Ruth Porat (Alphabet CFO) – Women Techmakers Mountain View Summit (Sep 2016)


00:00:07 Ruth Porat: Google's Early Stage Opportunities and Cultural Values
00:06:23 Key Factors in Building Diverse Teams for Business Success
00:11:24 Women's Navigating Corporate Landscape: Advocacy, Sponsorship, and Talent Development
00:15:54 Women in Leadership: Overcoming Obstacles and Achieving Success
00:18:14 Navigating Adversity and Managing Time: Lessons from a Powerful Woman
00:21:30 Lessons from Tech and Financial Bubbles
00:27:04 Differentiating Between Companies and Products
00:32:21 Managing Work and Family: Mix, Not Balance
00:37:20 Leveraging Sponsorships for Career Advancement: Challenges, Strategies, and Perspectives
00:42:05 Practical Advice for Aspiring Women Software Entrepreneurs


Ruth Porat: Leading with Vision and Balance

A Deep Dive into the Leadership Principles and Personal Insights of Alphabet’s CFO

Ruth Porat, the Chief Financial Officer of Alphabet, joined Google in 2015, marking a significant phase in her career that included pivotal roles at Morgan Stanley and critical experiences during the financial crisis. Her leadership style is a unique amalgamation of personal philosophy, adept leadership skills, and a strategic vision deeply rooted in the belief that technology can significantly improve lives. This article delves into Porat’s leadership approach, her advocacy for diversity, personal development perspectives, and her views on entrepreneurship.

Early Stages of Development and Prioritization

Porat’s belief in Google’s potential, despite its already immense growth, is a testament to her vision of it still being in an early stage of development. She focuses on effective capital allocation towards both business and technical milestones, fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement. Her emphasis extends to fields like personal assistant machine learning, virtual reality, and educational initiatives, mirroring Google’s mission to empower a vast population with information. Porat’s role since joining Alphabet has been instrumental in navigating the challenges and opportunities associated with early-stage products, particularly during the critical 2016 budgeting phase. Her Silicon Valley upbringing provided a seamless transition from Wall Street to the tech world, where she appreciates the culture of optimism and constant learning, reminiscent of her time at Morgan Stanley.

Porat is an avid reader, with books like “Hamilton: The Revolutionary,” “Half the Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity for Women Worldwide,” and “In the Shadow of the Banyan” among her recommendations. These readings reflect her broad interests and deep understanding of global issues. Her travel wishlist, including destinations like Cuba and potentially Iran, underscores her commitment to exposing her children to diverse cultures and fostering a global perspective.

Building Leadership Teams and Diverse Perspectives

Porat’s philosophy on building effective leadership teams is rooted in valuing passion, intellectual curiosity, and diversity in perspectives and backgrounds. She seeks leaders with a blend of ambition and experience, recognizing the importance of diversity in enhancing business outcomes. Her approach involves directly assessing candidates for their resilience and ability to contribute different perspectives. For Porat, fostering diversity in leadership is not just a moral imperative but a business necessity backed by research showing diverse teams achieve superior financial and business results. She advocates for women to seek continuous feedback, seize opportunities proactively, and embrace challenges even when not feeling entirely prepared.

Sponsorship, Communication, and Advancement

Porat differentiates between sponsors and mentors, noting that sponsors are crucial for career advancement. She emphasizes the need for demonstrating competence and trustworthiness to earn sponsorship and advocates for proactive communication about one’s achievements and readiness for advancement. Porat, having mostly male sponsors due to the gender gap in senior positions, underscores the importance of diversity in sponsorship for balanced decision-making. She advises women to be more assertive in communicating their achievements and readiness for new challenges compared to their male counterparts.

Women in Leadership

Porat draws inspiration from figures like Hillary

Clinton, whom she views as a role model for balancing demanding roles with organizational goals. She joined Alphabet as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, bringing her vast experience from Morgan Stanley. Her admiration for Clinton’s leadership and ability to balance different roles exemplifies her belief that leaders should excel in their roles while pushing organizational boundaries.

Overcoming Adversity and Time Management

Porat’s experience during the financial crisis, especially with AIG, taught her to view adversity as a learning opportunity and a chance for team mobilization. She highlights the importance of setting clear priorities, balancing work and family, and avoiding overextension. This approach was pivotal during her tenure as one of Wall Street’s most powerful women, where she navigated challenging times, particularly during the housing market crisis. Porat emphasizes the need to set high standards for commitments and establish clear annual priorities.

Porat’s morning routine is a testament to her commitment to staying informed, as she regularly reads publications like the New York Times, Politico, and the Financial Times. Google apps and Uber are among her essential daily tools, reflecting her integration of technology in her professional and personal life.

Insights on Startups and Risk Management

Porat’s perspective on startups is informed by an awareness of their high failure rate and the necessity of differentiation. Drawing lessons from the 2000 tech bubble, she advises startups to focus on financial controls and risk management. Her emphasis on prioritizing and effectively allocating resources is particularly vital in resource-constrained environments. Porat advocates for a differentiated approach to product and service development, and stresses the importance of a strong foundation, including financial controls and risk management systems.

Personal Interests and Perspectives on Balance

Porat’s interests span beyond her professional role, as she enjoys reading and traveling. She rejects the traditional notion of work-life balance, preferring to view it as a dynamic mix, akin to a kaleidoscope. This perspective is influenced by her upbringing, where she learned the importance of balancing a successful career with being a great mother. Porat emphasizes the significance of trust and autonomy in the workplace, encouraging her team members to take ownership of their responsibilities. She views investing in personal obligations as essential for long-term career success.

Tips and Ideas for Aspiring Female Entrepreneurs:

For aspiring female entrepreneurs, Porat offers a range of advice. Financial and technical considerations are crucial, including understanding the various business models and surrounding oneself with a strong support team. Testing the concept with trusted advisors and seeking feedback from diverse disciplines is important. Entrepreneurs should embrace the entrepreneurial spirit, respect the role of innovation, and be open to business adjustments. Leadership qualities like courage, inclusivity, and clarity in vision are essential. Porat envisions a future where the next generation of female leaders achieves their full potential, supported by a strong network of women.

Porat’s journey and insights present a comprehensive roadmap for aspiring leaders and entrepreneurs, emphasizing continuous development, ethical leadership, and a balanced approach to life. Her dedication to fostering inclusive environments and her belief in technology as a tool for empowerment mark her as a visionary leader in today’s rapidly evolving world.

Notes by: crash_function