Raghuram Rajan (University of Chicago Professor) – On Entreprenuership | Wealth Standard Podcast (Mar 2020)


00:00:11 Economic Development and Creating Opportunities for All
00:06:01 The Three Pillars of a Successful Society
00:11:46 Understanding the Interconnectedness of Economic Opportunity, Community Well-being, and Individual
00:15:12 Technological Change and the Need for Community Repair
00:22:38 Local Community Empowerment for Sustainable Development
00:31:02 Balancing Central Government, Community, and Markets for Problem-Solving
00:34:18 Decentralized Governance and the Future of Communities


Defining Moments and Economic Disparities: The Evolution of Rajan’s Economic Understanding


Raghuram Rajan’s economic philosophy is deeply rooted in his curiosity about the causes of poverty and disparities, stemming from his upbringing in a poor country. His research and policymaking efforts have focused on creating opportunities for everyone to reach their full potential. Rajan believes that the post-war liberal market society was the most successful wealth-creating system in history, with three pillars: individual initiative and entrepreneurship, a shared commitment to progress and equality, and a community that provides opportunities and support for all. His new book focuses on the third pillar, community, as it is essential for creating a level playing field and ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to succeed.


Raghuram Rajan emphasizes the importance of creating environments where individuals can achieve their full potential. His book, “The Third Pillar,” advocates for a balanced approach that includes a liberal market society, a robust social safety net, and an empowering environment. This piece explores Rajan’s comprehensive view, underlining the interconnectedness of liberalism, markets, democracy, the private sector, independent media, community influence, and governmental roles in education and community development.

Technological Revolution and Community Impact:

Technological advancements are transforming the job market, eliminating middle-skill jobs and polarizing the market between low-skill and high-skill positions. This shift leaves many individuals without the necessary skills for well-paying jobs, leading to economic and social challenges.

The Three Pillars: A Foundation for Economic Success

Rajan identifies three fundamental pillars crucial for a thriving wealth-creating system:

1. A Liberal Market Society: Encourages innovation and entrepreneurship, allowing individuals to flourish within a limited government framework that ensures law and order.

2. A Strong Social Safety Net: Protects the vulnerable.

3. An Empowering Environment: Enables individuals to reach their full potential through community, education, and opportunity.

Liberalism, Markets, and Democracy: The Triad of Societal Prosperity

Rajan’s perspective encompasses liberalism for individual flourishing, markets for economic growth, and democracy for fairness and accessibility. He highlights the pivotal role of a thriving private sector and independent media in balancing state power and maintaining a check against authoritarian tendencies.

Community and Environment: Shaping Individual Opportunities

The impact of community and environment is profound, forming the bedrock for individual success through education, values, and identity formation. Rajan underscores the enduring influence of one’s community, citing studies that demonstrate its significant role in shaping lifetime income and opportunities. Community provides early education, values, identity, and ambitions, shaping individuals’ aspirations and opportunities.

Early Childhood Health Support and Education:

Early childhood health support and education are crucial for a child’s success. Children from disadvantaged backgrounds often lack early preparation, affecting their life chances and limiting their opportunities for higher-paying jobs.

Addressing Economic Decline and Technological Disruption

Rajan discusses the detrimental effects of economic decline on social structures and advocates for breaking this cycle through community-centered development. He emphasizes adapting the education system to technological advancements and the need for grassroots initiatives to rebuild and strengthen communities.

Community-Driven Change: The Pilsen Example

Highlighting the transformation of Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood, Rajan illustrates the effectiveness of community-led revitalization. He stresses the importance of addressing root causes and engaging in local planning, underscoring the critical role of community empowerment in driving sustainable change.

Decentralized Governance and the Role of Communities in Progress:

Centralized governments are often overburdened and fractured, leading to the need for a decentralized model that empowers local communities. Local communities can protect the environment and promote commerce, as seen in the Scottish Enlightenment and the founding of the United States. Decentralized government allows communities to adapt to adversity and thrive, as seen in examples like Chicago.

Raghuram Rajan’s experience during the 2008-2009 financial crisis and his work in development led him to conclude that aid flows from outside have low explanatory power in a country’s development. Successful communities often find their own solutions to problems, and the rest of the world can help by trading with them.

The Role of Central Government and Decentralized Governance

While acknowledging the role of government assistance and philanthropy, Rajan points out the limitations of a central approach. He advocates for decentralized governance, emphasizing local knowledge and adaptability for more effective solutions. Rajan acknowledges the central government’s role in education but emphasizes the need for alternative approaches due to the lack of significant progress in educational outcomes despite decades of focus on the issue.

Rediscovering Community Identity and Balancing Governance

Rajan warns against dismissing community identity and stresses the need for a balanced approach that integrates central government, community, and market forces. He calls for learning from successful communities and underscores the limited impact of external aid.


Raghuram Rajan’s insights offer a comprehensive framework for understanding and addressing economic disparities and societal challenges. His advocacy for empowering communities, fostering individual potential, and balancing various societal forces presents a nuanced perspective crucial for creating a just and prosperous society.

Notes by: oganesson