Rodney Brooks ( Co-founder) – AI and Robotics (Jul 2019)


00:00:09 The History, Present, and Future of Robotics, AI, and Automation
00:09:45 The Early Days of Mobile Robotics
00:15:29 Early Days of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
00:18:13 The Rise of Software LISP and the Founding of Lucid
00:21:45 Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Robotics: From Lisp to iRobot
00:26:57 Robotics in Manufacturing: Addressing Labor Shortages
00:30:07 Innovative Safe Robotics for Intermingling with Humans
00:35:05 Legacy Infrastructure in Industrial Automation
00:38:05 Robotic Assistance for Aging Population: Challenges and Opportunities
00:43:51 Self-Driving Cars: Challenges and Legal Complexities
00:46:20 Navigating Legal, Social, and Ethical Challenges in Autonomous Driving
00:49:16 Self-Driving Cars and the Trolley Problem
00:52:04 AI and Robotics: A Long-Term Perspective
00:55:46 Journey of Deep Learning: Breakthroughs, Expectations, and Future Predictions
01:00:38 Power, Competence, and Limits of Artificial Intelligence
01:03:39 Common Misconceptions About AI
01:07:35 AI Alignment and Super AI Risks: Arguments and Counterarguments
01:11:04 Exploring the Complex Landscape of AI Risks and Societal Evolution
01:17:46 Punctuated Equilibrium in Technology Development


Rodney Brooks: A Revolutionary in Robotics and AI

A Comprehensive Look at the Evolution of Robotics and AI

In a recent in-depth discussion with Rodney Brooks, a pioneer in robotics and artificial intelligence (AI), critical insights emerged about the trajectory and future of these fields. Brooks, known for his pivotal role in shaping the history of robotics and AI, shared his perspectives on key areas such as self-driving cars, the impact of automation on employment, the overhyped fears of super AI, and the evolution of robotics from its nascent stages to its current prominence. His unique viewpoint, rooted in decades of experience, provides a nuanced understanding of the challenges and opportunities in robotics and AI, as well as predictions for future advancements in these areas.

Early Days and Transformative Moments:

Rodney Brooks grew up in Adelaide, Australia, where access to technology news was limited. From a young age, he developed an obsession with robotics and computing, building simple electrical circuits, robots, and computers in his garden shed. At Flinders University, he received a classical Eastern European mathematics education and had exceptional access to the university’s mainframe computer. This allowed him to gain extensive experience in computer science.

Brooks’ journey in robotics and AI began with a childhood fascination for robotics, leading him to pioneer work in these fields. He witnessed the evolution from the early days when only a handful of mobile robots and AI researchers existed. Brooks’ involvement in developing Lisp, a key programming language in AI, and his subsequent work at Lucid and Amazon highlight his significant contributions to the field.

Self-Driving Cars: Realities and Challenges:

Brooks offers a realistic perspective on self-driving cars, countering overly optimistic forecasts. He emphasizes the complex challenges in developing fully autonomous vehicles, including legal, ethical, and technical hurdles. His predictions for a gradual introduction of self-driving cars with limited capabilities by 2022 contrast sharply with the industry’s more ambitious expectations.

Common Misconceptions About the Development of Self-Driving Cars

* Overestimation of Development Rate: Many people mistakenly believe that self-driving cars are a recent development, leading them to overestimate their short-term capabilities and availability.

* Ideal Conditions vs. Real-World Complexity: Self-driving cars are being tested and developed in ideal conditions, but real-world driving situations present unpredictable challenges, including navigating complex intersections and responding to emergencies.

* Ethical Dilemmas: Self-driving cars raise ethical questions, such as who is liable in an accident and whether they should be allowed to break the law in certain situations.

* Legal and Liability Concerns: As self-driving cars become more common, there are legal and liability issues to consider, such as determining responsibility in the event of an accident.

* Social Interaction and Pedestrian Safety: Self-driving cars lack the social interaction and nonverbal cues that human drivers have with other drivers and pedestrians, potentially leading to safety concerns in crowded environments.

* Edge Cases and Complex Situations: Self-driving cars must be able to handle a wide range of edge cases and complex situations, such as distinguishing between pedestrians about to cross the road and those standing on the sidewalk.

