative efforts from different teams. The design, engineering, manufacturing, and software teams had to work together to avoid disjointed processes and inefficiencies. This close cooperation across different teams and disciplines was crucial for the innovative work at Tesla and reinforced her belief in the importance of collaboration for innovation at scale.

One of the crucial lessons she learned from her time at Tesla was the value of minimizing bureaucracy, streamlining processes, and eliminating unnecessary layers for rapid innovation. Elon Musk’s first-principles thinking was a significant influence in this respect. By questioning why certain things exist or are done in certain ways, this approach allowed for easier problem-solving by challenging the status quo and removing redundant elements.

What Mira Murati Learned at OpenAI

Upon joining OpenAI, Mira Murati was immediately drawn to the organization’s mission: ensuring artificial general intelligence (AGI) benefits all of humanity. This shared mission was one of the primary factors for the success of OpenAI, with the team’s high level of expertise in various domains playing a crucial role.

At OpenAI, she learned the importance of strategic focus and keeping everyone aligned on the same goal. It was crucial to have everyone working together on similar, strategic bets, even in an environment filled with smart individuals with diverse ideas. This strategic alignment began as early as the recruitment stage, enabling the formation of a dedicated team working on the same projects.

Murati also learned the value of saying ‘no’ to good ideas that weren’t aligned with the current strategic focus. This was particularly challenging when dealing with intelligent individuals with a variety of innovative ideas. However, to ensure progress, OpenAI placed a high emphasis on working on the right problem at the right time. Even in the face of doubts and uncertainties, having faith in strategic decisions was critical.

One of the standout features of OpenAI’s approach was their ability to decide when to stop working on certain projects. They made hard decisions to cease working on projects, even if they were interesting and had consumed a lot of effort, if they did not align with their path towards AGI. Murati also embraced OpenAI’s focus on learning and constantly questioning what they were trying to learn from their actions and projects. This focus on learning allowed OpenAI to continually evolve and improve, providing a strong foundation for their ongoing success.

This journey embodies Murati’s pursuit of the most challenging problems, a pursuit driven by her passion and curiosity. It serves as a testament to her belief in the transformative power of technology, the importance of strategic focus, and the role of perseverance in the face of complex challenges. Above all, it reveals the profound impact that a single individual, inspired and driven by their passion, can have on the world of science and technology.

Notes by: empiricist