Geoffrey Hinton (University of Toronto Professor) – Andrew Ng Geoffrey Hinton Interview (Mar 2023)


00:00:16 How Geoffrey Hinton Pioneered Deep Learning
00:10:25 Major Advancements in Deep Learning: A Historical Perspective
00:17:36 Fast Weights for Recursion in Deep Learning
00:21:17 Neural Capsules: A New Way to Represent Features in Neural Networks
00:31:39 Expert Advice for Breaking into AI and Deep Learning
00:34:30 Opinions of Geoffrey Hinton on Deep Learning and AI Education
00:38:02 Deep Learning Evolution: From Symbolic AI to Neural Activity Vectors


Geoffrey Hinton: Pioneering the Future of Neural Networks

This article explores the remarkable journey and contributions of Geoffrey Hinton, a luminary in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning. Hinton’s exploration into AI and neural networks, from his initial intrigue by holograms and brain functions to his groundbreaking work in backpropagation, capsules, and deep belief networks, has significantly shaped modern AI. We will examine his most cherished inventions, the crucial role of computing power in AI’s evolution, and his advice for aspiring AI professionals, highlighting his pivotal role in the paradigm shift from symbolic AI to neural representation.

Geoffrey Hinton’s Journey into AI and Neural Networks:

Geoffrey Hinton’s transition from studying physiology and physics to psychology marked the beginning of his quest to understand brain functions and led him to the field of AI and the potential of neural networks. His move to the University of California, San Diego, provided a conducive environment for his pioneering work in neural networks, in contrast to the skepticism he initially faced in Britain. Hinton’s early interest in AI was sparked by a high school classmate who introduced him to holograms and the concept of distributed memory in the brain. Despite facing resistance to his interest in neural nets, he persisted in his studies in neural networks under Longet Higgins at Edinburgh.

The Genesis of Backpropagation:

In the early 1980s, Geoffrey Hinton, David Rumelhart, and Ron Williams developed the backpropagation algorithm, a milestone that revolutionized the training of neural networks. This algorithm was crucial for learning complex representations and gained significant recognition after Hinton’s political efforts secured its publication in Nature. The initial rejection of their seminal paper, which demonstrated backpropagation’s ability to learn word representations and extract semantic features, was eventually overcome, and it was published in Nature in 1986.

Unifying Psychological and AI Perspectives on Knowledge:

Hinton’s work on backpropagation bridged the gap between psychological and AI perspectives on knowledge representation. He showed how neural networks could generalize new information from structured representations, laying the foundation for deep learning’s success in natural language processing. His algorithm converted graphical or tree-structured representations into feature vectors and vice versa. This work provided early insights into word embeddings by training on triples of words, revealing features like nationality, generation, and family branch, thus unifying the psychologist’s view of concepts as bundles of features and the AI view of concepts as structural relationships.

The Role of Computing Power in Deep Learning’s Evolution:

Hinton underscores the significant impact of increased computational power, particularly GPUs, on the advancement of deep learning. The boost in computing speed from the 1980s to the 1990s was critical for training on real-world datasets, marking a pivotal moment in AI’s progress. The computational revolution during these decades, transitioning from Lisp machines to megaflops, made the practical use of neural networks feasible and allowed Hinton to demonstrate the effectiveness of deep learning.

Hinton’s Most Cherished Invention: Baltimore Machines and Restricted Boltzmann Machines:

Among Hinton’s numerous contributions, he holds special regard for his work on Baltimore machines and restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs). These inventions, introducing efficient learning algorithms, found practical success in various applications, including the Netflix competition. Hinton views his work on Boltzmann machines, particularly the simple learning algorithm for densely connected nets, as his most elegant invention. He simplified this algorithm to create restricted Boltzmann machines, which played a significant role in the Netflix competition.

Deep Belief Nets and Efficient Inference:

Hinton’s development of deep belief nets (DBNs), which feature multiple layers of RBMs, represented a significant breakthrough in probabilistic inference in deep neural networks, addressing a major challenge in AI at the time. His work on RBMs and deep restricted Boltzmann machines (DRBMs) contributed greatly to the resurgence of neural networks and deep learning. RBMs are neural networks with a single layer of hidden features that can be trained efficiently, while DRBMs involve stacking multiple RBM layers to use the features learned from one layer as input for the next.

