Geoffrey Hinton (Google Scientific Advisor) – The Foundations of Deep Learning (Feb 2018)


00:00:36 Artificial Neural Networks and Backpropagation
00:05:40 Practical Applications of Backpropagation in Deep Neural Networks
00:09:19 Deep Learning Revolutionizes Computer Vision
00:12:37 Recurrent Networks: From Concept to Machine Translation
00:18:19 Neural Networks for Machine Translation, Image Captioning, and Beyond


The Evolution and Impact of Neural Networks in Modern Computing


The advent and evolution of neural networks mark a transformative milestone in computing, changing how machines learn and engage with data. From traditional programming paradigms to the sophisticated architectures of recurrent neural networks (RNNs), this article delves into the complexities of neural networks, emphasizing backpropagation’s pivotal role. It explores neural networks’ applications in image recognition, speech recognition, machine translation, and healthcare, highlighting their successes and challenges. The article adopts an inverted pyramid style, beginning with the most crucial aspects and progressively moving into detailed discussions.

Introduction to Neural Networks:

Unlike conventional programming that relies on explicit instructions, neural networks learn from examples, inspired by the brain’s neural structure. These networks, composed of interconnected artificial neurons, execute complex computations through multiple layers. Backpropagation, a key algorithm in this field, fine-tunes network weights to minimize output errors, facilitating efficient learning and parallel computation. Nevertheless, it encounters challenges such as computational intensity, susceptibility to initial conditions, and potential suboptimality.

New Programming Paradigm:

Neural networks introduce a novel programming approach, where instead of defining step-by-step instructions, one trains the network using examples and an adaptive algorithm.

Artificial Neuron Structure:

Artificial neurons, the basic building blocks of neural networks, mimic the behavior of biological neurons. Each neuron has input lines carrying weighted values from other neurons, which are summed to form the total input. The output is generated using a non-linear function, activating the neuron only when the total input exceeds a threshold.

Multi-Layer Networks and Adaptability:

Neural networks consist of multiple layers of neurons, enabling complex feature extraction and decision-making. The connections between neurons are adjusted through an iterative learning process.

Evolution-Inspired Learning Algorithm:

A simple yet effective learning algorithm, inspired by evolution, drives the adaptation of connections in neural networks. The algorithm adjusts weights based on their impact on the network’s performance.

Revival and Advancements in Backpropagation:

Initially greeted with skepticism, backpropagation underwent a renaissance due to breakthroughs in Canada and the United States. Key developments demonstrated its effectiveness with sufficient data and computing power. This resurgence first materialized in speech recognition, with the University of Toronto playing a significant role. Google’s adoption of backpropagation in its Android platform solidified its standing in speech recognition technology.

Historical Challenges and Revival of Backpropagation:

Despite its initial promise, backpropagation faced challenges in the 1990s due to limited data sets and the lack of theoretical guarantees. With the advent of large data sets and advancements in computing power, backpropagation has regained prominence as a powerful learning algorithm for neural networks.

Technological Advancements:

Technical developments in Toronto, Montreal, and New York revitalized backpropagation’s success. With sufficient labeled data and computational power, backpropagation began to exhibit remarkable results.

Practical Applications:

Backpropagation made a significant impact in speech recognition, despite initial skepticism. A research team at the University of Toronto applied backpropagation to speech recognition, outperforming traditional methods.

Backpropagation for Efficient Weight Adjustment:

Backpropagation is a calculus-based approach that efficiently calculates the impact of weight changes on the network’s output. By employing backpropagation, the learning algorithm can modify all weights simultaneously, significantly improving efficiency compared to sequential weight tinkering.

Image Recognition and Neural Networks:

The remarkable achievements of Hinton’s graduate students in the 2012 ImageNet competition, halving the error rate in object recognition, marked a pivotal moment for neural networks in image recognition. By 2015, these systems achieved human-level performance. Hinton’s emphasis on the value of incorrect answers sheds light on the networks’ reasoning and limitations, highlighting their transformative impact in computer vision.

Neural Networks and Image Recognition:

Neural networks excel at complex tasks like image recognition, which involve translating pixel data into meaningful descriptions, a feat elusive for traditional AI approaches for decades.

Introduction of New Techniques:

Researchers experimented with neural networks for image recognition, eliminating the need for manual feature extraction and language understanding.