Impact of Automation on Employment:

Contrary to popular belief, Brooks argues that automation will not lead to a job crisis but rather to a labor shortage for necessary tasks. He highlights the need for robots in various sectors to address this impending shortage, particularly in manufacturing and eldercare.

The Overestimated Fears of Super AI:

Brooks downplays the widely publicized risks of super AI, citing his extensive experience and understanding of the field. He suggests that concerns about AI’s existential threat are exaggerated and detract from more immediate and tangible issues in technology.

Rodney Brooks’ Exponentialism:

Rodney Brooks’ concept of exponentialism is explored, focusing on the tendency to assume that steady improvements in certain areas will continue exponentially, which is often not the case. Periods of rapid development are often followed by long periods of relative equilibrium.

Neural Networks and Backpropagation:

Rodney Brooks highlights the seemingly sudden emergence of neural networks and backpropagation as an example of how a long-term development can appear sudden to outsiders.

Rodney Brooks’ Patreon Content:

Additional insights into Rodney Brooks’ thinking can be found in his Patreon content. The bonus content for patrons includes discussions on Brooks’ blog posts and a wider range of topics.

Lucid, Lisp, and the Evolution of Robotics:

Brooks’ journey into robotics and AI began with his involvement in the development of Lisp, a key programming language in the field. In 1983, while a professor at Stanford, he created a software Lisp system for Sun workstations. Recognizing the potential of software Lisp over hardware Lisp, Brooks and others established Lucid, a company that developed a software version of Lisp.

The rise of Sun Microsystems, founded by Brooks’ friend Andy Bechtolsheim, played a crucial role in the success of Lucid. Sun workstations, more powerful than personal computers, could perform various tasks, unlike specialized LISP machines. Lucid offered a software Lisp package compatible with various computers, including Sun workstations, making Lisp accessible to a wider audience.

Brooks remained involved in Lucid’s development despite joining MIT as a faculty member, sending code updates via 40-megabyte cartridge tapes delivered by Federal Express.

Robotics in Manufacturing:

Brooks’ contribution to robotics extends to manufacturing, where he developed robots capable of safe human interaction. His work with Baxter & Sawyer robots, which can perform tasks alongside humans without safety cages, marks a significant advancement in industrial robotics.

Human-Robot Interaction and Robot Safety in Manufacturing:

* Baxter & Sawyer Robots: Rodney Brooks’ Baxter & Sawyer robots were designed to address the challenges of human-robot interaction in manufacturing. They use series elastic actuators, allowing them to sense and respond to external forces and operate safely near humans without cages.

* Force Perception and Proprioception: Baxter & Sawyer utilize force perception and proprioception to replicate human movements and tasks, making them adaptable to changing environments.

* Easy Training and Safety Features: These robots are designed for easy training by humans, with intuitive teaching methods and safety features like face displays and collision detection.

* Uncaged Robots and Collaboration: The introduction of uncaged robots like Baxter & Sawyer marked a significant shift in the robotics industry, paving the way for increased human-robot collaboration.

Legacy Automation Technology and Robot Deployment:

Brooks discusses the challenges of integrating modern robotics with legacy industrial automation systems like PLCs. He describes how Rethink Robotics, his company, simplified robot deployment by reducing dependence on outdated technologies.

The Evolution of Robot Safety and the Role of PLCs in Industrial Automation:

* Safety Concerns and Successful Demonstrations: Safety concerns initially limited the use of uncaged robots, but successful demonstrations led to wider acceptance.

* Role of PLCs: Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) are widely used in industrial automation, employing abstractions to control processes. Rethink Robotics aimed to reduce the friction of robot deployment by using behavior trees to replace traditional automation engineers and PLCs.

Rodney Brooks’ Journey from Lisp to Robotics:

Brooks’ involvement with Lisp spanned from its inception to its eventual demise. At Lucid, he contributed his “hacky” compiler as the initial foundation. While at MIT, he focused on building custom mobile robots and teaching Lisp. Eventually, he became the director of the AI lab, overseeing significant developments in robotics and artificial intelligence.