Variational Methods and Approximate EM:

Hinton’s advancements in variational methods, particularly in improving the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm, broadened its practical applications. This was a notable enhancement to a widely used statistical learning algorithm. His work on variational methods and variational Bayes led to significant improvements in the EM algorithm. The approximate E-step in the EM algorithm was shown to be sufficient for effective learning. Hinton and Van Kamp’s 1993 paper introduced variational Bayes, a method for approximating the true posterior distribution with a Gaussian distribution, thereby making Bayesian learning more tractable.

ReLU Activations and Their Equivalence to Logistic Units:

Exploring ReLU activations, Hinton and his team established their near equivalence to logistic units, providing a theoretical basis for their widespread use in deep learning models. This mathematical equivalence demonstrated that learning algorithms designed for logistic units could be adapted for ReLUs, contributing to their widespread adoption in neural networks.

Identity Matrix Initialization for Efficient Training:

Hinton’s proposal to use the identity matrix for initializing weights in deep neural networks marked a significant advancement in training networks with numerous hidden layers. This approach influenced the development of residual networks, which have become widely used in computer vision and natural language processing.

Backpropagation and the Brain:

Hinton hypothesized that the brain might use a mechanism similar to backpropagation for learning, proposing the recirculation algorithm as a potential brain-based implementation. He suggests that the brain may utilize a backpropagation-like mechanism, with subtle differences in implementation. Hinton’s recirculation algorithm, developed with Jay McClelland in 1987, proposed a method for information recirculation in neural networks.

Autoencoders without Backpropagation:

Hinton’s work on training autoencoders without backpropagation and the application of spike-time-dependent plasticity provided fresh perspectives on neural network training. He introduced a learning rule for training autoencoders without backpropagation, adjusting synaptic weights based on the presynaptic input and the rate of change in the postsynaptic input. This rule aimed to eliminate variation in neural activity. Additionally, Hinton mentioned spike-time-dependent plasticity, where learning depends on the timing of spikes, noting that this algorithm is essentially similar to his proposed learning rule but with the roles of new and old inputs reversed.

Backpropagation from Autoencoders:

Hinton explored using stacked restricted Boltzmann machines to provide derivatives in backpropagation, potentially mirroring brain functions. He discovered that a stack of trained restricted Boltzmann machines could be used to implement backpropagation by reconstructing the input and using the reconstruction error to calculate the derivative of the discriminative performance. Yoshio Bengio later expanded on this concept.

Fast Weights for Multiple Time Scales:

In collaboration with Jimmy Barr, Hinton’s research on fast weights introduced a novel approach to short-term memory and recursion in neural networks. Hinton’s early work on “fast weights,” which adapt rapidly but decay quickly, demonstrated the feasibility of true recursion and short-term memory in neural networks. In 1973, he showed that true recursion is possible with fast weights, and he and Jimmy Barr published a paper in 2015 or 2016 demonstrating the use of fast weights for recursion.

Geoffrey Hinton’s Vision for Neural Networks: Capsules and Routing by Agreement:

Hinton introduced capsules as a novel method for feature representation, enhancing neural networks’ capability to capture complex relationships. The concept of “routing by agreement” was proposed to bind related capsules, improving tasks like object recognition and segmentation. In addition to his groundbreaking contributions to backpropagation and neural networks, Hinton has made significant advancements in the field of capsule networks, proposing a new way to represent features and bind them together for complex tasks.

Hinton’s Intellectual Journey and Advice for Aspiring Deep Learning Researchers:

Reflecting on his intellectual journey, Hinton emphasized the significance of backpropagation and unsupervised learning. He advised aspiring researchers to trust their intuitions, embrace non-conformity, and explore areas like unsupervised learning and capsule networks. He has been a vocal advocate for unsupervised learning, considering it key to overcoming deep learning challenges. He encourages researchers to embrace new and unconventional approaches to deep learning.