ImageNet Competition Breakthrough:

In 2012, Hinton’s graduate students, Ilya Sutskever and Alex Krzyzewski, entered the ImageNet competition and achieved groundbreaking results. Their neural network system significantly outperformed conventional computer vision systems, reducing the error rate by nearly half.

Rapid Progress and Human-Level Performance:

The success in image recognition drew attention, leading to an influx of researchers and developers. By 2015, researchers achieved human-level performance on the ImageNet dataset, with an error rate of 5%. Current systems have further improved, reaching error rates below 3%.

Challenges in Image Recognition:

Neural networks for image recognition encounter challenges in handling complex and cluttered images. Accurate classification can be challenging when objects are partially obscured or appear in non-canonical viewpoints. The systems rely on large labeled datasets for training, which can be expensive and time-consuming to acquire.

Recurrent Neural Networks and Machine Translation:

RNNs, skilled at handling sequential data, represent a notable advancement over traditional feed-forward networks. Encoder-decoder networks, a subtype of RNNs, revolutionized machine translation by encoding input sentences into thought vectors and decoding them into target language translations. Google Translate’s success, reliant solely on neural networks and backpropagation, exemplifies this revolution in language processing.


Feed-forward networks are powerful for tasks such as phoneme recognition in speech and object recognition in images. However, for dealing with sequences like sentences or videos, recurrent networks are necessary.

Simplified Recurrent Networks:

Recurrent networks have input neurons representing data at a particular time (e.g., a word in a sentence or an image frame). Hidden neurons connect to themselves, allowing them to accumulate information over time. They can be trained using backpropagation, similar to feed-forward networks.

Machine Translation using Recurrent Networks:

Encoder-decoder networks are used for machine translation. The encoder network converts an input sentence into a thought vector, which represents the meaning of the sentence. The decoder network takes the thought vector and generates a translation in the target language.

Understanding Thoughts:

Thoughts are represented as activity patterns in a large group of neurons. Thoughts are not symbolic or rule-based, but they can be communicated through language.

Translating Thoughts:

The decoder network generates a translation from a thought vector by predicting the most likely words in the target language. The network can be trained by providing feedback on the correctness of its predictions.

Decoding the Thought Vector:

One way to decode the thought vector is to generate a translation by sequentially predicting words and providing feedback to the network. This process continues until the network generates a full translation, marked by a full stop.

Neural Networks in Visual Perception and Natural Language Generation:

Extending beyond textual data, neural networks demonstrate proficiency in generating language from visual inputs. By decoding the final hidden layer of an ImageNet-trained network, these systems can articulate natural language descriptions of images, showcasing their potential in comprehending and expressing visual information.

Implications and Challenges in Diverse Fields:

Neural networks raise questions regarding the brain’s computational efficiency and potential alternative algorithms. Their applications in medical imaging and diagnostics are rapidly advancing, rivaling and potentially exceeding human experts. Remarkable examples like George Dahl’s victory in predicting molecule binding properties underscore neural networks’ transformative potential in fields like healthcare, natural language processing, and computer vision.

Neural Networks and Machine Translation:

Google Translate’s remarkable success in machine translation is attributed to neural networks trained with backpropagation. The system breaks down languages into fragments, including words, letters, and morphemes, and learns the probability of producing words based on context. Attention mechanisms allow the network to focus on relevant parts of the input sentence while generating the translation.

Neural Networks and Image Captioning:

Neural networks can be used to generate sentences describing images. The network is trained on ImageNet, a large image database, to extract percepts, which represent objects and their relationships in an image. The percepts are then decoded into sentences using a language model.

Neural Networks and Natural Reasoning:

Neural networks can potentially model natural reasoning by converting sentences into thoughts and representing the structure of those thoughts.

Neural Networks in Medical Imaging:

Neural networks are rapidly approaching and even surpassing the performance of radiologists in medical image analysis. They can be trained on labeled medical images to identify and classify diseases, such as skin cancer, with high accuracy.

Neural Networks and Drug Discovery:

Neural networks can predict whether a molecule will bind to a target without synthesizing it, a valuable tool for drug discovery. A neural network developed by George Dahl achieved remarkable results in a drug discovery competition, outperforming other methods.

Neural networks, fueled by backpropagation, have revolutionized the landscape of modern computing. Their ability to learn from data, adapt to various applications, and challenge traditional computational methods highlights their indispensable role in shaping the future of technology. Despite challenges, their continued advancement promises further breakthroughs in understanding and leveraging the power of data.

Notes by: crash_function