Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani

Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani (Saudi Arabia Former Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources) - Womens Right to Public and Political Office in Islam (Feb 2016)

Ahmed Zaki Yamani explores the varied interpretations of Islamic teachings on women's political competence and argues for reinterpreting gender roles and social attitudes based on biological evidence and Islamic teachings. Yamani also emphasizes the importance of dialogue and information exchange to foster understanding between Muslims and Christians and stresses the concept of oneness in Islam and the singular entities of mankind and human, encompassing both men and women.

Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani (Saudi Arabia Former Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources) - The House of Khadija (Jan 2011)

Rediscovery of Prophet Muhammad's house in Mecca sheds light on Islamic history and architecture, offering insights into his life and practices. Despite religious considerations, preservation efforts aim to balance reverence with historical inquiry, providing a glimpse into early Islam's pivotal era.

Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani (Saudi Arabia Former Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources) - American dependence on Arab Oil in the Years to Come (Nov 1989)

U.S. oil consumption and production greatly impact the global oil market, with future trends influenced by factors like prices, economic growth, and environmental concerns. The U.S. reliance on oil imports, particularly from Arab countries, has geopolitical implications and could lead to potential supply shocks.

Sheikh Zaki Ahmed Yamani (Saudi Arabia Former Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources) - The Harvard Law Forum (1987) (1987)

Islamic law is unique in that it governs all aspects of life and has played a significant role in shaping Islamic civilization. The ongoing Islamic revival is a complex movement with diverse motivations and manifestations, including a rekindled interest in Islamic practices and increased social activism.

Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani (Saudi Arabia Former Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources) - Oil Markets (Sept 1986)

The oil industry experienced significant transformations during Ahmed Zaki Yamani's tenure, with key moments shaping crude oil pricing dynamics, OPEC's role, and the pursuit of long-term market equilibrium. Yamani emphasized the need for stable oil prices, collaboration among producers, and avoiding market disruptions to foster a balanced global energy landscape.

Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani (Saudi Arabia Former Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources) - Landon Lecture Series | 1983 (1983)

Sheikh Yamani emphasized the historical missteps in oil pricing, advocating for a balance that respects supply and demand dynamics. Saudi dissidents protested Saudi government's policies highlighting concerns about oil revenues and state police terrorism.