Jennifer Doudna (UC Berkeley Professor) – Davos 2015 – Rewriting Human Genes (Feb 2015)


00:00:00 Rewriting Human Genes: An Introduction to Genetic Engineering
00:02:19 Deciphering Gene Expression: DNA, RNA, and Proteins
00:08:35 Molecular Insights into RNA, Microbiome, and Nucleic Acid Dynamics
00:11:07 CRISPR: A Molecular Scalpel for Precise Genome Editing
00:20:00 CRISPR Genome Editing: A Powerful Tool for Genetic Research and Therapy
00:24:05 Genetics: Knowledge Gaps and New Frontiers
00:26:39 Opportunities and Challenges of CRISPR Technology in Genetics
00:33:05 Ethical Implications of Modifying the Germline
00:35:53 The Promise of CRISPR-Cas9: Unlocking New Frontiers in Genetic Medicine
00:43:19 Basic Research: Driving Innovation and Economic Impact


Revolutionizing Genetics: CRISPR’s Promising Horizon and Ethical Quandaries


In the forum, participants were requested to limit cell phone usage to minimize disruptions, while being encouraged to use their phones for tweeting questions with the hashtag globalhealth.

Speaker Introductions:

The discussion was led by Jennifer Doudna from the University of California, Berkeley, and Craig Mello, a Nobel laureate. Doudna has gained recognition for her contributions to CRISPR technology, and Mello is celebrated for his work in RNA interference (RNAi), a significant breakthrough in gene regulation, discovered in 1998.

Introduction to Genetics:

Craig Mello proposed a fundamental overview of biology to lay the groundwork for understanding gene rewriting.

Gene Expression and Genetic Code Fundamentals:

Gene expression is the process where a simple four-letter nucleotide alphabet (G, C, A, and T) forms three-letter ‘words’ that specify different amino acids, the building blocks for proteins. There are 20 types of amino acids, and DNA, composed of billions of nucleotides, acts as the template for protein synthesis.

DNA Structure and Replication:

DNA has a double helical structure where G pairs with C, and A pairs with T during replication, ensuring accurate genetic information transfer.

RNA and Protein Synthesis:

During gene expression, genes are transcribed into RNA, which is then processed into messenger RNA (mRNA). Ribosomes read the mRNA sequence in groups of three nucleotides, each specifying a different amino acid, to assemble proteins.


Proteins are linear chains of amino acids with diverse chemical properties, performing various cellular functions including structural support, enzymatic reactions, and communication.

Terminology Clarification:

The process of copying DNA into RNA for protein synthesis is transcription. Expression refers to the construction or activation of a protein based on genetic instructions. Proteins are molecules made of amino acids that execute numerous functions within cells.

RNA’s Significance:

RNA, once overshadowed by DNA and proteins, has now gained recognition for its pivotal role in cellular functions and human health, including genetic regulation and immune responses.

RNA’s Role as an Intermediary:

RNA serves as a crucial intermediary between DNA and proteins, and manipulating RNA can influence protein production and affect cellular processes.

Microbiome’s Importance:

Humans and other organisms are ecosystems of diverse microorganisms, with the microbiome playing a critical role in survival and health.

Information Exchange:

DNA and RNA sequences are exchanged in the environment through bacteria and viruses, impacting health by providing infection resistance or causing diseases.

Cellular Defense Mechanisms:

Cells have defense mechanisms against foreign nucleic acids, such as viral infections, including proteins that use RNA queries to identify and neutralize invasive nucleic acids.

CRISPR and Human Genetics:

CRISPR technology facilitates the study of human genetic disorders in model organisms, enhancing the effectiveness and precision of research.

Reverse Flow of Information:

With CRISPR, genetic information from humans can now be modeled in organisms, a reversal from traditional research approaches, leading to a more targeted understanding of human biology.

CRISPR-Cas9: A Leap in Genome Engineering

CRISPR-Cas9, derived from bacterial immune systems, allows for precise DNA alterations. This tool, adapted from bacteria’s natural defense against viruses, offers more accuracy and ease of use compared to traditional gene-editing methods. Its applications extend from treating genetic diseases to improving agriculture and renewable energy development.

Gene Therapy and CRISPR:

CRISPR overcomes previous gene therapy challenges by precisely targeting and correcting specific genetic mutations.

The Duality of CRISPR: Promising Applications and Ethical Dilemmas

CRISPR-Cas9’s potential in genetics is enormous, but its capability for permanent genome modification raises ethical concerns that demand careful consideration.

Bridging Gaps in Healthcare and Beyond

Genome sequencing has both broadened our knowledge and highlighted our limitations, especially in linking genetics to diseases. CRISPR’s role in disease modeling and stem cell therapy represents significant advances in healthcare.

Therapeutic Potential of CRISPR:

CRISPR shows great promise in treating diseases by manipulating cells in the lab and reintroducing repaired stem cells. However, challenges exist in delivering these therapies, particularly for complex disorders.

Importance of Basic Research:

Fundamental, curiosity-driven research, as opposed to applied research, has been crucial in groundbreaking discoveries like CRISPR-Cas9.

CRISPR in Cancer Treatment and Beyond

CRISPR’s versatility is evident in its applications in cancer immunotherapy and genetic disease treatment.

Immune System and Cancer:

A new cancer treatment approach, immunotherapy, modifies a patient’s immune system to target cancer cells, showing promising results like remission in inoperable tumors.

CRISPR and Cancer:

CRISPR’s precision offers potential in engineering the immune system to more effectively combat cancer cells.

The Fundamental Role of Basic Research

Basic research has been the foundation for advancements such as DNA manipulation and fluorescent labeling, leading to technologies like CRISPR-Cas9. Understanding fundamental processes remains crucial for ongoing innovation.

RNA Interference: Economic Impact and Intellectual Property:

RNA interference has led to a multi-billion dollar industry. Its applications in research and medicine are vast, though intellectual property rights remain a topic of debate.

Germline Editing:

CRISPR’s ability to edit the human germline, affecting future generations, poses significant ethical concerns.

Ethical Implications of Germline Modification:

Rapid genetic changes achievable through CRISPR, including in the germline, raise ethical issues. Alterations in sperm or eggs could have unforeseen consequences, and the difficulty in predicting long-term outcomes adds to the challenges.

Drawing the Line:

There is an ongoing debate about the extent of acceptable germline modifications. While correcting mutations that cause genetic diseases is generally supported, modifications for traits like eye color are ethically contentious.

Need for Education and Conversation:

Jennifer Doudna highlights the importance of public education on CRISPR technology and encourages dialogue about its bioethical implications. Initiatives at UC Berkeley and UC San Francisco aim to foster these discussions.

Concluding Thoughts: Balancing Promise with Prudence

CRISPR-Cas9 stands as a revolutionary tool in genetics, medicine, and biotechnology, offering tremendous potential in disease treatment and genetic modification. Its capabilities, however, bring forth ethical questions, particularly in human germline editing and commercial aspects. This technology opens a world of possibilities but must be approached with a balance of enthusiasm and ethical responsibility, ensuring its advancements serve the greater good while respecting ethical boundaries.

Notes by: ZeusZettabyte