In 1990, Brooks co-founded iRobot with Colin Angle and Helen Grainer. The company initially lacked a business model but bootstrapped its operations by selling robots before they were built. iRobot faced numerous failed business models before achieving success with the Roomba vacuum cleaner and military robots.

One of iRobot’s early ventures was My Real Baby, a robotic doll in partnership with Hasbro. Brooks emphasized the importance of low-cost manufacturing, reducing the number of motors in the doll’s face without compromising its appearance.

In 2002, iRobot gained significant publicity by sending a robot into the Great Pyramid, revealing an empty cavern. The same year, the Roomba vacuum cleaner was released, becoming a household name and a commercial success. iRobot also deployed military robots, known as PacBots, to Afghanistan for reconnaissance purposes, which eventually saw widespread use.

AI and Exponentialism:

Brooks critiques the common misperception of AI’s progress, pointing out the tendency to overestimate its short-term capabilities while underestimating its long-term potential. He draws on historical examples to illustrate this point, emphasizing that AI development is more nuanced than often perceived.

Deep Learning and Its Impact:

* Background of Deep Learning: Deep learning is rooted in neural nets, initially proposed in 1943 by McCulloch and Pitts and further explored in the 1960s.

* Backpropagation Algorithm: The breakthrough backpropagation algorithm enabled updating weights in neural nets based on example results. It was initially overestimated and later overshadowed by other machine learning algorithms.

* Rise of Deep Learning: Around 2012, deep learning gained significant attention and success, led by researchers like Yann LeCun and Geoff Hinton. It outperformed expectations and became dominant in computer vision, natural language processing, and speech recognition.

* Unpredictability of Scientific Progress: The rapid progress of deep learning was unexpected and cannot be assumed for other areas of research.

* Predictions for the Future of Deep Learning: Rodney Brooks predicts that the hype surrounding deep learning will eventually fade, leading investors to realize the need for more than just adding deep learning to existing technologies to achieve profits. He anticipates the emergence of the next big thing in AI beyond deep learning between 2023 and 2027.

Rodney Brooks’ Insights on the Future of Robotics and Elder Care:

Brooks expresses concerns about the lack of assistance for elder care in the near to intermediate future, emphasizing independence and dignity. He highlights the potential of driver assist features for elderly individuals and the need for devices aiding mobility and independence. Brooks acknowledges research in elder care robotics in Japan and predicts increased investment in this field in the coming years.

Rodney Brooks’ Perspective on Super AI and Alignment Problems:

* Super AI Risks: Rodney Brooks argues that the risks of super AI are overblown and that we should focus on more immediate issues. He compares the concerns about super AI to the fears people had about hot air balloons in the 18th century.

* Regulation of AI: Brooks questions the effectiveness of regulating AI without a clear understanding of the risks. He argues that regulations should be specific and targeted at changing specific behaviors, rather than being general and ineffective.

* Alignment Problem: The alignment problem refers to the danger of a super AI having goals that are not aligned with human values. Brooks argues that the alignment problem is not unique to AI but exists in many other technologies and platforms. He suggests that the alignment problem is a more immediate concern than the risks of super AI.

* Timing of Super AI Development: Some experts believe that an intelligence explosion, leading to the development of super AI, could occur within the next 50 to 200 years. Brooks acknowledges that arbitrarily amazing things could be possible in this timeframe but argues that we should wait for more concrete signs before worrying about super AI.

Rodney Brooks’ Perspective and Factory Worker Shortages:

* Rodney Brooks’ Perspective: Rodney Brooks’ deep understanding of technology and robotics provides comfort in his lack of concern about super-AI risks. However, the vehement disagreement among brilliant minds on this issue warrants caution and further consideration.

* Factory Worker Shortages and Robots: Rodney Brooks reported factory worker shortages in China as early as the 1990s. China’s aging population will further strain its economy, requiring help from automation. Rodney’s robots are designed to enhance human productivity rather than replace them, creating a symbiotic relationship.

ATM Machines and Bank Tellers:

* ATM Machines and Bank Tellers: The rise of ATM machines initially threatened bank teller jobs, but tellers shifted to higher-value tasks and became more valuable. A similar trend could occur with factory workers collaborating with robots, increasing their value and job opportunities.

Notes by: Hephaestus