PhD Programs vs. Corporate Research:

Hinton observed the current shortage of academics in deep learning, stressing the slow recognition of the computing revolution by universities and the growing role of corporations like Google in deep learning education. He has expressed concerns about the slow adaptation of universities to these changes and the increasing involvement of corporations in training deep learning professionals.

Hinton’s Role in Deep Learning Education and AI’s Paradigm Shift:

His 2012 Coursera MOOC was pivotal in popularizing deep learning, contributing significantly to the field’s growth. Hinton believes AI has undergone a paradigm shift, moving from programming to showing computers. He has challenged the traditional view of

symbolic AI, advocating for a neural representation perspective. Hinton argues for understanding thoughts as large vectors of neural activity with causal powers, influencing the current direction in AI.

Neural Activity, not Symbolic Expressions

AI pioneers like von Neumann and Turing initially drew inspiration from the brain’s neural structure for intelligence, but symbolic AI overshadowed their ideas. Today, AI understanding leans towards representing thoughts as vast vectors of neural activity, contrasting with the symbolic AI belief that thoughts are best represented as cleaned-up logic or expressions, enabling non-monotonic reasoning. The neural activity representation challenges this view, suggesting thoughts aren’t like strings of words or symbols and compares the misconception of spatial understanding needing to be in pixels because pixels are the input and output. Neural vectors have causal powers, meaning they cause other neural vectors to emerge, deviating from the standard AI view that thoughts are symbolic expressions. AI is progressively embracing this new perspective on neural activity as representation, with Geoffrey Hinton’s insights and ongoing efforts continuing to drive the evolution of deep learning and shape the future of AI.

Generative Adversarial Nets (GANs) and Unsupervised Learning

Hinton recognizes GANs as a major breakthrough in deep learning for their ability to produce realistic and diverse samples. He emphasizes GANs’ potential for advancing unsupervised learning and improving neural networks’ statistical efficiency. Acknowledging the recent successes of supervised learning, Hinton believes unsupervised learning remains a critical challenge and opportunity. He encourages researchers to explore promising techniques like variational autoencoders and GANs for unsupervised learning.

Learning Slow Features and Sparsity

Hinton clarifies that the goal should be to learn features that change in predictable ways, rather than static features. He emphasizes the importance of finding transformations that linearize the underlying variables and allow for efficient operations.

Advice for Breaking into Deep Learning

Hinton advises aspiring researchers to cultivate a contrarian mindset, read critically, and trust their intuitions. He stresses the value of perseverance and encourages individuals to pursue their ideas even in the face of initial criticism. He encourages aspiring researchers to trust their intuition and take calculated risks, highlighting the value of replicating published papers to gain insights into the research process. Hinton emphasizes the importance of programming skills for AI researchers, believing students should persist in debugging and understanding code to become effective researchers. He advises researchers to develop strong intuitions by reading extensively and encourages individuals to trust their intuitions and pursue their ideas, even if they face initial skepticism.

Radford and Hinton’s Variational Methods

Hinton shares his experience of facing skepticism for his variational methods with Radford. He highlights that initial criticism can be a sign of a truly innovative idea.

Research Topics for New Graduate Students

Hinton suggests capsule networks and unsupervised learning as promising research areas for new graduate students. He emphasizes the importance of choosing an advisor who shares research interests for valuable guidance and support.

The Future of AI Education

Hinton discusses the shortage of academics in deep learning and the role of corporations like Google in training individuals. He highlights the need for universities to adapt to the growing demand for deep learning education. Hinton believes the shift from programming computers to showing them is a paradigm shift comparable to the second industrial revolution. He emphasizes the need for computer science departments to understand and adjust to this shift.

In conclusion, Geoffrey Hinton’s contributions to deep learning, his vision for neural networks, and his insights on training and education have shaped the field of AI. His advice to aspiring researchers and his emphasis on unsupervised learning and capsule networks offer valuable guidance for the next generation of AI professionals.

Notes by: QuantumQuest